Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2142 Late Night Surprise Attack

Chapter 2142 Late Night Surprise Attack
After Mo Xian discussed with everyone for a while, they went back to practice.

Time passed quickly, and night fell soon.

The moon is dark and the wind is high tonight, which is especially suitable for killing people.

In the darkness, Mo Xian opened his eyes.

Jun Yun, Dong Qi, and the others who were the strongest also opened their eyes at this time.

Several people looked at each other, and then slipped out of the camp quietly.

The jungle in the middle of the night looks even quieter, because of the lack of light, everything looks very blurry, and there are faint shadows in the distance, as if there are countless ghosts hiding in it.

Several figures were like ghosts, moving quickly on the branches without making any sound.

Soon, these figures disappeared in the darkness without any sound.

In the forest, a relatively empty area was sorted out, with several raging bonfires burning, which appeared extremely clear in the darkness.

But this bonfire is too obvious in the dark, it is clearly telling others that I am here, come to me quickly.

There are a few people around the camp standing guard, all with a trace of tension and fatigue on their faces, perhaps they can't play much role at all.

In the center of the camp, Lei Yuan sat with a gloomy expression.

This forest is like a ghost that eats people without spitting out their bones. They just entered here for a day, and they lost a lot of people.

And because of the long-term fear and fear, everyone is extremely tired and tense.

After night, the uneasy atmosphere became more obvious, and it was impossible to continue searching.

Although they settled down for the time being, everyone still seemed a little uneasy.

Originally, the brave plan was to never light a bonfire, after all, the goal was too obvious.

However, if there is no fire, most people will probably collapse.

After all, this forest is too weird, even Man Yong is a little bit at a loss.

The fire light shone on everyone's face, making everyone's complexions extremely pale, like ghost faces, which was extremely strange.

After a day of tossing, although everyone was very tired, they didn't dare to rest. Who knew if a vine would suddenly stick out from the darkness.

The atmosphere seemed very oppressive, no one dared to speak, as if they were afraid of waking up something.

And in the darkness, several figures approached here silently, and they were naturally Mo Xian and Jun Yun.

They were already very close to the camp, and they could even clearly see the change of Lei Yuan's expression.

Mo Xian nodded to Jun Yun and the others, then moved and appeared on another branch.

At the same time, the figures of Jun Yun and the others also disappeared respectively.

Lei Yuan and the others didn't notice any changes, they were still sitting with livid faces.

At this moment, they suddenly heard rustling sounds from all around them, as if they were coming from all directions.

"What!" Due to the high mental tension, everyone's body was shocked almost at the same time, and then looked around vigilantly, with a hint of fear evident in the depths of their eyes.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. We have already investigated during the day. There should be no powerful monsters here, and those plants will not attack us as long as we don't trigger them." Man Yong immediately got up to calm everyone's emotions. He I don't want any moths to appear under my leadership.

Hearing this, everyone was not at ease, they were still very nervous.

Now their nerves are extremely fragile, and any slight disturbance may become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but nothing happened around.

But just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a series of very strange voices suddenly came to mind around them.

That feeling, as if there are countless snakes sweeping from all directions.

Everyone felt their scalps go numb, and they involuntarily approached the campfire, as if this would make them feel a little safer.


At this moment, a scream in the camp completely broke the surrounding tranquility.

"What's going on, who is screaming?" Man Yong shouted violently immediately.

"There... a person was eaten by the ground." A person stammered, and at the moment just now, a person standing next to him suddenly fell into the ground, and there was only a panic uttered. screamed, and then fell silent.

"Even the ground started to eat people?" Everyone felt a chill down their backs, and quickly looked at their feet.

"What nonsense, who are you eating on the ground?" Man Yong's face turned cold, and he slapped the warrior who was screaming just now.

After being slapped across the face, this person became more sober, and began to wonder if he had read it wrong.

But at this moment, a martial artist in the crowd suddenly screamed, and his figure fell into the ground quickly, and soon disappeared.

After a short period of silence, the surroundings immediately exploded, and everyone seemed to have seen a ghost.

"I can't stay here anymore, I have to go out!" I don't know who took the lead, and it immediately caused a chain reaction.

"Calm down, what's the difference between rushing out now and courting death?" Man Yong shouted.

"Looking for death is better than waiting here for death." Everyone has lost their minds, so they can't listen to it.

And just now, another person was dragged down by the ground.

The bonfire had insufficient light, and no one could see what was going on. They could only blame it on the fact that this weird forest can eat people. After all, they had already seen it during the day.

After all, it was just a temporary team, and each had their own ulterior motives. Now that this situation happened, it was naturally difficult to stabilize the situation.

Soon, the densely populated camp became sparse.

Lei Yuan's face was livid, he wanted to stabilize the situation, but few people listened to him at all.

"A bunch of idiots, don't they know that entering the forest rashly under such circumstances is courting death?" Man Yong's expression was also extremely ugly.

Soon, the forest was quiet again, but there were only less than [-] people left in the camp.

"Manyong, what's going on, how can this ground eat people." Lei Yuan asked sharply.

Lei Yuan remained silent and found the place where someone disappeared before.

Soon, he discovered that there was a layer of mud on the ground, and underneath the mud was a hole that he didn't know where it led to.

He immediately checked the place where another person disappeared, and it was the same.

"Someone must be playing tricks in the dark." Man Yong said slowly.

"Could it be..." Lei Yuan was startled and immediately thought of something.

"It should be them. Now that they are hiding in the dark, it is indeed a good time to attack us." Man Yong said.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the Northern Wilderness Palace to be so despicable." Lei Yuan was furious, but he had nowhere to vent his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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