Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2153 Blocking

Chapter 2153 Blocking
Seeing this scene, everyone didn't understand, and their complexions immediately changed slightly.

Obviously, this kind of purple flower has the strange ability to confuse warriors, and then draw the spirit of warriors.

Mo Xian and his group stopped at the center of the purple soul flower, panting heavily, they just felt that they had never run so wildly in the half of their life.

But they are not absolutely safe, after all, these purple soul flower vines cannot stop those crazy warriors for too long.

"It's strange, how can they not be affected." Ling Fei frowned slightly.

"They also used this purple soul flower to trap our Myriad Beast Sect before, but they did it again now." Man Yong said coldly, not sure if he was mocking Mo Xian or Ling Fei.

"Hmph, it's just some plants, just set them on fire." Hearing the sarcasm in Man Yong's words, Ling Fei's face darkened.

If it wasn't for some scruples about Wan Beast Sect and the captain of Wan Beast Sect this time, he would have killed the disobedient Man Yong long ago.

"You can try it, when the weird pollen evaporates, what do you think will happen." Man Yong sneered.

When Ling Fei heard it, he seemed to think it made sense.

After pondering for a while, he walked forward in person, and with the palm of his hand, a large piece of purple soul flower vine was shattered into pieces.

But at the same time, it also created a large amount of dense purple soul mist.

The strange thing is that although the mist is slowly spreading, the speed is very slow, and it can't be completely dispersed in a short time.

Ling Fei tried to blow away the purple mist with strong wind pressure, but the effect was not obvious. Although the purple mist had been separated from the body, it seemed that there was still a strong connection with the purple soul flower vine.

Moreover, if left alone, the purple mist will return to the purple soul flower vines, speeding up the spread of the vines.

In addition, because the purple soul flower vine has been completely aroused, it actually began to actively spread to the surroundings, which has the meaning of enveloping everyone in it.

After discovering this, Ling Fei and others finally understood why Mo Xian and his party dared to take such a big risk to lure them here.

With such a strange plant, not to mention being able to sit back and relax.

Neither is it a strong attack, nor is it not a strong attack. Ling Fei and his party are obviously in an extremely embarrassing situation.

With so many warriors, seeing that Mo Xian was just a few people, he felt a little helpless for a while.

"Mo Xian, for the sake of the good relationship between your Beihuang Palace and our Lingtian Pavilion, as long as you hand over Zong Yuanjing, I will not make things difficult for you, and I will give each of you an extra [-] divine refining points. "Lingfei paused, and continued: "As far as I know, at the end of the journey of God's refinement, God's refinement points can be exchanged for many good things, and they can still be taken out."

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar, one hundred thousand divine refining points per person is not a small amount.

So far, there are still quite a few of them who have not broken through [-] points.

This condition is quite tempting, of course, the premise is that Ling Fei will really abide by it.

But so many people have heard it, Ling Fei, as a disciple of Lingtian Pavilion, seems to have no reason to backtrack.

"Hehe, quite an attractive condition, but since you have fought with me before, you should know that I don't lack your divine points." Mo Xian smiled lightly and continued: "Besides, it seems that we, Beihuang Palace and you Ling Tian Pavilion has always been at odds."

Hearing this, Ling Fei's complexion immediately became ugly, Mo Xian not only didn't appreciate it, but also didn't give him any face at all.

Thinking of how he was defrauded by Mo Xian and got no points before, a murderous intent appeared in the depths of his eyes.

To be honest, he doesn't look down on people like Mo Xian who are qualified to come here because of the World War. It's just the green leaves of people like them who are born to be the favored ones of heaven.

After all, there are some things that cannot be achieved through hard work the day after tomorrow.

Such as lineage, such as identity, etc...

And Mo Xian, even if he was lucky enough to join the Northern Wilderness Palace, he was still naturally inferior to him.

It is naturally intolerable for such a person who is naturally inferior to him to offend him repeatedly, and even wants to climb on top of him.

"Hmph, do you really think I can't do anything about you? Even if I pile up corpses today, I, Lingfei, will wipe out your entire Beihuang Palace." Lingfei snorted coldly, and the huge coercion immediately swept away. .

For a moment, everyone was silent.

Aware of the immense coercion, Mo Xian and the others looked extremely ugly.

The realm of Wu Zong is too powerful, even if Ling Fei has just entered, it is not something they can deal with.

Jun Yun's expression was even more gloomy, after all, he was beaten up by Ling Fei before.

Seeing that Mo Xian still had no intention of giving in, Ling Fei waved his palm, and immediately a huge energy swept over, as if the sky was torn off.


Huge energy blasted on the purple soul flower vine, and debris immediately danced wildly.

At the same time, purple mist rose up, but it seemed extremely small in the engulfing energy.

"To me, you are just an inferior person, what right do you have to be compared with me." Ling Fei roared angrily, and the berserk energy continuously bombarded out, even the sky became much darker for a while.

"Inferior people!" Hearing this, Mo Xian's expression turned ugly. Although he was used to all kinds of words that looked down on him, this was the first time he had heard of this inferior person.

No one is born inferior, even if the status is humble.


Ling Fei kept tilting the anger in his heart, and the terrifying Yuan Power tilted out as if he didn't want money, quickly destroying those purple soul flower vines.

However, more and more purple mist also diffused out, making everyone have to retreat to avoid being affected.

"Damn it, are you really going to be stumped by some plants here?" Ling Fei's face became more and more ugly.

"Perhaps, we can use ice to seal the mist." A warrior suddenly had an idea and said.

"Then hurry up and do it!" Ling Fei also felt that there was some truth when he heard it.

The martial artist who spoke just now did not dare to neglect, and immediately winked at his several companions.

Then a few people moved and began to activate their energy, forming the same seals one by one with their hands.

After a while, the icy cold air began to appear, and accompanied by a crackling sound of freezing, icicles appeared in the air.

"Captain, it doesn't seem too good!" Seeing this situation, Dong Qi said worriedly.

"Sooner or later, I won't be able to stop it." Mo Xian didn't care, he didn't have the confidence to stop Ling Fei and the others with the Purple Soul Flower.

But if it can be delayed for a moment, it is a moment.

Of course, he wouldn't make it so easy for the other party, and immediately mobilized his energy.

He flicked his ten fingers repeatedly, and the primordial force burning with black flames immediately diffused out.

(End of this chapter)

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