Martial arts become gods

Chapter 203 The Barefoot Old Man

Chapter 203 The Barefoot Old Man

"I'll withdraw first, the old man will be handed over to you!" Xiao En responded to the wind, and immediately got into Mo Xian's body.

"Damn it!" Mo Xian couldn't help cursing Xiao En in his heart. Although the barefoot old man in front of him looked ugly, he was absolutely powerful.

"Strange, is it because my way of appearing is not cool enough, or my way of speaking is not aggressive enough?" Seeing that Mo Xian ignored him, the barefoot old man muttered, then suddenly moved and retreated.

"Leave now?" Mo Xian was startled, scratching his head in doubt.

But before he could catch his breath, the barefoot old man suddenly rushed over with a howl, and at the same time shouted loudly, "Hey, Wuna Xiao Er, how dare you bully Xiao Ruan!"

"Uh..." Mo Xian was taken aback, it's too strange that this barefoot old man went back on purpose just to make another appearance.

"Hey, kid, isn't the old man's way of playing the stage right? Let's do it again..." the barefoot old man said, and retreated again.

"Hey, don't." Mo Xian said hastily, "Senior's appearance is absolutely outstanding."

"Is that so, you young people really do have discernment, I don't think those guys always dismiss my cool way of appearance. Haha..." The barefoot old man laughed out loud as he spoke, looking like he was crazy .

"Uh..." Mo Xian was speechless for a moment, and after a long pause, he said, "The Xiaoruan that senior just mentioned, could it be that ball of mud?"

"Mud?" The barefoot old man was stunned for a moment, then a look of anger appeared on his face, and he said, "Boy, can you see clearly, is that mud? Have you ever seen such beautiful mud?"

"Uh..." Mo Xian was taken aback, the barefoot old man seemed to have something wrong with him.

"Boy, who told you to come here?" The barefoot old man suddenly said, and at this time, he had already walked to the edge of the poisonous pool, and the lump of mud seemed to be beside him, and he stretched out a hand to put it on the old man affectionately. on the legs.

"Uh, I'm just passing by." Mo Xian said.

"Passing by, can you pass by this place casually? Didn't you see the sign?" The old man said and looked around, then moved, and suddenly appeared on the edge of a pile of weeds outside, pushing it away.

Only then did Mo Xian notice that there was a wooden sign inserted inside, with four large characters crookedly written on it, strangers are not allowed to enter!
"If you see it, strangers should not enter." The barefoot old man said.

"It's a ghost only if you can see it!" Mo Xian muttered in his heart, the thing was placed in such a hidden place, how could it serve as a warning.

"However, why aren't you dead?" the barefoot old man asked with a sudden change of expression.

"Should I die?" Mo Xian said speechlessly.

"Except for me, no one can get close to this place without dying. You are fine..." The old man said to himself, and then he slapped his palm suddenly, and a dark green mist swept out immediately.

Mo Xian was about to dodge, but the fog was so fast that it enveloped him almost instantly.

The sudden dizziness in his mind made him almost fall, but this feeling disappeared quickly. Naturally, Xiao En helped him absorb all the toxins that had invaded his body.

"Huh!" The barefoot old man let out a cry of surprise, then raised his hand and slapped it again.

This time the mist showed an extremely brilliant color.

As the saying goes, the more beautiful the more things, this time when Mo Xian was wrapped up, he felt a tingling pain all over his body, and half of his body was almost numb.

However, soon, this paralysis disappeared, and he was still safe and sound.

The barefoot old man is not calm now. Although the two poisons he used just now are not the most powerful, and he did not try his best, even a person at the level of a great martial artist will feel injured instantly if they inhale them.

"Boy, you are only a nine-star martial artist, how can you resist my poison?" the barefoot old man said, with an inexplicable excitement shining in his eyes.

"It's weird, this crazy old man can actually see my strength." Mo Xian was startled, and immediately said: "Senior, I don't know why, I just passed by, so I'm leaving now."

As he said that, Mo Xian was about to leave, after all, he was with this crazy old man, maybe he would be driven crazy.

"Want to leave? No way!" The barefoot old man yelled violently, leaped out and lifted Mo Xian up.

Then he moved his hand, and the slime monster he called a little soft turned into a puddle of liquid and followed behind him.

"Boy, you and I are destined, come home with me as a guest!" The barefoot old man said, grabbed Mo Xian, and ran away on the ground barefoot.

His speed was so fast that Mo Xian could only feel the whistling wind in his ears, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, Mo Xian felt his body lighten, and his feet fell to the ground.

He opened his eyes and found himself standing at the gate of a small village.

Surrounded by a valley, very beautiful, like a paradise.But a little farther from the entrance of the village, there are many colorful plants grown by the growers. For some reason, these plants give Mo Xian a very weird feeling.

"Boy, we're here!" the barefoot old man said, while Xiao Ruan, who was following them, went somewhere.

"Du Lao, you are back!"

At this time, many people from the village greeted him.When they saw Mo Xian, their faces were all guarded.

"Don't panic, I invited this kid back, maybe he can help me solve that matter!" The barefoot old man waved his hand, and the villagers dispersed, but before leaving, he still gave Mo Xian a warning look .

Mo Xian also noticed that these villagers may look ordinary, but they are probably not low in strength.

"Boy, don't be afraid. You've seen it too. I'm a noble man, so I won't attack you." Seeing Mo Xian's unnatural expression, the barefoot old man said proudly.

"Noble status!" The corner of Mo Xian's mouth twitched uncontrollably. How can he be called noble if he is barefoot and wearing tattered clothes that have not been washed for many years?

"Boy, do you know what kind of flowers those are?" The barefoot old man pointed to the gorgeous flowers and plants not far away and asked Mo Xian.

"I don't know!" Mo Xian said honestly, but he instinctively felt that those flowers and plants must not be good things.

"Those are highly poisonous things, and ordinary people will die when they touch them." The barefoot old man said.

"Oh?" When Mo Xian heard this, a bad thought suddenly arose in his heart. Could it be that this crazy old man is not reconciled and brought him here to test the poison?

"Boy, do you have a physique that is immune to all poisons?" the barefoot old man asked again.

"No, absolutely not, senior, just give me some of your poison, and I'm afraid I'll die right away." Mo Xian shook his head quickly.

"Hey, it's not that easy for the little baby to lie to me!" The barefoot old man smiled strangely, and threw Mo Xian into the flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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