Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2026 Let's get together and find fault

Chapter 2026 Let's find fault together
"Tsk tsk, isn't this the captain of your Northern Wilderness Palace this time? It's really miserable to be beaten up like this." Fang Zhou couldn't help mocking when he saw Quan Jidao's ugly face.

"Hmph, the road to the gods is extremely dangerous, and it's not surprising that there are accidents. The final result hasn't come out yet, so you don't have to be too happy." Quan Jidao snorted coldly, quickly checked Song Ming's injuries, his expression It is also getting uglier.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that he can only spend the rest of his life in his sleep, what a pity, what a pity." Fang Zhou clicked his tongue and shook his head regretfully, but actually gloated.

Naturally, Quan Jidao could also see that Song Ming used a rather extreme method to temporarily save his life, which was basically abolished.

But as long as there is any opportunity, he will not give up, and no matter how much Fang Zhou ridiculed, he immediately started to save Song Ming's life.

"What's going on, what about the others?" While suppressing Song Ming's injuries, Quan Ji asked another disciple who came out together.

After learning about the specific situation, Quan Jidao was temporarily relieved. If Mo Xian was the captain, things might turn around.

And in the ancient temple in the ancient forest, Mo Xian and others were carefully searching for the Pohuang Spiritual Liquid, but they found nothing.

"Qiantong, why did you let the people from Jintang Palace stay? They eat people and don't spit out bones." After searching for a long time, Mo Xian still asked the doubts in his heart.

"That woman is amazing!" Yin Qiantong's short words immediately dispelled all doubts in Mo Xian's heart.

"So that's it!" Mo Xian nodded, with big fists, that's the last word.

But he glanced at the glamorous captain, but he couldn't see why, but since Yin Qiantong said so, it was reasonable.

The glamorous captain seemed to be aware of Mo Xian's gaze, and stretched lazily towards Mo Xian, revealing his hot figure even more.

Mo Xian looked a little dry for a while, and quickly looked away.

Although he doesn't follow the other party's tricks, as a man, it is inevitable that he will have some kind of daydream.

"Damn, where did you get the Pohuangling liquid? The rumors are all lies."

After searching for a period of time, everyone suddenly became a little frustrated.

Not to mention Pohuang Lingye, there is not even a drop of water here.

In the end, Mo Xian still unwillingly locked his eyes on the statues that had been checked countless times.

Except for the god statue, the guard statues below are all movable, as if they were pulled in from the outside and placed here randomly.

At this time, Mo Xian noticed that Yin Qiantong had been staring at a place on the ground for a long time.

"What did you find?" Mo Xian stepped forward and asked, because it was too old, the ground here was already a little mottled.

"The scratches here are different from other places." Yin Qiantong said.

Mo Xian scratched his head and took a closer look, only to find that the ground was almost worn out, the scratches were very messy, and there was no reason for it at all.

But since Yin Qiantong said it was different, it should be different, but this still doesn't explain anything, maybe it's because someone was fighting that they got here.

Perhaps because of Yin Qiantong's reminder, Shen Jing and Nan Yuexin soon discovered something different.

"What's the matter, let's find fault together." Qin Chuan scratched his head, feeling a little confused.

Because they knew the trick, everyone soon discovered another place with different friction marks, a total of four places.

"These four places used to place some kind of heavy objects frequently, which left such traces." Shen Jing analyzed.

"Could it be the statues of the guards?" Mo Xian paused and continued, "But there are five statues in total, and there are only four places here."

"It's not easy, there must be another place we haven't found." Nan Yuexin gave Mo Xian a white look, and said.

"Uh, look for it quickly!" Mo Xian scratched his head in embarrassment, and immediately began to search carefully.

Some people even wanted to see it more clearly, so they lay down on the ground and looked for it.

Soon, everyone's necks were sore, but they didn't find anything.

"It's strange, how could there be one less!" Everyone frowned slightly. They had almost searched in a carpet style just now, and if there were any traces, they would definitely find it.

At this time, Qin Chuan raised his head and moved his sore neck, then his eyes suddenly stopped, and he pointed at the roof blankly and said, "Do you think it will be there?"

Everyone followed what Qin Chuan pointed out, and found that there was a circular plane in the middle of the roof, and some traces could be seen faintly on it.

"No way, won't it fall down if you put it on?"

Although the place was suspicious, everyone was still a little uncertain.

"Try it and you'll know!"

Qin Chuan rubbed his hands impatiently, then greeted a few people and went to move the guard statues.

Soon, everyone put the four guard statues in places where the wear marks were different.

The last one is on the roof, whether it can be fixed or not is a big problem.

Although you can't fly here, you can still jump normally.

After several attempts, Qin Chuan finally attached the base of the last stone guard statue to the flat surface on the roof.

A strange thing happened, the statue was actually sucked to the roof, and no energy could be seen.

"It's done!"

Qin Chuan let go of the statue and said excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, the five guards' eyebrows shot out a beam of light, and after multiple reflections in the ancient temple, an extremely complicated off-body figure was formed.

Everyone quickly avoided, so as not to block the formation of these graphics.

Not long after, five phantoms walked out of these figures, came to the statue of the god, and knelt down on one knee, very pious.

And a stone platform suddenly rose in front of the statue, and there was a stone bowl on the stone platform, which was not too big, and there was a crystal clear liquid in it, which was very thick, like fine wine and jade liquid.

Immediately, a pure power spread out in the hall, making everyone feel as if they were enlightened, and even felt intoxicated.

"Is it the Emperor Breaker Spiritual Liquid?"

Since they had never seen it before, all the people were not sure what the shallow layer of liquid in the stone bowl was.

"Whether it is or not, I like it very much." Qin Chuan sniffled and said dreamily.

Even if it wasn't the Pohuang Spiritual Liquid, the aura contained in that liquid was definitely a panacea for warriors of their level.

"Hehe, there's no need to guess, it's the Pohuang Spiritual Liquid." At this time, the glamorous captain smiled charmingly and walked to the side of the crowd.

Everyone immediately became nervous. The Jintang Palace is not weak. If they want to rob it, it may be another tough battle.

At this time, the skeletal phantom guard suddenly stood up, turned to face the crowd, and a scarlet light suddenly lit up in his empty eyes.

"If you want to break the emperor's liquid, you need to defeat us."

The five phantoms said in unison, and at the same time a dangerous aura spread out suddenly, making Mo Xian and the others couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Undoubtedly, the strength of these five guard phantoms is very strong.

"Don't be nervous, it's just shadows." Captain Meiyan said, suddenly there was a very strange weapon in his hand, like a wheel, with a few spikes on the edge, very delicate and beautiful.

"Is this the Yin-Yang Soul-destroying Wheel of Jintang Palace? It's really beautiful!" A whisper immediately came to mind. There are many famous weapons in Jintang Palace, and this Yin-Yang Soul-destroying Wheel is one of them.

"This time, let me take the shot!" Said Captain Meiyan, lightly waved the Yin-Yang Seizing Soul Wheel in his hand, and a ray of brilliance roared out immediately, instantly passing through the bodies of the five phantoms.

What made Mo Xian and the others' pupils shrink was that the five phantoms broke apart in an instant without any resistance.


Mo Xian and the others looked at each other, their faces full of shock.

They also knew very well that the captain of Jintang Palace made a move at this time, clearly deliberately showing his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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