Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2329 Amazing 1 blow

Chapter 2329 Amazing Blow

"I'm afraid it will be difficult!" Mo Xian said with a solemn expression. He was a little happy before, but soon realized that his thinking was too simple.

Now most of the masters in the entire Black Ze City have been mobilized, even if Lin Zhou and Xu Meng come, it will not help.

Right now, after getting rid of the entanglement of the ghosts, those people are gathering towards them one after another.

"Haha, this is not like you, you have to try." Linzhou laughed loudly, and then began to lead everyone to break through.

Mo Xian shrugged helplessly, and immediately followed.

Lin Zhou and Xu Meng took the lead, like two sharp knives, quickly tearing through the obstacles in front of them.

However, the opponents are not too weak, which makes it impossible for them to break through the encirclement quickly, and it is too late to escape smoothly before the others arrive.

Sure enough, when they had just defeated the opponent in front of them, a large number of warriors had already gathered behind them.

With such a distance, they have no chance at all.

"Junior Brother Mo Xian, in your opinion, if we escape to the family belonging to the Northern Wilderness Palace, is it possible to use the teleportation array to leave?" Linzhou said.

"It's not realistic. Even if that family is not under the control of Ding Xiang, I'm afraid we won't be able to keep us at all. Moreover, our current direction is not right." Mo Xian said, to go to that family, they would have to go through half of Heize City. During the period, there were many obstacles.

"Damn, I don't think I'm going to be planted here this time." Xu Meng said, and shouted violently: "Is there anyone who dares to come out and challenge me single-handedly?"

"Haha, young man, don't you think your statement is ridiculous?" A series of mocking voices suddenly sounded around, heads-up, what a beautiful word it seems, but under the circumstances of the huge difference in strength, it may not be possible at all. will happen.

"Hmph, there's no other way, it seems we can only use that trick." Linzhou sneered, looking a little excited and pained.

Hearing this, Mo Xian and the others were taken aback. Could it be that Linzhou has another good idea?

"Just wait and see." Linzhou smiled mysteriously, and with a flip of his wrist, there was a glistening bead in the palm of his hand.

On the surface, there is nothing strange about this bead, it seems to be a bead carved with ice.

But if you look carefully, you can find something faintly flowing in it, emitting a very powerful wave.

"Next, it's time to witness a miracle." Lin Zhou said as if he was dreaming, with a look of anticipation and excitement on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he directly shot the beads in his hand.

The bead didn't seem to be subjected to any resistance, and there was almost no sound when it broke through the air, and the speed was very fast, and it was in front of the pursuers in an instant.

However, no one cared what power such a small bead could have.

But the next moment, they knew they were wrong.


The ice bead exploded instantly, and an invisible shock wave rippled away immediately, making everyone feel as if their souls had been shocked.

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious cold air swept towards everyone.

The temperature of the entire world suddenly dropped, and in an instant, heavy snow like goose feathers condensed out.


Everything began to freeze in an instant, and then shattered.

In the blink of an eye, half of Herosawa City seemed to be frozen in an instant, turning into a gigantic scene made entirely of ice.

The buildings were covered with thick ice armor, like huge icicles standing on the ground one by one.

And among these icicles, there are some human-shaped ice sculptures that maintain various shapes, and you can even see the panic on their final faces.

Only a small part escaped the catastrophe, but they all looked terrified. They were also eroded by the terrifying cold, and the short-term ones couldn't move at all.

Feeling this kind of power, almost all the warriors in Black Ze City ran out, looking at the icy and snowy land with astonishment on their faces.

It's too powerful, the strength just now is far superior to them, it's like a full blow from a higher-level powerhouse.

Half of Black Ze City was destroyed in an instant, and the visual impact made them all fall into a state of petrification.

"Bang bang..."

After a while, there were explosions in the air, and the ice sculptures began to burst, including buildings and some weaker warriors.

Seeing such a scene, Mo Xian and the others were stunned. They couldn't even imagine what kind of power it must be to have such an effect.
At this time, the destructiveness of the attack became secondary, but the amazing feeling left an indelible image in their hearts.

"It's worth it..." Linzhou's Adam's apple rolled up and down. The scene in front of him already made him feel that the trip was worthwhile.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up!" Mo Xian said immediately after recovering.

This is just a part of the masters in Black Ze City, and the blow just now didn't kill everyone, and many people escaped.

Only then did everyone come to their senses and ran in the opposite direction.

Because they had discussed it before, they did not choose the family with the teleportation array.

Now in Black Ze City, they have no one to trust.

Soon, the group disappeared, leaving only the ice and snow behind them.

After another period of time, those masters who were frozen in ice began to return to normal.

But some of them could never be recovered, and some of them turned into icy slag the moment the ice burst, and the other part collapsed one after another.

All in all, this attack caused more than half of their damage.

"Damn it!" Zhou Xun, with a layer of frost on his body, came out from behind several ice sculptures, with a gloomy expression on his face, such a luxurious lineup, unexpectedly let Mo Xian and the others slip away

A day later, in a quiet deep mountain forest quite far from Black Ze City.


A group of strange birds suddenly soared into the sky from the woods, indicating that something broke the tranquility here.

It was a group of young faces, each with a trace of fatigue, and it was Mo Xian and the others.

Although a day has passed, what happened in Black Ze City before still made them feel undecided.

They rushed on without stopping, and didn't stop until here.

Thinking of the last terrifying blow, Mo Xian and Xu Meng almost said in unison: "Brother Linzhou, what was that blow?"

"Hehe, do you think that my preparation for so long was in vain? It is actually a Venerable from the Northern Wilderness Hall who used a secret method to condense one of his attacks into that bead." Linzhou was not without pride. In the right way, this kind of beads is very rare, and it is difficult for even a venerable person to condense them.

In order to get it, he has spent a lot of effort.

"A blow at the level of a venerable, no wonder it's so powerful." Everyone nodded. Although there are countless strong men in Black Ze City, there is someone who can be compared to a strong man called a venerable in Beihuang Temple. I'm afraid not at all.

"It was just to be prepared, but I didn't expect it to come in handy." Linzhou said with a little disappointment, that was his strongest trump card.

It's fine if the task is completed, but now that special task may never have a chance to be completed.

(End of this chapter)

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