Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2339 Fire poison enters the body

Chapter 2339 Fire poison enters the body
Linzhou and Xu Meng are actually very unfamiliar with Xuenv, they just know that it is a unique life conceived somewhere deep in the Northern Wilderness Palace.

It's just that the gestation process is very long. So far, it seems that there are not many snow girls in Beihuang Temple.

As for the role of Xuenv, they naturally don't know.

"Little sister, what realm is this Snow Maiden equivalent to?" Linzhou couldn't help asking.

"Superficial, can Xue Nu's value be measured by realm?" Han Ling'er said a little displeased.

Linzhou immediately shut his mouth. At such a critical moment, he didn't dare to annoy Han Linger.

This snow girl looked very lifeless, her crystal eyes seemed very empty, just floating in confusion.

"Sister Xuenv, you have to help me this time." Han Ling'er said in a negotiating tone, it seemed that she couldn't control Xuenv very well.

Seeing this situation, Mo Xian and the others felt a chill in their hearts.

"Or, forget it, let's think of other ways." Mo Xian asked cautiously.

"Are you looking down on me?" Han Ling'er glared at Mo Xian angrily and said, "I said it's ok, it's ok."

Hearing this, Mo Xian and the others looked at each other, feeling a little helpless.

However, they have already prepared for the worst, and at least they won't be caught off guard if it doesn't work.

5 minute has passed...

Han Ling'er was still communicating with Xue Nu, but it seemed that there was no progress. Xue Nu's eyes were still empty and cold.

Another 5 minutes passed...

Mo Xian began to feel restless. With their current situation, there were not many 10 minutes to waste.

"Sister Han Ling'er, do you, Snow Girl, not understand human language?" Ding Xiang asked suspiciously.

"By the way, why didn't I think of it." Han Ling'er seemed to have suddenly realized, and knocked on her head.

Mo Xian and the others were speechless. Does anyone need to be reminded of such an important matter?

In fact, Han Ling'er herself is not very familiar with Xuenv, but as long as she can remember, there has been such a Xuenv by her side.

Several times, when she was in danger, it was Xue Nu who came out to help her.

She clearly remembered that once when she met a master of Guitianmen, Xuenv suddenly appeared and instantly froze him into ice slag.

After pondering for a while, Han Ling'er placed her finger between Xue Nu's eyebrows, trying to communicate with her with her heart.

Sure enough, there was a wave of fluctuation in Xue Nu's eyes.

"It's done!"

Not long after, Xue Nu seemed to have melted and disappeared into the air, leaving only a chill in the crowd.

"How's it going?" Mo Xian couldn't help asking after 5 minutes.

They couldn't feel the existence of Snow Maiden, so they couldn't judge what happened, but the warrior on the boulder was very lively.

"Look!" Han Ling'er said confidently.

After another 5 minutes like this, Mo Xian suddenly discovered that a faint layer of frost had appeared on the boulder, and it was spreading rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, the temperature around the boulder dropped suddenly, turning into a field of ice and snow in an instant, forming a sharp contrast with the fiery surroundings.

As for the martial artist on the boulder, he remained motionless, as if he hadn't noticed anything.

Almost instantly, the boulder turned into a huge ice cone.

Immediately afterwards, the snow girl appeared next to Han Ling'er, turning into a snow doll again.

"I'll just say it can work!" Han Ling'er put away the snow doll, and said triumphantly.

"Hehe..." Mo Xian and the others looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Not daring to waste any more time, the group set off again. When passing by the boulder, Mo Xian couldn't help but take a look.

The boulder has returned to normal, but the martial artist on it is still motionless, and his expression is as usual.

But Mo Xian knew that this person had been completely frozen inside and out, and his life stopped forever at that last moment.

This Xuenv is also very powerful, the energy she exerts is slightly different from the warrior's Yuanli, it appears to be more pure, closer to the aura of heaven and earth.

He subconsciously connected Xuenv and Mo Linghuo together. Xuenv might also be a kind of strange energy of heaven and earth, but the way of existence was quite different from Mo Linghuo.

He became more and more curious about Han Ling'er's identity. Xue Nu was undoubtedly a very important existence, but was Han Ling'er casually carrying her with her?
Moreover, although Han Ling'er is just an ordinary disciple, her status in Beihuang Hall is very special, and even those high-level officials have nothing to do with her.

He even had some doubts whether Han Ling'er was the daughter of the Lord of the Northern Wilderness Hall.

After avoiding the previous martial artist, Mo Xian and the others were out of the range of Bu Dai, but this did not mean that they were completely out of danger, after all, there was still a considerable distance from the range of Floating Fire City.

At this time, they have also penetrated into this area, and the surrounding space is even more chaotic, and there are even some space cracks like black holes, which are their best cover.

Taking advantage of the daytime opportunity, they sped up their speed and stayed as far away from those people in Black Ze City as possible.

And once it's night, they have to slow down.

Unknowingly, the sun began to set again, and the entire area began to be slowly enveloped in that dark red color again.

At this time, a huge fiery red giant figure appeared in front of Mo Xian and the others, and the whole body showed a flowing fiery red.

This is one of the eight huge volcanoes. Those flowing fiery reds are the magma left from the crater, giving people the feeling that the mountain is melting.

The temperature of the magma is frighteningly high. After a long period of convergence, a huge lava lake was formed in the lower part of the volcano.

There are also some lava rocks that appear to be formed after the magma cooled, showing all kinds of strange shapes.

Because they were too close to the volcano, Lin Zhou and the others were blushing. They had never experienced such extreme heat.

With such a close distance, the volcano is like a huge magma giant, making them all aware of the huge pressure.

The place they fought seemed to be completely formed by cooling lava, and there was a terrifying heat hidden in the scorching heat.

"It can't be done, if it continues like this, I will die from the heat." Xu Meng sat down on the ground, letting the hot ground hurt his body.

Some red spots appeared on his face, which was a sign that the fire poison had entered his body.

It wasn't just him, except for Mo Xian and Han Ling'er, this happened to everyone more or less.

Lilac was the most serious, and even her breathing was a little short.

Although they tried their best to avoid it, the all-pervasive fire poison still eroded them.

(End of this chapter)

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