Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2308 Strange Formation

Chapter 2308 Strange Formation
"Don't you think it's a bit strange?" Mo Xian asked suspiciously after arriving on the street.

The surrounding area is still the city developed by the Ding family, which is no different from before, but there are no people.

"Maybe they knew someone was coming to investigate, so they packed up and left." Han Ling'er said nonchalantly, and walked to an unattended stall, picked up a rather delicate ornament on it, and said: "You can see that they left in such a hurry that they didn't even take anything away."

"Aren't you stealing?" Seeing Han Ling'er put away the jewelry, Mo Xian said helplessly.

"Who said I stole it." Han Ling'er glared at Mo Xian, and then put down a few middle-grade Yunyun stones.

"It's great, there's no one there, I can go shopping as I want." Han Ling'er said happily, and then started her shopping trip.

Although Beihuang Temple also has a trading area, most of them sell things related to cultivation, and there are not as many kinds here.

Such a rare opportunity, Han Ling'er will naturally not let it go.

"You really have a big heart!" Mo Xian shook his head helplessly. The situation here is obviously very abnormal. Even if Ding Xiang moved, it would be impossible for him to move at such a fast speed, and there were no traces left behind.

Seeing that Han Ling'er was having a good time strolling around, Mo Xian didn't say much, just thinking carefully.

Soon, they came to the restaurant where they hid before.

Sure enough, there was still no one there, and even Lin Zhou and Xu Meng were missing.

Not long after, the two were out of town.

They did come out easily, but Mo Xian felt it was very weird.

In the whole world, it seemed that only he and Han Ling'er were left.

"Why is there no one here? It's too fake." Han Ling'er seemed to finally come to her senses, and muttered.

"It seems that there is no point in going on, we still have to go back." Mo Xian said helplessly.

The two returned the same way, and soon returned to Ding's house.

The former member of the Ding family seemed to have known that they would come back, and was standing at the gate of the other courtyard with his hands down.

After discovering Mo Xian and Han Ling'er, he bowed respectfully and said, "Welcome both of you."

"Hey, what the hell are you doing, where have everyone gone?" Han Ling'er said angrily.

"The family has important matters, and all the clansmen went together. If you two have any requests, feel free to mention them." The Ding family said humanely, with a very gentle tone, even a bit rigid.

"Then I want a golden mountain." Han Ling'er said angrily.


With a strange sound, a huge golden mountain fell from the sky and landed in front of Han Ling'er.

"It's all okay..." Mo Xian and Han Ling'er looked at each other, both extremely surprised.

"Our Ding family treats our guests with all kindness." The Ding family said humanely.

"All right, all right, disappear immediately." Han Ling'er said impatiently, the other party's tone was too rigid, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Yes, if you have any orders, please ring the bell." The members of the Ding family saluted, then turned and left.

Mo Xian and Han Ling'er looked at Jinshan in front of them, and were speechless for a while.

Everything here seemed to be true, yet it was so false that even the only member of the Ding family seemed very weird.

"It seems that we are trapped in a formation of the Ding family." After a little silence, Mo Xian said.

"You say it's all an illusion, but the fruits I ate just now and the things I bought are all real." Han Ling'er said.

"This is the mystery of the formation. Everything around is based on reality. No matter how we go, as long as the formation is still there, we will not be able to go out at all." Mo Xian said.

"I don't believe it. If we go directly back to the Beihuang Palace, the range of the formation is always limited." Han Ling'er said.

"It's not that simple. If you're interested, you can try it, but the teleportation array probably won't work anymore." Mo Xian shrugged and said.

"I'm not going, I want you to go." Han Ling'er sat down directly and began to enjoy the fruits.

Mo Xian shook his head helplessly and fell into deep thought.

This formation is too mysterious, if it was arranged by Ding Rui, there is no way for him to decipher it.

They are now deeply trapped in this formation, and perhaps they can only ask outsiders for help.

But how to contact people outside is also a problem.

They seem to be in one place, but they can't communicate at all.

Linzhou and Xu Meng found out that they hadn't heard from them for so long, and they didn't know what would happen.

Mo Xian tapped the table lightly with some annoyance, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head.

"Go back to the restaurant!" He got up straight away, called Han Linger and ran towards the previous restaurant.

The city where Ding's family is located is still quite lively, with pedestrians coming and going, and some small traders are yelling hard.

However, some strange things happened today, for example, the items in a small shop suddenly disappeared, and after a while, they turned into Yunling Stones, which was very strange.

"Do you think that there seems to be a gust of wind blowing by the side just now?" On the street, a warrior suddenly stopped and said to his companion.

"Have you noticed it too? It's very strange, as if someone walked by me." Another person said suspiciously.

It's not just these two people, many people feel that someone is passing by them quickly, but there is obviously no one around them.

No one could explain these strange phenomena, so they could only pretend that they had never happened. Anyway, nothing major happened, and the disappearing goods would inexplicably turn into Yunling Stones, and there was no loss.

In a relatively remote restaurant, since it was not time for meals, there was no one there, only the shop owner and two assistants were listlessly killing time.

At this time, the wind chime at the door rang suddenly, but it seemed that there was no wind and no one came in.

The shop owner glanced at Fengling strangely. This happened before, but he didn't care.

In a guest room upstairs, both Linzhou and Xu Meng looked gloomy. Mo Xian and Han Linger had been out to inquire about news for a long time, but they still haven't come back.

Now they don't know what's going on, and they don't dare to go out and walk around at will, so they are as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

In fact, Mo Xian and Han Ling'er just entered this room at this time, but they couldn't see each other.

Mo Xian took a casual look, then walked to the table in the middle of the room and sat down.

Han Ling'er also sat next to him, looking at Mo Xian curiously, they had already been here once before, it seemed pointless to come again at this time.

After they entered this room for a while, Xu Meng and Lin Zhou suddenly saw the door open inexplicably.

"What a broken place, the door can't be closed properly." Xu Meng cursed and kicked the door shut, looking very irritable.

(End of this chapter)

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