Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2016 Battle of Wooden Signs

Chapter 2016 Battle of Wooden Signs
As time goes by, more and more people come here.

"Qiu Shanzong!" After seeing a few acquaintances, Mo Xian was slightly taken aback.

Fang Zhong and Fang Tai also noticed Mo Xian's existence, their faces were much gloomy, but they did not act rashly.

Soon, Mo Xian noticed several cold eyes, which were Zhuo Mo who claimed to be trampled under his feet.

Some of them became one-armed, which looked quite weird, of course it was the handwriting of the black-robed girl.

But Mo Xian didn't care much about him. Although he used points to defeat Zhuomo last time, it was only a special case.

If they really match up, Zhuo Mo may not be able to please him.

It's just that so far, Ling Fei from Lingtian Pavilion has not appeared yet.

Thinking about it, Zhuo Mo also knew that he could not solve Mo Xian for the time being, so he did not act rashly.

"call out!"

Not long after, there was another burst of wind from behind.

As if aware of something, Mo Xian turned his head and saw a group of people in black cloaks rushing towards him. The leader should be the girl in black.

"We met again!" Yin Qiantong said with a faint smile, parting her red lips. She remembered very clearly that the girl in black robe called Mo Xian a prostitute back then.

"Uh..." Mo Xian suddenly felt a little headache, and wanted to explain, but he was afraid that the description would become darker.

"Hmph!" The black-robed girl naturally noticed Mo Xian, and her red lips pouted slightly, which was quite attractive, but no one could appreciate it.

Mo Xian simply ignored the black-robed girl, and changed the subject, "Guess, among so many people, who has the wooden sign in hand."

"It's hard to guess with so many people, just wait, when the time is up, it will naturally surface." Qin Chuan said disapprovingly.

After another period of time like this, the surrounding atmosphere is getting more and more heated. It seems that there is a clear awe between all parties, but in fact, there are probably not a few people who have secret connections.

"Someone is here again."

At this time, there was a sudden commotion around.

I saw a group of girls in red skirts coming in style, their walking postures are quite charming, like little wild cats.

On the mainland, the only two major powers that only have women are Shenyue Valley and Jintang Palace.

The women in Shenyue Valley are generally quite intellectual, less enchanting, but more luxurious, making people afraid to approach them easily.

But Jintang Palace is different, the women inside are more and more charming than each other, and they are basically born fairies.

Therefore, everyone could tell at a glance that the group of people who appeared right now were definitely from Jintang Palace.

And behind the girls of the Jintang Palace, there is still a large group of people, from various forces.

This is not surprising, given the appeal of Jintang Palace, even if they don't speak up, there will definitely be countless people who are willing to stand on their shoulders.

But in this way, the overall strength of Jintang Palace has an absolute advantage here.

Compared to this point, Shenyue Valley looks much inferior.

"Hehe, it's so lively!"

A woman headed by Jintanggong lazily stretched her waist, revealing a waist like a water snake, which undoubtedly revealed her fiery figure.

"Gudong!" There was a series of voices of swallowing saliva immediately, and countless fiery eyes instantly gathered on the girls of Jintang Palace.

"Hey, your eyeballs are almost popping out, don't you have any women in the Star Sect?" Seeing that Qin Chuan's eyes were straight, Mo Xian said hastily.

"It's useless to see who doesn't look at it. You are a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is." Qin Chuan then looked back and said.

"I'm afraid you will fall into it, so don't be tricked by others." Mo Xian said helplessly.

"That can't be done. I'll just take a look. I don't dare to have such a woman." Qin Chuan laughed.

"Is there any elder brother who is willing to take my younger sister along? After the matter is completed, I will definitely thank you very much." The captain of Jin Tang Palace winked at the surroundings, causing everyone to look dry for a while.

Even then, many people took the initiative to stand on the side of Jintang Palace, looking forward to a chance to kiss Fangze.

As for the result, it is unknown.

"It seems that everyone has arrived!" At this moment, everyone heard a hoarse voice behind them.

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious-looking man appeared in everyone's eyes, and it was Qi Chen.

At the same time, countless warriors around suddenly appeared, surrounding everyone.

Obviously, the only one with such appeal here is that powerful alliance.

"Boy, what are you? You look so ugly and dare to come out to scare people." Perhaps to show his courage in front of Jintang Palace, a martial artist shouted angrily.

But before his words fell, he suddenly started to foam at the mouth, and then fell down suddenly, his life and death were unknown.

"Anyone else wants to try?" Qi Chen sneered.

The surroundings immediately fell into silence. They didn't see how Qi Chen made a move just now, it was too weird.

Seeing that no one responded, Qi Chen sneered and said, "I heard you clearly, I don't care what your origins are. Anyway, we have taken over this place now."

"Mo Xian, what's the origin of this kid? He's crazy enough, even crazier than your hidden sects. Can you bear it?" Qin Chuan laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense, who wouldn't watch the fun, and do what you want when the time comes." Mo Xian said angrily.

"I'm not talking nonsense, whoever has this kind of wooden card can leave after handing it in." Qi Chen said, and took out a wooden card, which was exactly the same as the one in Shen Jing's hand.

"You really came here for this!" Seeing the wooden sign, Mo Xian and the others suddenly realized.

This wooden sign was obviously a key thing to enter the ancient temple, so naturally no one would take it out.

Qi Chen had expected this would be the case, when even his face turned cold, his figure suddenly moved, and he appeared in front of a martial artist, his withered palm directly grabbed the opponent's neck, and lifted him up.

"The wooden sign is in your hand." Qi Chen exerted a slight force on his palm, and his fingers sank into the flesh.

Almost in an instant, that person's complexion turned into an extremely abnormal purple-black color, which must have been poisoned.

"Let... let me go, the wooden sign... I'll give it to you!" the man said with difficulty, and there was already a dark wooden sign in his hand.

"Hmph..." Qi Chen snorted coldly, and threw the person in his hand out like garbage.

In this regard, everyone kept watching with cold eyes.

Qi Chen is not stupid, what he picked is a soft persimmon, such a person can't keep the wooden sign at all, even if he keeps it temporarily, he may be killed later.

In this way, Qi Chen has two wooden tokens in his hand, plus the one in Shen Jing's hand, there are three in total, and the remaining two must be in the hands of certain or two people here.

Seeing that his intimidation had no effect, a stern look immediately appeared in the depths of Qi Chen's eyes.

Then, his gaze fell on Qin Chuan and the others.

"I knew you would take the initiative to deliver it to your door, can you give me that wooden sign now?" Qi Chen grinned grimly.
(End of this chapter)

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