Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2376 Influence

Chapter 2376 Influence
"This guest officer, please come inside."

As soon as Yun Tianjiao entered the restaurant, someone greeted him very warmly.

He nodded lightly, then followed Xiao Er into the hall.

The hall is very large, but strangely, most of the seats only occupy half of the hall, making it very crowded.

In the other half of the space, there is only a set of tables and chairs.

This set of tables and chairs looks very old, it should be quite old, and it is a bit out of place with the surrounding environment.

Although it's not lunch time yet, the place is already full of people, and the business is booming.

Everyone was discussing in full swing, changing cups from time to time.

Yun Tianjiao obviously didn't like such an occasion, he was a little hesitant, he couldn't understand why Mo Xian ate in such a noisy place in the first place.

"Did Mo Xian really eat here?" Yun Tianjiao couldn't help asking.

"Of course, did you see that independent table? That's where he used to sit." Xiao'er introduced carefully, and he could tell at a glance that Yun Tianjiao had an extraordinary background.

He has been in this business for a long time, and he still has this vision.

"I want to sit there!" Yun Tianjiao said with a heartbeat.

"That's not acceptable. It's been booked there now, and someone will come soon." Xiaoer said in a dilemma.

"Oh, then I'll wait." Yun Tianjiao said.

Seeing that Yun Tianjiao didn't insist, Xiao Er finally breathed a sigh of relief, but when he heard that Yun Tianjiao would have to wait, he suddenly became nervous, "I'm afraid that won't work, it's already scheduled for a year later."

"One year later?" Yun Tianjiao was taken aback. The place where Mo Xian once ate, and the queue was going to be a year later?

"You don't know, many people come here because of the famous name, and want to get a taste of it. If you insist, I can give you a number plate, and you can come again when the time is almost there." Xiaoer said.

It's not just this restaurant, it's the same situation in many places Mo Xian has been to.

"Is there any way to let me go there now?" Yun Tianjiao said, he doesn't have the habit of queuing up, let alone waiting for a year.

"Well, there is a way, but it may not be successful." Xiao Er hesitated for a moment, and continued: "Someone will come later, maybe you can discuss it with them and ask them to give you the seat."

He can't offend both parties, so he can only take this compromise.

While talking, a group of four people walked in. The leader was full of fat, and he looked like the stupid son of the landlord's family.

Such people are often easy to deal with, but they are also often the most difficult to deal with.

"It's them!" Xiao Er said softly.

Yun Tianjiao glanced at the silly second generation, the greasy look on his face made him not want to have any contact with him at all.

But in order to sit on that magical seat, he had to walk over there.

After explaining the purpose of coming, the second-generation idiot looked at Yun Tianjiao with disdain and said, "There is something wrong with you, I have waited a long time for such an important moment, and it is a dream to give it to you!"

This time, he even brought the painter with him, in order to record his heroic posture sitting in that sacred position.

"I'm just here to inform you, not to discuss with you." Yun Tianjiao frowned. He felt a little queasy communicating with such a person.

"Haha, what kind of place do you think this is, if you dare to make trouble here, you will be killed in minutes." The silly second generation laughed.

Xiao Er's face suddenly became ugly. His original intention was to let Yun Tianjiao discuss in a friendly manner, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

This is not a discussion, it is clearly a robbery.

"While I am still patient, take these things and get out of my sight immediately." Yun Tianjiao said calmly, and threw a large bag of things over.

He will not use the public's set of moral standards to restrain himself, and he has never been a man of law and order.

One of Silly Second Generation's subordinates subconsciously took the bag, only to feel that it was heavy, opened it subconsciously and took a look, and his eyes immediately began to glow.

"If you know who my father is, you want to bribe me, so where are you going?" the silly second generation said disdainfully.


Before he finished speaking, his body had already drawn a perfect parabola, flew out of the window, and hit the street.

"Master!" His subordinates couldn't even care about Yun Tianjiao, they ran out in alarm, and helped the stupid second generation who was crying in pain on the ground.

Yun Tianjiao was very skillful in his strikes, and it was impossible to hurt the opponent.

For him, hurting such a person would simply pollute himself, and he didn't even bother to do that.

For a moment, the noisy restaurant became quiet, but it returned to normal in an instant.

This kind of competition for positions often happened in the past, but afterward, Absolute Beginning City implemented many tough measures in order to stabilize the development, and this situation was reduced to almost none.

Yun Tianjiao is obviously a newcomer, so he might be in trouble.

"You're finished, can't get out of this city of primordial beginning..." Outside the restaurant, the idiot second generation was still cursing.

However, when one of his subordinates opened the bag Yun Tianjiao gave him, he immediately shut up, almost drooling.

It was full of medium-grade spirit stones, which were almost non-existent in the former city of Absolute Beginning, and it would be nice to have low-grade spirit stones.

Although there are more mid-grade spirit stones in Absolute Beginning City these days, they are still relatively rare.

In his eyes, the value of that bag of medium-grade Yunling stones is a thousand times greater than that of that position, and it is very likely that his family will not be able to get it out.

The silly second generation took the middle-grade Yun Lingshi and left cheerfully.

Of course he knew that he couldn't afford to provoke someone who could casually throw out so many middle-grade spirit stones.

Yun Tianjiao calmly walked to the seat where Mo Xian might have been sitting in the past, and the kid didn't dare to offend Yun Tianjiao, so he followed immediately.

Because too many people used it, this set of tables and chairs was very mottled, and Yun Tianjiao seemed to be able to see from the traces that all kinds of people sat here and left.

This was an unbearable thing for him, but he still tried to sit down.

"Guest, the opposite side of you is where Mo Xian was sitting, maybe it would be better to sit there." Xiao Er hurriedly said: "There is also a palm print left by him. It was when he had a feeling at that time. Control what's left behind."

"Oh!" Yun Tianjiao was taken aback, Mo Xian seemed to have been a myth here.

This is also very normal. If it weren't for Mo Xian, this place is still an unknown small domain, and it is impossible to have such a development.

Yun Tianjiao glanced at it casually, and there was indeed a palm print on the opposite side of him, which was very clear.

Apparently though, a lot of people have tried covering it with their palms to bring themselves good luck.

(End of this chapter)

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