Chapter 2457
Among the mountains, some disciples of the Earth Rift Sect were fleeing in a hurry, their bodies covered with scars.

The speed at which they cast the Earth Escape technique is greatly reduced now, and they can't afford that kind of consumption anymore, so they can only choose to run on the ground.

Behind them, there is another wave of people chasing frantically.

"Haha, you little bastards of the Earth Rifting Sect, just because you also want to wipe us out, let your three old suzerains come in person."

"Don't be complacent, if something happens to us, our Earth Splitting Sect will definitely eradicate you completely."

The disciples of the Earth Splitting Sect said angrily, they only regret that they have no strength, otherwise they would definitely kill these arrogant people.

"It's a pity that you won't see that day. Before that, you will all be turned into ashes." The other party laughed wildly, and the blood light flashed at his feet, and the first speed was getting faster and faster.

"It seems that we cannot escape this calamity today. Everyone will go separately. If we are lucky enough to return to the sect, we must explain the real situation. The other party has been hiding their strength." A disciple of the Earth Rift Sect said.

"Take care!" A group of people nodded to each other, and then scattered and fled in different directions.

"Don't let them run away!" The pursuers immediately divided into several waves.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but a disciple of the Earth Rift Sect escaped in the direction where Mo Xian was.

If he didn't change direction and wasn't killed, he might run into Mo Xian.

But the other party obviously didn't want to give him this chance, and was chasing after him.

Although there were only three of them, they were not something he could deal with now.

After a while, he was still chased.

He has used Earth Dungeon several times, and he is even weaker now.

"Boy of the Earth Splitting Sect, I think you'd better kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe we will give you a good time." The three laughed.

"Don't even think about it!" the disciple of the Earth Splitting Sect roared, and immediately a few drops of blood spurted out and merged into the khaki-yellow light of Yuanli around him.

His original energy, which fluctuated violently, immediately became stable, and it was also filled with a bloody smell.

He yelled violently, and the imprints of his hands changed, and the surrounding ground immediately began to change violently, three hundreds of feet high earth peaks rose up, and then suddenly closed together, attacking the three people.


Amidst the continuous explosions, the three of them were immediately surrounded by berserk force.

The disciples of the Earth Splitting Sect didn't care about fighting, and immediately used Earth Dungeon, and their figures disappeared without a trace.

But not long after, he appeared from the ground after being hit hard, and spewed out several mouthfuls of blood continuously.

He glanced back, gritted his teeth, and continued forward.

The three of them quickly resolved their troubles and chased them away again, but the distance had already been opened, and they couldn't catch up for the time being, but it was only a matter of time.

In the next section of the road, the two sides played against each other three times.

Every time, the disciple of the Earth Splitting Sect had to spend his blood to support him, and he was already extremely weak.

He stumbled and stumbled all the way, and finally his feet suddenly became empty, and he fell into a basin.

At this time, by the lake, Mo Xian was leisurely grilling fish, while Xiao En was gobbling it up.

Yan was also eating slowly. The Condemned Knight originally didn't eat it, but under Mo Xian's strong request, he also started to eat it. He actually tasted the sweetness and started to like eating.

Mo Xian licked a handful of firewood, wiped the sweat off his brow, and stuffed half of the fish in his hand into his mouth.

At this time, there was a sudden rumbling sound on the hillside, as if something heavy was rolling down.

Soon, he discovered that it was a blood man.

The blood man quickly rolled in front of him, and a bloody face clearly appeared in front of his eyes.

This person is naturally the disciple of the Earth Splitting Sect who was hunted down.

After discovering Mo Xian, he was also slightly taken aback.

At this moment, Mo Xian stuffed the fish into his mouth, and before he could bite, he had a strange look on his face.

Both of them remained silent, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

"Uncle Mo Xian?" the disciple of the Earth Splitting Sect said uncertainly after recovering.

"It's me, you are..." Mo Xian asked curiously, wasn't he full of confidence, didn't he want to get rid of him on purpose, what's going on now, it actually happened like this?

"Uncle Mo Xian, help, someone is chasing me!" The disciple of the Earth Rift Sect suddenly cried and hugged Mo Xian's thigh.

"Uh, don't worry, with me here, no one can touch you!" Mo Xian was stunned. The call of "Master Uncle" made his whole body tremble, and he felt extremely happy.

However, it is not easy to be a master uncle, and it is only natural to take care of the younger generation.

"Yeah!" The Earth Rift Sect disciple wiped the blood off his face and hid behind Mo Xian.

Soon, three people appeared here, and asked with strange expressions: "Are you their uncle?"

"Exactly!" Mo Xian nodded.

"Haha, even if you don't even have full hair, you can still be an uncle. This Earth Splitting Sect is a ridiculous joke." The three immediately laughed wildly, and then said in a serious tone: "Since you are also a member of the Earth Splitting School , then today will end with you."

The three of them laughed loudly, and shot at the same time.


Three Dao Yuan Lian attacked Mo Xian at the same time, leaving three terrifying ravines on the ground.

"My fish!" Mo Xian exclaimed, watching helplessly as his freshly grilled fish was smashed to pieces.

"Kill them, kill them!" Xiao En immediately roared angrily.

"Hmph, you are still worried about your own fish when you are about to die." The three immediately sneered in their hearts, and then their complexions changed a little.

It was Mo Xian who got up, and with a wave of his sleeve, he neutralized the attacks of the three of them.

Then, Mo Xian moved, appeared directly in front of the three of them, and punched out three times in a row.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were three muffled sounds, and the three of them screamed, vomiting blood and flying upside down, their chests collapsed, obviously they couldn't survive.

Mo Xian didn't want to waste it, so he immediately performed a blood sacrifice to finish off the three of them.

"it turns out……"

The disciple of the Earth Splitting Sect was immediately frightened. The three people who had been chasing him for so long were actually dealt with by Mo Xian in one face-to-face meeting.

He never dreamed that Mo Xian's strength was so strong, he was definitely a figure with the strength to be a master and uncle in the Earth Rift Sect.

He immediately regretted it very much. If they didn't get rid of Mo Xian, they would have gone back to celebrate by now.

"Uncle, please go and save the other senior brothers!" Thinking that other people are also in desperate situation, the disciple of the Earth Splitting Sect said immediately, with a very respectful tone.

"Uh, what's going on?" Mo Xian was helpless. Could it be that he didn't even have a chance to sneak in, and he had to wipe the buttocks of these Earth Rift Sect disciples?

"Uncle, it was us who were wrong before, so don't take it to heart, I'm afraid the other senior brothers are in trouble now, and we have been tricked." The disciple of the Earth Rift Sect bent down and lowered his hands, with a look of shame on his face.

"Hey, as a senior, how can I be as knowledgeable as you, and lead the way!" Mo Xian waved his big hand, and said in an old-fashioned way, and at the same time, he drove a wave of energy into the body of the disciple of the Earth Splitting Sect.

"Thank you, Uncle!" The disciples of the Earth Splitting Sect immediately felt full of energy, and at the same time they were overjoyed, they rushed out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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