Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2218 Reading

Chapter 2218 Reading
"The fastest way to practice?" Wang Peng was startled, and said, "Junior brother, this practice should be done step by step. It's a big taboo for you to be so impatient."

"Of course I know that. I just want to know the fastest way to cultivate." Mo Xian said, he didn't know anyone, and Wang Peng seemed to know a lot about Beihuang Temple, so he could only come to him up.

"Well, let's talk about the fastest way of cultivation..." After pondering for a while, Wang Peng took out a thick ancient book and flipped through it.

"It's hard to say which method is the fastest for cultivation, but only to say which method is the most suitable for you. It records the various cultivation methods of Beihuang Temple over the years. Basically, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can refer to it."

"That's all?" Mo Xian took the ancient book and said.

"How is it possible? This is just the nearest one. Come with me." Wang Peng then led Mo Xian to the back, where there were rows of rooms with rows of bookshelves inside.

Wang Peng directly took Mo Xian to the innermost room, which was also the largest room.

There is obviously no popularity here, and the air is filled with a faint smell of dust.

"It's all in here. Our Beihuang Temple has been developed for so long, so the background is naturally strong." Wang Peng said proudly. In fact, what is recorded here are all insignificant things, which have nothing to do with the background. above.

And the really important records are naturally absolutely impossible to put here.

"So many..." Looking at the rows of dossiers and ancient books, Mo Xian felt his scalp go numb.

"Well, think about it, Beihuang Temple has been developing for so many years, and I have seen so many strange and weird cultivation methods. Here are some representative ones." Wang Peng said with a smile.

"Okay, can I go in and have a look?" Mo Xian said with a wry smile and shook his head.

"No problem, this thing is for you to see, but no one sees it." Wang Peng smiled.

Mo Xian nodded and walked in directly.

It may take a long time to read such a book, even if it is ten lines at a glance, but Mo Xian has his own unique method.

With his current level of spiritual consciousness, there should be no problem reading three books at the same time.

Moreover, there are six phantoms in his body, each of which can read three books at the same time.

In this way, he can read 21 books at the same time.

Wang Peng was really curious as to how Mo Xian would finish reading these books. After all, a person's energy is limited, and it might not be easy to find a special cultivation method that suits him from these books.

But the next scene made him a little dumbfounded. He saw Mo Xian sitting cross-legged, with the touch of his palm, 21 books flew out, and began to turn the pages automatically.

The speed is extremely fast, the book is flipped like flying, and he has no time to read the words clearly.

"This is reading, or turning the pages." Wang Peng couldn't help muttering, but seeing Mo Xian's serious expression, he didn't bother him.

"Wow wow..."

For a while, the only sound in the room was the sound of flipping books.

As time went by, Mo Xian's voice of flipping through the books became faster and faster. The first batch of books was quickly finished, but a new batch was replaced immediately.

Fortunately, the Beihuang Palace is quite meticulous, and all the books and files have the same specifications, which is a lot more convenient.

Soon, the books that Mo Xian had read beside him piled up into a tall mountain of books.

Naturally, he didn't just flip through the book, but he memorized the contents of each page in his heart.

The records here are indeed all kinds of cultivation methods in the history of Beihuang Temple. Although they are not step-by-step, most of them are unlikely to be copied by him, which means they are not suitable for him.

Gradually, Mo Xian's reading speed became faster and faster, from the first 21 books to 28 books...

Each time, the number of books increases by eight.

"Freak!" Wan Peng looked very puzzled. He had been here for so many years, but he had never seen anyone read like this.

And he didn't quite understand why the number was incremented by seven.

After a period of time, Mo Xian discovered that reading in this way actually had a great effect on strengthening his spiritual consciousness, which was an unexpected gain.

Afterwards, Mo Xian was completely immersed in the sea of ​​books, completely deaf to everything around him, even the person next to him had been forgotten.

After such a period of time, he only felt that his head was a little swollen, so he stopped.

"Junior Brother Mo Xian, take your time and take a look. I'll deal with some things." Wang Peng couldn't wait any longer, and said hastily.

"En!" Mo Xian rubbed his temples and replied.

It was only then that he realized that reading a book that was originally relaxing was quite energy-consuming.

Every time after Wang Peng left, Mo Xian started again.

As time went by, he could read more and more books at the same time.

Three days later, Wang Peng was sitting in a daze in the hall, but Mo Xian finally came out.

At this moment, Mo Xian's eyes were glazed over, and his figure was erratic, as if he had lost his soul.

It's also normal, and anyone who reads in that way will end up feeling exhausted.

"Junior Brother Mo Xian, have you finished reading it?" Wang Peng asked in disbelief. He didn't count the exact number of books in it, but it was definitely enough for one person to read for several years.

However, Mo Xian finished reading it in three days.

"Hmm!" Mo Xian said blankly, as if he didn't know where he was at all.

"It's impossible. It's only been three days. How can you read a book that ordinary people can't finish in their lifetime? I don't believe it." Wang Peng said firmly.

Mo Xian glanced at Wang Peng, he had been questioned for three days without day and night?
"Then let me ask you, what is written on the third page of the book on the third row and third column of the bookshelf in the third row." Wang Peng asked, just the three consecutive times may make people faint.

"It's about a senior named Zhong Li who accidentally discovered that he could use metals to increase his cultivation speed..." Mo Xian replied without thinking, and he was going to say it in detail, word for word.

Wang Peng's complexion changed at that moment, and he asked Mo Xian several questions immediately, but Mo Xian's answers were fluent. At most, some words were wrong, but it didn't affect the content.

Wang Peng immediately fell into a state of petrification. The few questions he asked were all of his own interest, and he had read them countless times before he remembered them, and the differences were also very big.

But Mo Xian memorized everything in three days, which really made him a little ashamed.

"Senior brother, is there a place to sleep?" Mo Xian only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. He was really tired these three days, it can be said that he was more tired than the three days of the war, and now he just wanted to sleep in the dark.

"Yes..." Wang Peng replied blankly, and then led Mo Xian into a lounge.

After seeing the bed, Mo Xian fell asleep.

"That's my bed. I asked you to make the floor." Wang Peng became impatient, but Mo Xian had already fallen asleep.

"Oh, that's all, who made me a senior brother?" Wang Peng shook his head helplessly and left.

(End of this chapter)

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