Chapter 2139

Mo Xian flew all over the mountains and plains by himself, and when he felt that something was missing, he sprinkled a handful of seeds.

Although some seeds grow relatively slowly, they can take shape within a day.

What makes Mo Xian feel at ease is that no other warriors have found this place yet.

"I don't know what the captain is doing mysteriously, maybe he can't stand the excitement and went crazy." Dong Qi said half-jokingly and half-seriously, Mo Xian has been busy all day by himself, and everyone is a little panicked. of.

"How is it possible? Although the captain is younger than us, he is much more determined than us."

Everyone has almost recovered, chatting and waiting for Mo Xian to come back.

Not long after, Mo Xian really came back, sweating profusely and looking very tired.

Everyone was about to ask something, but Mo Xian waved his hands and sat down on a boulder.

After calming down for a while, Mo Xian finally said, "Don't wander around if you have nothing to do, I hid some things inside."

"What?" Everyone asked curiously. They had already discovered that this place had been covered by some kind of plant.

"You will know when the time comes!" Mo Xian smiled mysteriously, and after a short rest, he left again.

Mo Xian stood in the forest, searching carefully, and finally stopped in front of a towering tree.

"I don't know if it will be useful." Mo Xian glanced at a fist-sized seed in his hand and said to himself.

"What, what, you dare to doubt me. I dare not say anything else, but this is different. I am a professional." Xiao En muttered immediately.

"It's better like this!" Mo Xian shrugged, and buried the seeds in his hands into the soil.

After pouring some elixir from the medicine garden, it was time to wait.

Mo Xian didn't wait for long, but heard a slight sound coming from the soil, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

He immediately widened his eyes and looked expectantly.

Soon, a tender seedling broke through the ground.

Seedlings grow so rapidly that they are almost visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the seedling turned into a vine several meters long, which was indeed a purple soul flower vine.

Purple soul flower vines are difficult to transplant, unless there is a main body, but the main body will not generate a new main body.

"Unexpectedly, you actually found a way to truly transplant purple soul flowers." Mo Xian clicked his tongue and said.

"Of course, but because of this seed, the main body of the purple soul flower almost died." Xiao En said proudly, with a faint feeling of fear.

At this time, the growth rate of the purple soul flower vine slowed down.

At this speed, it would take a considerable amount of time to cover the area.

However, Mo Xian had been prepared for a long time, and immediately took out the spiritual liquid and spiritual soil in the medicine garden.

Under the stimulation of various external forces, the purple soul flower grew crazily, spreading rapidly to the surroundings like a plague.

Blossoming purple flowers began to bloom, embellishing the monotonous forest quite dreamily.

After thinking that it was almost done, Mo Xian left some spiritual soil, sprinkled a lot of spiritual liquid, and left.

In the camp, everyone was still practicing, and they didn't respond to Mo Xian's return.

Mo Xian glanced at a certain place, where Zong Yuanjing disappeared.

Although he couldn't see it, he could clearly feel where the Dao Zong Yuan Mirror was.

After looking away, Mo Xian looked at the forest he had carefully arranged with a sneer on his face.

Now this forest still looks very ordinary, but after tonight, it is absolutely murderous every step of the way. If people want to come in, they will definitely go through a bloodbath.

Although it is impossible to completely stop those warriors who are like wolves and tigers, it can greatly consume their strength.

It was night and everyone was practicing.

However, the entire mountain forest is quietly changing, and the sounds of rustling are coming and going.

If someone goes deep into it and looks carefully, they will find that countless plants are breaking out of the ground, or spreading rapidly towards the surroundings. The scene is quite strange.

Although Mo Xian was cultivating, he could clearly feel this change, and he was overjoyed again.

The next morning, when the sun rose, most people opened their eyes.

After a night of practice, most of them recovered almost, except Mo Xian, who was seriously injured.

"Strange, I always feel that there seems to be something different in this mountain forest." Dong Qi and others scratched their heads and said suspiciously.

Seeing that Mo Xian was still practicing, everyone did not disturb him, but vigilantly checked around.

Of course, they didn't leave too far, after all, Mo Xian had something to say first.

When the sun was high, Mo Xian woke up slowly. He glanced at the direction of Zong Yuanjing, and saw that nothing had changed, so he stood up.

After casually discussing the current situation with everyone, Mo Xian entered the dense forest again.

This time he was extremely careful, after all, the things he left behind were not very recognizable.

Where he passed, the ground had been covered with a thin layer of moss.

Occasionally, a leaf falls on it, and the moss that looks soft will become hard and sharp like a sword, piercing the leaf into a sieve in an instant.

Compared with yesterday, the coverage of these mosses has expanded by an unknown amount.

Fortunately, Mo Xian was prepared, otherwise the moss would have spread directly to their camp.

After a night of growth, the plants Mo Xian had planted had basically taken shape, which made him very satisfied.

Not long after, Mo Xian saw a family of miserable white trees.

This tree is not big, but it looks very gloomy.

He tried to get closer, and a sharp branch on the tree immediately pierced towards him without a sound.

Even though he was prepared, Mo Xian was still taken aback.

This kind of tree is called the Sword Bone Tree. As the name suggests, the branches are like sharp swords, extremely sharp, and will suddenly attack anything close to it.

Just now Mo Xian tested it, if he couldn't defend against it, that branch could even pierce warriors around the Seven Star Martial Emperor Realm.

Mo Xian looked at the white shadows hiding around, and a cold smile gradually emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Next, he observed his masterpieces one by one, and he was basically satisfied.

If this forest was just a sleeping beast yesterday, today it has completely bared its fangs.

Once someone comes in, even if they are not dead, they will have to remove a layer of skin.

At the same time, Lei Yuan and others are also looking for the location of the crazy searcher Mo Xian.

According to some clues, they finally locked the location of Mo Xian and his party.

"It should be right here." Seeing a space gap in front of him, Lei Yuan sneered, and led people in with a wave of his hand.

He seemed to have seen Zong Yuanjing suffer for him, and he was extremely excited.

As for Ling Fei, he has been practicing because of his serious injury.

The spikes in his body made him miserable, and it was very troublesome to recover, and the speed naturally couldn't be fast.

Therefore, he swore that Mo Xian's life would be worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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