Martial arts become gods

Chapter 1972 6 times the training speed

Chapter 1972 Six times the speed of practice
"I said, this time you are the ones to find fault first, so don't look at me like that." Mo Xian really couldn't stand being watched by Gao Ming and others, and said helplessly.

"Bullshit, we deserve to be beaten by you, but you don't have to provoke us unscrupulously." Gao Ming said angrily: "But it doesn't matter, you started later than us, and you will be a junior in the future."

"That's right, Junior Brother Mo Xian, there are rules for the house, and you can't change this." Everyone immediately echoed, as if they had discovered a new continent.

Hearing this, Mo Xian shook his head helplessly, as if he still didn't understand how he had offended Gao Ming and the others.

But after such a commotion, the relationship between everyone has become much more harmonious.

"Junior Brother, let's just be Junior Brother. Anyway, you still can't beat me, haha..." Mo Xian laughed loudly, pulling Yin Qiantong as if walking inside under the murderous eyes of everyone.

Because of this melee for no reason, he hasn't had a chance to get familiar with it yet.

Stepping into the mountain gate, Mo Xian suddenly felt much warmer.

This place and the outside world seem to be two worlds, and the aura is so abundant that it almost seeps into the body automatically.

Although the building is not as good as the main peak, it is quite good.

"This place is not bad, but the hidden sect is unusual..." After all, Gao Ming came first, and immediately showed off in front of Mo Xian.

Soon, the group came to a huge ice palace.

The aura in this ice palace is condensed and unfriendly, almost within reach, and there are even various naturally formed spirit creatures swimming in the air.

Mo Xian grabbed it casually, and immediately a bird of spiritual energy was caught in his hand. It was still struggling violently like a real creature, and soon broke free.

"It's surprising, just any practice room is beyond the reach of ordinary sects." Gao Ming said triumphantly.

"I'm surprised, but what are you proud of? It's not your family's business." Mo Xian shrugged and said.

"This..." Gao Ming was at a loss for words, and immediately took out his trump card and said, "Junior brother Mo Xian, I am your senior brother, pay attention to your attitude."

When talking about junior and senior fellow, he could emphasize his tone, obviously to remind Mo Xian.

"Yes, Senior Brother Gao Ming." Mo Xian suddenly said helplessly.

"We all cultivated here before, so our strength will improve by leaps and bounds. There are more than one places to practice here, but in a short time, it is better for us to practice here." Gao Ming continued.

After chatting casually for a while, everyone began to practice on their own.

Gao Ming and the others winked at each other, as if there was some conspiracy.

Mo Xian didn't care either, he pretended he hadn't seen it, Gao Ming and the others couldn't do anything anyway.

After all, Gao Ming and the others were familiar with this place, so they immediately began to practice, while Mo Xian and Yin Qiantong looked around together.

This ice palace is very empty, there is nothing, but the spiritual energy is extremely abundant.

Because the energy concentration far exceeds the warrior's body, the huge spiritual pressure directly puts the spiritual pressure into the warrior's body, even if he does not actively absorb it, it can increase his strength.

Once it is actively absorbed, the speed may not be so fast.

"No wonder they practice so fast. Even a fool in this place will probably improve by leaps and bounds."

Mo Xian muttered to himself for a while, this place is by no means simple, but he couldn't see anything unusual.

At this time, Gao Ming and the others had already entered the state of cultivation, and they could clearly see energy flowing from afar like flowing water into their bodies.

All kinds of spiritual creatures swimming in the air suddenly became abnormal and began to swim fast.

Suddenly, Gao Ming and the others all had a big hand of Yuanli flying out, grabbing a certain spiritual thing in the air.

However, only Gao Ming and the other two succeeded in the end.

They grabbed the spiritual creature back into their bodies, and the energy in their bodies obviously surged a lot upwards.

"Is that so!"

Mo Xian was startled, and then he realized that the seemingly dense aura was just a small head, and the essence of it was the various naturally formed spirits.

"Let's start too!" Mo Xian nodded to Yin Qiantong, then sat down cross-legged.

After he entered here, he obviously noticed that the pace had sped up, so he didn't want to waste any time.

Moreover, he had a vague feeling that the days of peace left to him might not be many.

After closing his eyes, Mo Xian immediately turned to Taiyan Tianji Jue, and immediately a steady stream of spiritual energy poured into his body.

This hearty feeling made him wish he could practice for a lifetime.

But he knew that this was only on the surface, if he could catch a spiritual creature, the effect would definitely be worth practicing here for a long time.

Steady his mind, Mo Xian immediately began to try to capture those spiritual creatures.

The speed of the spirits is extremely fast, and it is difficult to lock them, but under his powerful consciousness, the spirits hidden around him can't hide.

But soon, he discovered that there were no spiritual creatures around him at all.

This seems to be because Gao Ming and others absorbed Yuanli too fast, disturbing the balance here.

"Are you trying to trick me in the dark!" Mo Xian, who had his eyes closed, had a smile on his lips, and then he started to fire with all his might.

"Mo Xian, Mo Xian, we came first after all, let's see what you play with us this time!" Gao Ming and the others were delighted in their hearts, and they waited for Mo Xian to take the initiative to learn from their senior brothers in desperation.

At that time, they will be able to demonstrate the majesty of their senior brother.

But soon they discovered that the speed at which Mo Xian absorbed Yuanli began to become abnormal.

If they were devouring it, Mo Xian was devouring it.

Naturally, they didn't know that in the lightning imprint space in Mo Xian's body, there were already five phantom bodies cultivating at the same time.

They usually don't need to absorb energy from the outside world, but if Mo Xian actively controls it, he can also absorb energy from the outside world.

In this way, it was equivalent to six Mo Xian cultivating here.

One Mo Xian's speed is already terrifying, let alone six, how can Gao Ming and others compare.

Yin Qiantong also looked at Mo Xian in surprise, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The better Mo Xian is, the happier she is.

"Tch, do you think it's useful if you absorb it quickly!" Gao Ming's eyes were closed, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, without changing his expression.

In fact, it takes skill to catch those spiritual creatures. They have been here for so many days, and they are not in vain.

It took a lot of time for each of them to get used to it. Mo Xian is new here, if he doesn't ask them for advice, it is impossible to master it.

And as Mo Xian's senior brother, if Mo Xian really spoke up, they would naturally be willing to teach him.

This is their purpose, to consolidate their senior brother's status.

(End of this chapter)

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