Martial arts become gods

Chapter 217 It's Your Time to Act

Chapter 217 It's Your Time to Act

"Mo Xian, it's time for you to behave, hold on!"

Without even thinking about it, Du Lao ran behind Mo Xian, obviously using it as a human shield.

"Damn it!" Mo Xian couldn't help but cursed, and then, the huge gust of wind blew it so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

A huge force crazily eroded into his body as if to destroy it.

Mo Xian couldn't help cursing Du Lao thousands of times in his heart. Now he is suffering and can't tell. It's true that he is not afraid of poison, but no one said that he is not afraid of the power of a top master!
However, at this moment, Mo Xian was clearly aware that the poisonous old man had his hands on his back, and at the same time, a force so huge that he couldn't bear it poured into his body, so that his body was about to burst .


Mo Xian yelled violently, and quickly vented all the power that he couldn't bear.


The ground trembled instantly, and a huge palm shadow swept out, carrying a destructive aura.


The Poison Emperor's figure was suddenly surrounded by a violent force, and the terrifying force continuously eroded his flesh, meridians, and bones.

Obviously, he couldn't bear the power of Du Lao at all.

If the poisonous old lady hadn't trusted him too much at the beginning, she would have crushed him within minutes.

After the dust settled, the Poison Emperor held his chest with one hand, and the inside was bloody and bloody. He said with an unbelievable expression on his face: "Impossible, how can you resist my poison."

"Hehe, do you think that I will make the same mistake a second time? To tell you the truth, the person in front of me has a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons." Du Lao said with a faint smile.

"That's right, I'm the one who's talking about, there's no one in a million." Mo Xian nodded cooperatively, with a look of embarrassment.

"Impossible. After so many years of research, I have made myself invulnerable to half a hundred poisons. How could someone be born invulnerable to a hundred poisons." The Poison Emperor said hurriedly, his face full of disbelief.

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Du Lao said with a smile, he has endured the revenge for so many years, and today he can finally take revenge.

The only thing he was afraid of was the non-lethal poison in the Poison King's hands, and once that poison had lost its effect, the current Poison King would be scum to him.

"Haha..." The Poison Emperor suddenly laughed wildly, "Teacher, do you think you have won? I was able to kill your whole family back then, and I can kill you today. The Ten Thousand Poison Devouring Formation has been activated. able to stop me."

Before he could finish speaking, the Poison Emperor quickly flipped his hands, and a stream of powerful Yuan Force mixed with strange poison spewed out.

Mo Xian and Du Lao hurriedly joined forces to resist, but at this moment, the Poison Emperor shot out violently, and shouted at the same time: "Everyone in Wandu City obeys orders, it is these two people who brought us a huge disaster! , in the name of the Poison Emperor, I order you to kill them on the spot!"

As he said that, the Poison Emperor plunged into the center of the formation, that is, the body of the huge worm mother.

The Poison Emperor's voice resounded like thunder in the entire Ten Thousand Poison City, those who were still kneeling down and begging for the Poison Emperor's forgiveness suddenly went crazy, and swarmed towards Mo Xian and Du Lao like locusts.

Among them, there are also minions of the current poison emperor.

"These idiots don't even know they've been cheated." Mo Xian blushed instantly, they were desperately fighting here, and those people in Wandu City actually regarded them as enemies.

"No wonder they, these people have already been brainwashed." Du Lao also shook his head helplessly.


The sound of shouting and killing suddenly spread across the city, and countless figures rushed forward, like locusts.

"Old man, you can deal with it, these are all yours." Mo Xian said angrily.

"Hehe, I don't pay attention to these people, anyway, let you see what it means to be angry with the poisonous emperor!" The old man grinned, and his figure suddenly shot up into the sky, and then he waved his sleeve robe, An inexplicable energy suddenly swept across the earth.

And those who rushed up fell down almost instantly, but of course they were not dead, but fell asleep.

"I... Damn, so powerful!" Mo Xian was dumbfounded for a moment, he couldn't imagine how strong Du Lao was.

However, there are too many people, it can be described as one after another.

"Hey..." Mo Xian couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, feeling sad for these people.


Not long after, the ground suddenly trembled crazily again, and huge pillars of blood sprayed out from the ground, connecting each other with strange lines.

And the formation where the worm mother was located suddenly sank, and thick blood began to spread to it, covering the worm mother in an instant.

"Haha, the Ten Thousand Poison Devouring Formation has been activated, and the entire Ten Thousand Poison City will be sacrificed. Teacher, this is a place you built by yourself. How do you feel now? Haha..." The Poison Emperor came from the worm mother. Crazy laugh, like crazy.

"Madman..." Du Lao's complexion changed, and a huge source force continuously slanted out, smashing the ravines on the ground to pieces.

However, the entire formation was obviously not affected at all, and it was still running crazily.

Those people no longer attacked Mo Xian and the two, but kept throwing themselves into the formation, and then instantly turned into blood, even those who fell asleep.

"It's useless, teacher, you know better than me that once the Ten Thousand Poison Devouring Formation is fully activated, it will never stop unless everything is exhausted." The Poison Emperor laughed loudly.

At this time, the entire sky had turned bright red, and a huge and bloody energy gathered towards the center of the formation.

"Damn it, he has already merged with this formation. Once the formation is completed, he will reach the realm of Martial Emperor. At that time, he will be in trouble." Du Lao said with a gloomy face.

"Then what are you waiting for, run away!" Mo Xian hurriedly said.

"I'm afraid it won't work, the formation has already sealed this place, and then everything here, including us, will be torn to pieces." Du Lao smiled wryly.

"Old man, you cheated on me. If you agreed, you won't die." Mo Xian's face suddenly sank.

"Things have exceeded expectations, and I didn't expect that he actually successfully activated this ancient formation." Du Laodao said, paused and continued: "Little friend Mo Xian, can you die with me?" , I have a companion on the road to Huangquan."

Hearing this, Mo Xian suddenly had a chill, "Old man, I'm not interested in you, I still have important things to do, I must not die here."

"I have a way."

At this time, Xiao En's voice suddenly sounded in Mo Xian's heart.

"What way?" Mo Xian was overjoyed.

"Let's grab all the energy that guy gathered with the formation." Xiao En said.

"Is this possible?" Mo Xian asked suspiciously.

"You'll know if you try it."

(End of this chapter)

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