Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2296 Recovery

Chapter 2296 Recovery
Although Mo Xian's narration was loud and tasteless, it made Han Ling'er read a lot.

It was hard for her to imagine that Mo Xian had experienced so many things.

But it seems normal to think about it. It would be impossible for Mo Xian to get to this point without so many trials and dangers.

She used to think that Mo Xian was cold-blooded, but now it seems that it is only because Mo Xian has experienced too much and knows too much about this world than she does.

In comparison, she is too immature.

It was precisely because of Mo Xian's experiences that touched her heart that she came out of the haze so quickly.

She really wanted to know more about what kind of experience made Mo Xian like this.

Of course, Mo Xian didn't know that some random words he said just to keep awake had such a big effect.


After a long time, Han Ling'er bit her red lips lightly, and said in a weak mosquito-like voice.

Along the way, she witnessed Mo Xian's tenacity.

Although they are now safe for the time being, the scene of Mo Xian being pierced by a sharp knife is still vivid in her memory, which makes her heart shudder.

At this moment, Mo Xian fell asleep, and she secretly made up her mind not to let anything disturb him. Some things should be borne by her.

However, it was a strangely quiet night, nothing happened.

She thought a lot that night...

When the first white belly appeared on the edge of the sky, Mo Xian in the pool suddenly opened his eyes.

He moved his slightly stiff neck, and then went straight to the ground.

Some of the skin injuries have basically healed, and although the few wounds running through the body have not fully recovered, they are only aching.

The most serious thing was the place where the calf was injured by the crossbow bolt. After all, he basically forcibly dug out the crossbow bolt from the flesh and blood.

Mo Xian exercised his muscles and bones, and felt that there was nothing serious.

Soon, his complexion became weird, but it was Han Ling'er who fell asleep leaning against a stone.

She seemed to be sleeping very restlessly, she didn't know what she was dreaming about, her brows were slightly frowned occasionally, and her mouth was uttering indistinct dreams.

Mo Xian didn't wake up Han Ling'er, but sat down cross-legged facing the rising sun.

He tried it, but the energy still couldn't be gathered, even if the energy was drawn from the phantom body, it would disappear quickly.

The operation of the consciousness is not smooth, once it is activated, it will pass away quickly, and it will not have any effect at all.

Moreover, even Xiaoen temporarily cut off contact with him, it seems that because Xiaoen lives in the medicine garden now, and he must have the support of Yuanli to contact the medicine garden.

The coverage area of ​​this scattered element array is much larger than he imagined, and its effect is also very strong. Apart from the strength of the body itself, there is almost no power to use here.

Mo Xian climbed up a boulder and searched around. The location of the Ding family was no longer visible here, and there were no traces of other people.

He took out the disciple order of the Northern Wilderness Hall and tried to contact Linzhou and the others, but he didn't get any response.

The range here is too vast, and there is interference from formations, so the disciple orders are temporarily useless.

However, he has not found any traces of those trackers for the time being, so he feels at ease.

Not long after, Han Ling'er groaned and finally woke up.

Her first reaction was to look around, as if she realized that there was something wrong with her sleeping position.

After discovering that Mo Xian was alive and well, she pretended to be nonchalant and stretched, but she was shocked by Mo Xian's abnormal recovery speed in her heart.

"Are you awake?" Mo Xian smiled.

"Who's sleeping, I'm protecting you, okay? Otherwise, you would have been snatched away by wild beasts." Han Ling'er quibbled.

"Thank you very much." Mo Xian smiled lightly, and continued: "However, I seem to have heard someone apologize to me last night. It seems that someone has finally realized their mistake."

"Who apologized, and I'm not wrong, who would be as cold-blooded as you, killing people without blinking an eye." Han Ling'er said sullenly.

"Maybe!" Mo Xian didn't deny it, if he wasn't cold-blooded, he would have died many times already.

"Hmph, you actually wiped leaves on my body yesterday, and made this lady so embarrassed. When this mission is over, I will definitely make you look good." Han Ling'er waved her pink fist and threatened.

"I was running for my life, okay?" Mo Xian was helpless, he really had no reason to talk to women.

"Boy, it seems that you guys had a good time last night. Isn't it great to be accompanied by such a beautiful chick in the wilderness? Now let's try it too?" At this time, a voice suddenly came from below. A rather disgusting human voice.

Immediately afterwards, countless figures slowly came out from between the mountains and forests.

"Hey, be careful what you say." Han Ling'er became a little annoyed at the other party's foul language.

"Little girl, don't worry, I will treat you well after I finish that kid, haha..." Among the crowd, the leader said.

Although his origin power has also been dissipated, there is still a very strong coercion faintly.

"Let's go..." Mo Xian took a look at the other party. There were too many people, so it was better to escape.

As he stepped back, he used his memory to pull Han Ling'er's hand, but he missed it.

He was startled immediately, turned his head to look, but there was no trace of Han Ling'er.

"Ah... little girl, you have never courted death!"

At this time, a scream came out suddenly.

Mo Xian looked for the sound, and saw behind the crowd, a warrior was holding his bloody arm, glaring at Han Ling'er who didn't know when he appeared there.

"What are you doing!" Mo Xian hurriedly shouted.

"Let you do everything by yourself. Where can I save the face of being a senior sister?" Han Ling'er smiled lightly, and seemed to have returned to the fearless appearance of the previous day.

"We are running for our lives now, not when you are messing around." Mo Xian felt mixed joy and sorrow. It is indeed a good thing that Han Linger can calm down, but the current situation is extremely unfavorable to them. It's over.

"Who is messing around?" Han Ling'er shouted coquettishly, and immediately launched an attack.

Although it is still a little immature, but it is obviously more decisive.

"Women's minds are really fickle, and they were so pitiful before, but now they are so strong." Although Mo Xian felt helpless, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and launch an attack.

Although there were many people on the other side, but this time he had Han Ling'er to help him, so it was much easier.

"Not bad, you recovered so quickly." Mo Xian and Han Ling'er stood back to back, of course he wasn't referring to the physical recovery, but the mental recovery.

"No way, it's not easy to lose face in front of Junior Brother, but don't be complacent, it has nothing to do with you." Han Ling'er smiled lightly, compared with the previous weak and helpless, it seemed like a change one person.

The two took care of each other and started a fierce fight with each other.

"You bastards actually made me lose face in front of this guy, I can't spare you today." Han Ling'er shouted coquettishly, parried the attack in front of her with a sword, and then suddenly pulled out the short blade hidden in her waist.


The short blade cut across a crescent-like arc, instantly cutting off several weapons attacking her.

Then she wiped it again with her backhand, and immediately several people screamed and fell out.

(End of this chapter)

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