Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2288 Scattered element array

Chapter 2288 Scattered element array

"What's the matter?" Linzhou asked.

"Are you from Black Ze City?" the guard asked. Black Ze City is the city where Mo Xian and the others appeared last night.

"Is there any problem?" Lin Zhou asked again. He felt that there are so many people here, and Black Ze City is not far away. There should be many people going back and forth between the two.

"There's nothing wrong with it, but you..." The guard looked Mo Xian and the others up and down, and suddenly said, "Get arrested."

Sooner or later, several chains appeared out of thin air, wrapping around Mo Xian and the others respectively.

The strength of these guards is a bit abnormal, and the chains are obviously special, with a seal that suppresses the warrior's energy. Once locked, the strength will be greatly reduced.

Linzhou and the others came to investigate the Ding family. Although they were not afraid of being caught, once they got attention, their mission would be difficult to carry out.

"Retreat first..." Linzhou made a decisive decision, and knocked the chains that were slapping him into the air with one palm, and retreated violently at the same time.

Mo Xian and the others reacted quickly, breaking away from the guards' attacks in an instant.

At this time, a group of knights riding iron armored beasts rushed out from the side of the city gate, and the target was Mo Xian and the others.

These armored knights were all covered in cold armor, and their eyes were very strange, which gave Mo Xian a rather strange feeling.

Because they didn't want to be exposed, Mo Xian and the others did not choose to confront these knights head-on, but quickly retreated into the mountains next to the town.

They had just avoided the sight of these knights when there was a burst of wind in the sky.

It was a griffin with lightning flashing all over its body, and a knight in armor stood on its back.

"How could such a family have such great power?" Lin Zhou said with a slightly condensed expression as he watched the Thunder Vulture knights passing by.

This Thunder Vulture is not ordinary, it is very aggressive, even the strong ones in the Martial Emperor Realm are hard to subdue, let alone such a large-scale breeding.

"If it was normal, it wouldn't be the target of our investigation." Mo Xian smiled.

"We can't even get in now, how can we investigate, why don't we go in directly." Xu Meng said directly.

"In that case, the mission will directly fail." Linzhou paused, and suddenly said: "Could it be, what did the team that came before tell the Ding family?"

"Damn it, it must be like this. They deliberately didn't want us to complete the task." Han Ling'er lost her temper immediately.

"That can't be helped, after all, there is only one chance to complete the task." Lin Zhou said helplessly.

At this time, above the sky, a Thunder Vulture Knight seemed to have spotted them, and suddenly swooped down.

The powerful wind pressure and the power of thunder spread down like a spider's web, instantly turning the trees around them into ashes, exposing them directly to the eyes of many thunder eagle knights.


Many thunder eagle riders swooped down, and the special iron chain in their hands sprang out like a poisonous snake, enveloping Mo Xian and others.

In desperation, they could only choose to go deep into the mountain range, and quickly disappeared among the mountains.

Those Thunder Vulture knights circled in the air for a while, then flew back and disappeared instantly.

However, after entering the depths of the mountain range, Mo Xian and the others felt a very strange feeling.

Immediately afterwards, they discovered that their Yuanli was passing away rapidly.

"what happened……"

Several people looked at each other, and immediately sat down cross-legged, trying to stabilize the passing energy in their bodies, but found that it was impossible.

"Here, there should be a huge scattered element array." Not long after, Lin Zhou said with an ugly face, and within a few minutes of entering here, the energy in his body was exhausted.

Even if they go out at this time, it will be difficult to recover their Yuanli in the short term, so it can be said that they have been cut off.

"Scattered Yuan Formation, this is impossible. Who would spend a lot of money here to know a scattered Yuan Formation." Mao Li was startled. Based on his understanding of the formation, he was naturally very aware of the difficulty of this formation. I just found some clues in some ancient books.

"Perhaps, it is the target of our investigation this time." Mo Xian said in a deep voice.

"It's just a small family, how could it be possible to arrange such a formation. If it really has such strength, there will be no problem in invading Black Marsh City." Linzhou said.

"If it's a small family, we don't need to investigate. This should be a defense of the Ding family, not against us." Mo Xian said.

"So what, we can't use Yuanli, and others can't use it either." Han Ling'er said nonchalantly.

"Hehe, is that so, what do you think of that new friend?" Mo Xian smiled lightly, pointing to a huge lion that was slowly approaching not far away.

This male lion has flames on its feet and thunder wings on its back. It is the Thunder Fire Lion, a martial artist whose strength is equivalent to the Martial Emperor Realm. He is staring at them covetously, with saliva dripping down his sharp fangs from time to time.

Under normal circumstances, they would naturally not be afraid, but now they are equivalent to a strong person, facing a strong person in the Martial Emperor realm, they are not a heavyweight at all.

Although Mo Xian has a strong spiritual sense, it is clear that the impact of spiritual sense has little effect on monsters.

And with his current level, he still can't evolve a substantive attack with his consciousness.

In addition, he also found that his spiritual consciousness was also slowly draining. Although it didn't disappear instantly like Yuanli, it couldn't last for too long.

"Thunder Fire Lion?" The eyelids of the people in Linzhou twitched immediately. The power of the monster is different from that of the warrior, and it is hardly affected by the scattered element array.

"Mo Xian, did you do it on purpose!" Han Ling'er said angrily.

"It's none of my business. Fresh humans can easily attract monsters, okay? And it's a hungry monster." Mo Xian said helplessly.

"Can you still be a little more disgusting?" Han Ling'er scolded coquettishly, the description of Mo Xian made her feel very uncomfortable, as if comparing her to a piece of meat.

"What should we do now?" Zhou Xun asked with a pale face.

"Run!" Mo Xian said, running out desperately.

The people in Linzhou came back to their senses in an instant, and rushed out immediately.

They did not choose to go down the mountain, which is no different from throwing themselves into a trap.


The Thunder Fire Lion roared, and immediately chased after it at an astonishing speed.

Mo Xian glanced back, and with a flick of his fingers, he threw a gorgeous flower out.

"What is it?" Lin Zhou asked.

"I don't know if that big guy is a vegetarian or not, let's try it." Mo Xian said calmly, but he wasn't too nervous.

"Anytime, you still have time to joke around." Han Ling'er's pretty face froze, and she scolded coquettishly, she didn't want to become food for a monster as soon as she came out.

(End of this chapter)

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