Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2101 Become a Woodcutter

Chapter 2101 Become a Woodcutter
Mo Xian tried to communicate with the pangolin, but received a response.

Although the pangolin can't speak, it can communicate with him on a spiritual level. Although it's a bit difficult to understand, it's better than nothing.

Mo Xian looked around. Although the main body of the purple soul flower had been pulled out, the surrounding vines were not withered, but not as vibrant as before.

Obviously, although these purple soul flower vines are attached to the main body, they can also be regarded as independent individuals.

"What is this place?" Mo Xian asked curiously in his heart, but he didn't get a response.

He looked at the pangolin suspiciously, but found that the pangolin was leaning on his lap and fell asleep again.

"What a sleeper." The corner of Mo Xian's mouth twitched, this pangolin is too sleepy, coupled with the fascination effect of the purple soul flower, I am afraid it will fall asleep forever.

He tried various methods but failed to wake up the pangolin, so he directly took the simplest and rude way, kicking the pangolin aside.

This time the pangolin really woke up, and rubbed its eyes with its two short forelimbs, looking confused.

"Don't sleep, I still expect you to go out and help me." Mo Xian said angrily.

Only then did the pangolin wake up a lot, turned into a ball and rolled on the ground, bumping against Mo Xian from time to time, which made Mo Xian feel that life was hopeless.

"Hey... what is this place, can you take me out?" Mo Xian shook his head helplessly, it was really unlucky to have such a thing spread out.

The pangolin stopped and looked at Mo Xian with teary eyes.

Then, a very crappy voice came to Mo Xian's ears and mind, like a child babbling.

Because the expression of the pangolin is not very clear, Mo Xian has to figure out the consciousness of the pangolin while listening, and it is quite difficult to understand.

After a while, the pangolin finally finished speaking. It was very difficult to understand, but Mo Xian roughly understood it.

This place is the lair of the pangolin. The pangolins that Mo Xian saw before were all clones, and only here is the main body.

A long time ago, when the pangolin was gnawing around outside, somehow it brought back a purple soul flower, and it still took root and sprouted here.

The pangolin was already lethargic, and with the effect of the purple soul flower, the result was obvious, it never woke up again.

And the purple soul flower began to spread wildly, basically paralyzing the place.

Without a leader, those avatars became a mess, and it was impossible to get rid of those mutated purple soul flower vines.

Over time, the purple soul flower vines became more and more luxuriant, which caused a huge problem in the energy flow here, and basically got out of control.

Although the main body pangolin has awakened now, it is still a mess here.

To restart the operation, the purple soul flower vine must be completely removed, otherwise the pangolin will not be able to gain its own power, and it will basically be useless.

"It means, you still want me to open up the meridians for you?" Mo Xian said helplessly.


The pangolin nodded its head like a chicken pecking rice, and looked at Mo Xian with fiery eyes.

"What good does it do me?" Mo Xian said, thinking of those snake-like vines, his scalp felt numb, and it was not an easy task to get rid of them.

"What, you said that I stole your energy, cough..." Hearing what the pangolin said, Mo Xian coughed dryly, and continued: "How can I count it as stealing, I obviously sent it to my door, okay?"

For this explanation, Mo Xian himself felt a little blushing, and he could only use it to fool this obviously not very smart pangolin.

"You said you could help me out to deal with others, well, this is worth considering." Mo Xian rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful.

What is certain now is that Ling Fei has controlled a stone statue, and he must have a matching existence to contend with it.

But no matter how you look at it, this pangolin doesn't look like it can compete with Ling Fei's stone statue.

However, he also discovered that the wooden talisman can only control one, and there is no chance to change it.

In desperation, Mo Xian had no choice but to take on this drudgery.

Looking at the vines extending in all directions around him, he didn't know how to start for a while.

After looking up to the sky and sighing, he could only start this drudgery.

Following a vine, Mo Xian directly entered a channel like a meridian, and the pangolin squatted on his shoulder like a supervisor.

This meridian is called a blockage, and no one can pass through it.

Mo Xian was also unambiguous, raised his hand and punched it out, blasting out a large area in an instant.

Since the main body of this piece of purple soul flower has been taken away by Mo Xian, the purple soul flower vine has temporarily lost its activity and will not fill up as quickly as before.

But even so, it is undoubtedly not an easy task to clean up all the passages.

"I don't know where that girl is hiding, and I didn't say to help." Mo Xian let out a sigh of relief, only feeling that the road ahead is bumpy.

He looked around, hoping that the black-robed girl would appear suddenly, and then used the sharp Ghost Sky Sword to instantly clear the passage.

Of course, this is basically impossible. Even if it came, the black-robed girl would probably just stand by and watch.

For the next period of time, under the surveillance of the pangolin, Mo Xian kept working hard.

Doing the same thing for a long time can easily lead to boredom.

Mo Xian was like this at this time, he just waved his fist mechanically, smashing the purple soul flower vines blocking the way, like a woodcutter chopping wood, but at a much faster speed.

After a while, Mo Xian was already out of breath.

However, he noticed something strange among the dense vines.

In the vine wrap not far away from him, there is something faintly emitting a mysterious light.

Mo Xian's eyes lit up, and he immediately speeded up, opened up the past, and picked up the thing wrapped in vines.

It looked like it was some kind of metal.

With Mo Xian's professional eyes, he quickly recognized this material.

This is a very rare metal. If it is added to the forging of Lingbao, it can at least increase the power and strength of Lingbao by two layers.

"There is such a good thing." Mo Xian was overjoyed at once, but he was slightly stunned soon, and it was the pangolin who was complaining.

"You said I stole from you again?" Mo Xian said with a strange face, "This is not yours, it's these vines, and now it's mine."

It seemed that what Mo Xian said made sense, and the pangolin was no longer protesting.

Because of this brand-new discovery, Mo Xian immediately felt more energetic. With that glimmer of expectation, he began to dig vines frantically, and soon he was dripping with sweat.

Along the way, he also discovered many strange things.

Like the bones of some animals, clothes left behind by someone, etc.

In short, there are all kinds of things, I don't know where they came from, most of them have no value, and only a small part is of some use.

But something is better than nothing, and this is the only motivation for Mo Xian to persevere.

(End of this chapter)

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