Martial arts become gods

Chapter 199 The key point

Chapter 199 The key point
In this way, each component was forged by Mo Xian.

Fingers, joints, bones, telescopic devices...

These are undoubtedly not just to do, but Mo Xianfang seems to be completely insane, and he can't stop at all, even Chen Cheng doesn't know when he wipes his sweat occasionally.

Of course, there are occasional failures, but it doesn't have much impact, and it only needs to be forged again.

In the end, the only three materials left were placed in front of Mo Xian.

The core is built, followed by the outer contour.

These components are much larger and seem much simpler.

But in order to ensure the toughness, these are all rare materials, and there is only one copy. Once it fails once, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Therefore, Mo Xian would never allow himself to fail.

After nearly half a month of high-intensity forging, his spirit is still in a very excited state.

However, he still decided to take a day off for the first time, and then began the next most difficult step.

"It's been more than half a month, why don't you come out, I'm really anxious!"

"Yeah, it's really worrying."


Just when everyone was worried because the time was too long, the door of the studio creaked open.

Immediately, everyone saw that Mo Xian walked out slowly with the support of Chen Cheng.

After so many days of fighting, once it suddenly stopped, Mo Xian felt a little exhausted.

The piercing glare of the sun obviously made him uncomfortable. He stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and it took him a long time to get used to it.

Seeing Mo Xian coming out, everyone surrounded him excitedly and asked questions in a hurry.

"Brother Mo Xian, how is it?"

"Did you make it?"

"Is there any problem?"


This sudden question made Mo Xian feel a little dizzy, his mind was buzzing, he just wanted to say something, but his eyes went dark and he went soft.

"Mo Xian..." Everyone was startled and hurriedly supported Mo Xian.

"It's all your fault. He has been tired for so many days, and just wanted to take a good rest, so you made trouble!" Chen Cheng gave everyone a complaining look, and then carefully took Mo Xian over.

Amidst the nervous expressions of everyone, Chen Jie quickly grabbed Mo Xian's wrist and examined it carefully.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, I'm just too tired and fell asleep."

"Hey, little brother Mo Xian, it was all my bad idea. The lack of an arm is nothing at all, but it has caused you like this." Although everyone was relieved, Xiao Lie blamed himself.

"It's useless to say these things now, let's hurry up and get Mo Xian to rest!" Chen Jie patted Xiao Lie's shoulder and said.

But before he finished speaking, Chen Cheng had already done so, and moved Mo Xian to his room in a hurry.

"Uh..." Seeing this, Chen Jie suddenly smiled wryly, "It's true that the female college is not allowed to stay."

Hearing this, there was an ambiguous look on everyone's faces.

After settling Mo Xian down, Chen Cheng walked out of his room.

As soon as she opened the door, she noticed that everyone was hurriedly backing away. It was obvious that they were sticking to the door and eavesdropping.

"What are you doing?" Chen Cheng said with a blushing pretty face, stomping her feet.

"Hey, it's nothing, it's just that we are all curious, what's the situation?" One person said with a dry smile.

"So far, it's been very successful, basically everything has been completed!" Chen Cheng's complexion looked better now, and when she spoke, she had a smug look on her face, as if she had completed it.


Hearing this, everyone clenched their fists excitedly.The person involved, Xiao Lie, jumped up from the ground like a child.

"Don't be too happy, the next is the most critical time, in order to maintain energy, he is willing to come out to rest." Chen Cheng said again.


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and seemed a little disappointed.But it's no wonder if you think about it, a mechanical arm is so easy to complete.


Mo Xian originally intended to take a little rest, but maybe he was too tired. He slept for three days without being disturbed by anyone. It was the only time in many years that he slept so soundly.

After Mo Xian woke up, he rushed into the studio directly.He carefully looked at the design drawing from the beginning to the end again, and after confirming that there were no mistakes, he was ready to start the next forging.

The outer layer of the arm is divided into two parts, which are hollow, and the connection is made of a spherical structure, and then fixed together.

In order to ensure flexibility, the connection method is a filament connection.

That is to use a material, beat it repeatedly into a filament, and then connect it together.

There is only one copy of this material too, so it can't fail.

What Mo Xian has to do now is to forge this material called soft iron into wire, because this is relatively the easiest of the remaining three components.

However, this material has a characteristic that it can only be formed once, that is, once it is completely cooled, it cannot be forged again.

Therefore, Mo Xian must forge it into shape in the shortest possible time.

After standing concentrating on the closing of the furnace for a while, Mo Xian suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, there was no emotion in his eyes, just like a person without emotion.Then, he picked up the soft iron and quickly threw it into the furnace.

Unknowingly, he seemed to have entered a very mysterious state.

Soft iron The reason why soft iron is mined is because it is very soft when mined. If the temperature is too high, it will almost immediately turn Huawei into ashes.

But if the temperature is too low, the effect will not be achieved.

Moreover, the temperature also needs to change in real time.

This required Mo Xian to control the flames while also paying close attention to the changes in the soft iron.

After this period of tempering, Mo Xian has become quite proficient at this. He can control the fire as he likes, while the soft iron always maintains a state of inconsistency.

At a certain moment, Mo Xian's palm volleyed in the air, and the soft iron was thrown onto the forging platform.

Almost at the same moment, the flurry of wind splitting hammer was cast by Mo Xian.

Different from ordinary blacksmiths, Mo Xian not only can forge the material to the extreme when he casts the flurry of wind splitting hammer, but the speed will only be faster.

Under the control of the divine sense, the soft iron keeps getting thinner and longer without any deviation.

Thin soft iron has been hammered to the ground, a lot, and it has begun to harden gradually.

Without any hesitation, Mo Xian chopped the usual piece of soft iron into dozens of sections with the knife he had prepared.

The length and thickness of each section are exactly the same without any deviation.

Almost as soon as he was done, the soft iron was fully formed and could no longer be forged.

He picked up one at random and tried to break it off. It was very soft and easy to break off.

Moreover, no matter how he twisted it, such thin soft iron showed no signs of breaking.

"This soft iron really lives up to its reputation!" Mo Xian nodded in satisfaction, and then gathered the filaments aside with Chen Cheng.

(End of this chapter)

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