Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2120 Space Cracks

Chapter 2120 Space Cracks
"You... are you really Mo Xian?" After recovering his breath, the leader of the group said, his tongue was a little knotted.

"Could someone still pretend to be me?" Mo Xian smiled, because he was too impatient to inquire about something, so he didn't think much about it, but he seemed a little abrupt.

"Aren't you dead?" The other person said in amazement, just after he finished speaking, he realized that he had made a mistake, wasn't he cursing Mo Xian to die.

Under the murderous eyes of others, he quickly changed his words: "Sorry, I didn't mean that, I mean..."

"Hehe, it's okay, I thought I was dead too." Mo Xian shrugged his shoulders, and the cold light in his eyes was fleeting.

He had sworn before that if he could come out alive, Ling Fei would definitely have to pay the price.

And now, it's time to settle accounts.

Sensing the deep coldness in Mo Xian's eyes, those people subconsciously took a few steps back.

They could see clearly the method of Mo Xian killing the monster just now, if it was killing them instantly, it would be no problem.

"I'm sorry, I thought of something." After Mo Xian came back to his senses, he smiled and said, "Where is this place, and what's the current situation of Lingtian Pavilion and Beihuang Palace?"

Seeing that Mo Xian seemed to be easy to talk, the group breathed a sigh of relief, and talked about what happened recently.

After listening, Mo Xian was also a little dumbfounded.

He never imagined that Yin Qiantong would use such a method to avenge him.

Thinking of the picture of Yin Qiantong chasing Ling Fei alone with a sword, he felt sore in his heart, wishing he could fight with Yin Qiantong right away, and then drag Ling Fei out.

"By the way, it seems that Lingtian Pavilion is hiding somewhere now. It has not been seen for a long time. Most of the people in Lingtian Pavilion have been dealt with. Some of them have had their hands and feet cut off. No one cares about it now." The man said again, his words were very embarrassing.

"Thank you, I will find them." After saying that, Mo Xian turned around and left, but soon remembered something, and said, "By the way, these are the magic points of that monster just now."

While speaking, a halo of light flew out with a wave of his palm.

The leader took it subconsciously, and was a little dazed when he saw his [-] God Refinement points surged in an instant.

Although the monster was difficult for them to deal with, it was not worth ten thousand gods refining points at all, not to mention that the monster was not killed by them.

In terms of emotion and reason, none of them should ask for this Ten Thousand Gods Refinement Points.

However, Mo Xian didn't give a chance to refuse at all, his figure had already moved away, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"Mo Xian seems to be a good person, and he is not as evil as the rumors say, he wants to take everything for himself."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay for a moment, after all they had heard too much about the negative disappearance of Mo Xian and Beihuang Temple during this time.

Given their preconceptions, they thought that Mo Xian was here to trouble them.

It now appears that their worries are simply unnecessary.

After Mo Xian left, he quickly found the exit, and then the screen flashed, and he immediately appeared in a world with nothing.

He didn't have a chance to get here before, so he was a little surprised for a while.

After regaining his senses, Mo Xian immediately took out the token of the Northern Wilderness Hall, but after urging it, there was no response. I don't know if it was because of the distance or some other reason.

At this time, he suddenly noticed a strange fluctuation.

It is divine consciousness, and it is very powerful, so it should belong to a blacksmith.

So far, the only powerful blacksmith he has met here is the former Huang Xiu.

"Could it be you!" Mo Xian sneered, and immediately followed the faint trace.

Now is the time to settle accounts. Although it is not Ling Fei, Huang Xiu and Ling Fei should be on the same way. If you find Huang Xiu, you will probably find Ling Fei.

Not long after, Mo Xian stopped his figure, but the slight wave of spiritual consciousness suddenly disappeared.

He looked around and immediately noticed something unusual.

The space there is somewhat distorted, and through the distortion, there seem to be many things in shadows.

According to the information I inquired before, this place looks like nothing on the surface, but there are some places that resemble gaps in space.

Mo Xian didn't think too much about it, he directly entered the distortion and activated his Yuanli.

Immediately afterwards, after a tearing feeling, he appeared in a brand new place, which should be a gap in space.

The things in the cracks in the space are not actually in the road of divine refinement, they may be anywhere on the mainland, but they are just connected by the road of divine refinement, so no one knows what will be in it.

After seeing the surroundings clearly, Mo Xian was slightly taken aback.

Originally, he thought that the gap in the space would not be too large, but now it seems that he was completely wrong.

This gap in space is like a world, self-contained.

It's just that if you look at it from a distance, it will appear a little deformed, which should be due to the interlacing of spaces, and this situation will disappear after walking in.

After searching quietly, Mo Xian finally found a clue, and immediately chased after him.

Not long after, he noticed that the wave of spiritual consciousness became stronger, and he should be nearby.

Soon, Mo Xian found a figure hovering quietly above the sky. Although it didn't move, it spread with a strong wave of spiritual consciousness. It was Huang Xiu.

Mo Xian didn't move rashly, but sneaked over hiding his aura.

He didn't dare to get too close to avoid being discovered.

On the ground not far from Huang Xiu, a group of people were struggling to besiege a person.

The man was already covered in blood, but he still didn't intend to give in.

"It's this guy again. Didn't he read the almanac this time when he went out this time, and he was beaten up so badly every time?" Seeing this person, Mo Xian felt a little happy.

"Yun Tianjiao, almost all of your Wuji Sect has been wiped out. What are you still insisting on? Anyway, your Wuji Sect is also declining day by day, and will soon fall out of the ranks of first-class sects. Can you, a little disciple, change the situation?" What." Above the sky, Huang Xiu said mockingly.

"So the Wuji Sect is about to fall?" Hearing this, Mo Xian was quite surprised. When he saw the Wuji Sect for the first time, he was completely shocked.

"Hehe..." Yun Tianjiao sneered and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, not intending to give in at all.

"Okay, like a man." Huang Xiu laughed loudly, and then his eyes suddenly narrowed, and his huge spiritual consciousness surged out immediately, and it actually condensed into a big invisible hand, which slapped Yun Tianjiao fiercely.

"This kid is really strong in the use of divine sense. I don't know where he learned it from." Looking at the big hand of divine sense, Mo Xian was startled.

But Yun Tianjiao's pupils contracted violently. He had already suffered from this unique attack before, and there was already a shadow in his heart.

However, he still didn't mean to give in, and his face was full of composure.

To put it bluntly, I just don’t cry when I don’t see the coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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