Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2368 Ice Fire Lotus Heart Pond

Chapter 2368 Ice Fire Lotus Heart Pond

There are 99 steps before the largest square of Wuji Sect.

And the Promise Sect Master fought on the platform above the 99 steps, like a monument.

On the square, countless people from the Wuji Sect gathered, all of them quietly looked at the old man with white beard and hair at the top, but represented the highest honor of the Wuji Sect.

This stop is another hour.

Sect Master Wuji made a difficult decision, and it took another hour before he finally spoke.


Disbandment has several meanings. Under normal circumstances, it is to let everyone leave here and go about their own business.

But today, everyone heard a different meaning, which made it hard for them to imagine.

"Sovereign, please think twice!"

The faces of all the high-level Wuji sects changed drastically, and they said in unison.

"Let's disband!" Sect Master Wuji said, as if he had aged several decades, and his originally tall and straight figure had become rickety.

The Promise Sect is like his own child to him, but now he wants to destroy him with his own hands. This kind of mood is enough to crush a strong warrior.

"Sovereign, my huge Wuji sect, is it still afraid of a few yellow-mouthed children?"

"This is my last order. From today onwards, there will be no longer the Wuji Sect in the world." The Wuji Sect Master said, clenched his palms abruptly.


The totem pole that was located at the highest point of the Promise Sect and symbolized the entire Promise Sect collapsed.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked for a while.

There have been countless times when the Wuji Sect fell into a desperate situation and was even devastated, but the totem pole has always stood firm.

As long as it doesn't fall, the Wuji Sect will not fall.

But today, it fell down, making the bustling Wuji Sect suddenly feel much empty.

It was like a giant who suddenly lost his soul, and he no longer had the might and grandeur of the past.

Everyone knows that the Promise Sect has really fallen.

The cause was just a sudden visit from a few juniors, or even a few simple words.

If this is said, no one will believe it, but it just happened so abruptly.

For a moment, the entire Wuji Sect fell into absolute silence. On the huge square, the tens of thousands of warriors were silent.

Silence enveloped this place, and the silence created by these countless people has a suffocating eerieness.

Immediately afterwards, sadness began to spread, as if contagious, and soon swept through the entire Promise Sect.

Depressed crying sounded, at first it was only the female disciples, but soon, the male disciples were slowly infected too.

Soon after, the entire square was filled with muffled cries, like a group of children about to be homeless.

"Let's go, let's all go, you will have a wider world." The Promise Sect Master looked at everyone lovingly, and then walked towards the depths of the Promise Sect with slightly staggering steps.

Although they don't know why, but after recovering from the heavy grief, everyone began to carry out the last order of Sect Master Wuji.

This is probably the first time that the Promise Sect Master gave orders to so many disciples, and it will also be the last time.

Everyone started to leave slowly, without taking anything with them.

The Wuji Sect began to become quiet, and then the mountain gate, which had never been closed, slowly closed, leaving everyone outside, as if separating the world into two.

Among the crowd, there was a familiar face, that was Yun Tianjiao.

He was different from others, he couldn't see any sadness on his face, and he still had that expression that had nothing to do with him.

But this doesn't mean that he really has no feelings, it's just hidden in his heart.

Looking at the vast world outside, he suddenly had a feeling of not knowing where to go, and he also knew that it was meaningless to stay and wander here like most people.

Then, he made a decision that surprised even himself, he was going to find Mo Xian.

Of course it was impossible for him to go to the Northern Desolation Palace, and the Absolute Beginning Domain became his goal.

As soon as this idea appeared, he couldn't control it, and then he really did it, walking towards the direction of the Absolute Beginning Domain alone.

Today's Absolute Beginning Domain is no longer the nameless small domain it was in the past. It is well-known on the mainland, but it is still developing.

He believes that there he can find what he wants.

The disbandment of Wuji Sect was like a blockbuster, and soon caused an uproar in the mainland.

Such a sect that has been standing for an unknown number of years suddenly disbanded when it said it was disbanded, which made everyone feel that a storm was about to come.

Of course, the Northern Wilderness Palace also received the news. Although it was blocked, the news spread like wildfire.

This also caused a lot of fluctuations in the Northern Wilderness Palace, but after all, the Northern Wilderness Palace was far away from the emperor, so it quickly calmed down.

However, this is undoubtedly a huge signal among the high-rises of the Northern Wilderness Hall.

Mo Xian is still cultivating on the edge of the cliff, so he doesn't know the news yet.

He has been practicing for three days, basically step by step, and occasionally he will take out some natural and earthly treasures, which are not too precious.

Venerable Huanglong watched the entire cultivation process clearly, but he didn't see any clues.

On the surface, like everyone else, Mo Xian practiced step by step, and there was no explosive improvement.

He stopped observing and walked out of the house.

Mo Xian immediately quit the cultivation state, got up and bowed, "Master!"

"Yeah!" Venerable Huanglong nodded and said with a smile, "How's your practice these days?"

"It's not very good, the improvement of strength is too slow, so there is no way to make a big breakthrough within a year." Mo Xian said.

"Good boy, you're going to take advantage of me so soon."

Hearing this, Venerable Huanglong felt very upset, but he still smiled and said: "I can see it too, but this is also normal, and there is no time to practice. But since I promised you as a teacher, it will naturally count."

"Oh, master, is there any good way?" Mo Xian said immediately.

"I'll take you to a place." Venerable Huanglong said, and with a wave of his sleeve, he flew out with Mo Xian.

The icebergs were endless, and soon even the main peak of the Northern Wilderness Hall could not be seen.

Not long after, Venerable Huanglong led Mo Xian down rapidly, and finally landed in a valley.

In stark contrast to the surroundings, it is actually quite warm here, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, which is quite strange.

The faint water vapor lingers in it, forming a mist, making everything unclear, but it is even more mysterious.

"What is this place?" Mo Xian asked curiously.

"Hehe, we call this Binghuo Lianxin Pond." Venerable Huanglong smiled lightly, and with a slight wave of his palm, the mist covering the Binghuo Lianxin Pond dispersed.

Only then did Mo Xian see that there was a small pond in the middle of the valley.

There is a lotus flower in the center of the pool. It is not a real lotus flower, but it seems to be formed by the condensation of some kind of natural force.

The strange thing is that one side of the condensed lotus is ice, and the other side is scorching flames.

Two opposing energies are both awe-inspiring and seemingly compatible with each other.

It creates a wonderful illusion that the ice is burning and the fire is freezing.

This is a strange existence that goes against the norm, possessing a beauty that is not like the world.

(End of this chapter)

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