Martial arts become gods

Chapter 247 Solemn Thanks

Chapter 247 Solemn Thanks


Yunxiangque yelled cheerfully in one direction, obviously, it had locked onto Mo Xian's position.

"Go!" Hu Sandao nodded to everyone, and then the group walked in cautiously, and soon they arrived at the place where Mo Xian fought Hu Yuanming before.

Seeing the devastation, everyone was a little shocked.

Soon someone found Hu Yuanming's body on the ground, and Hu Sandao stepped forward to check it out, and his face immediately became a little gloomy.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Hu Yuanming was almost killed by one blow, so he was even more sure that Mo Xian was hiding his strength.

"Mo Xian, Miss Ben is here, I know you're here, don't come out yet!"

Hu Meier yelled loudly, seeming a little complacent.

Mo Xian was originally a cultivator, and the injuries caused by Hu Yuanming before had recovered to a good degree.

Hearing Hu Meier's voice suddenly, a hint of doubt appeared on his face: "This girl, why did you come back right after you left?"

"Based on my experience, she must have figured it out, and she came to agree with her body." Xiao En said with a half-smile.

"Give me your head!" Mo Xian spat lightly, then stood up quickly, and walked towards the direction from which the voice came.

After turning a few turns, he returned to the place where he fought Hu Yuanming before, and his expression immediately became unnatural.

He found that besides Hu Meier, there was actually a large group of people looking at him seriously.

Originally, he thought that there were only Hu Meier and Xiaoduo. After all, this was the place where the two of them had a tryst, so he didn't investigate carefully. He didn't expect so many people to come this time.

Moreover, judging from the look, it was obviously not good.

"Hey, I didn't expect that, I'm back!" Hu Meier looked at Mo Xian provocatively and said proudly.

"Why did you bring so many people here?" Mo Xian pouted and asked.

"My father wants to thank you in person. It's not grand if there are too few people, so I brought so many people here." Hu Meier laughed.

"So grand?" Mo Xian smiled wryly and shook his head, this Hu Meier is really cute, looking at this kind of formation, what kind of gratitude is there.

Soon, his idea was confirmed.

"Take him down!" Hu Sandao waved his hand, and then everyone quickly surrounded Mo Xian.

Mo Xian took a casual look. These people were probably not low in strength, and he had no chance of escaping at all.

"Father, what are you doing?" Hu Meier was taken aback, obviously not understanding what happened.

"Hey, silly daughter, you didn't even know you were cheated by him, but he actually got close to you on purpose, and then sneaked into our Crazy Sword Sect." Hu Sandao sighed and said.

"How is it possible? I forced her to go back with me." Hu Meier didn't believe it.

"This is his brilliance, he lied to you and you still speak for him!" Hu Sandao said.

"Impossible, I don't believe it, these are all your own imaginations." Hu Meier shook her head like a rattle, she was very puzzled, how things happened to this point.

"Then tell me, why did he deliberately hide his strength?" Hu Sandao said.

"This..." Hu Meier was startled, and then immediately said to Mo Xian, "Tell us quickly, why do you hide your strength!"

"Uh..." Mo Xian smiled wryly, and he didn't know how to explain it. Could it be that he wanted to say that he sneaked into Frenzied Sword Sect to muddy the pot of Zhejian Sect and Frenzied Sword Sect, and then fished in troubled waters?

Moreover, the current situation is very unclear, and he doesn't know what Hu Sandao has mastered.

But he can be sure that Hu Yuanming must have gone back first, and said something to Hu Sandao before Hu Meier.

So, he can't tell the whole story yet.

"See, he has nothing to say!" Hu Sandao shook his head and said, "Do it!"

Immediately, the people he brought surrounded Mo Xian.

"Impossible, I don't believe it!" Hu Meier tried to stop Hu Sandao, but the latter was unmoved.

"Meier, you are still young, you don't understand some things, but don't worry, I won't hurt him until the truth comes to light." Hu Sandao said.

And the moment they spoke, Mo Xian had already been taken down by everyone.

It wasn't that he was subdued, but that he didn't resist at all. After all, under such circumstances, he had no chance of winning.

Moreover, he also saw that Hu Sandao should not kill him, otherwise, the situation at this time would not be like this.

"Take it back!" Seeing that Mo Xian didn't resist, Hu Sandao was also relieved. He was still polite to Mo Xian, and he didn't use any extreme methods, but let a few good players watch him.

On the way back, Mo Xian couldn't laugh or cry, how could things go well, and then Hu Meier made this happen again.

Moreover, Hu Meier actually took the initiative to be a guide.

At this moment, he wished that Hu Meier could lie down in front of him and give her a good spanking. This was not the first time he had this thought.

"Mo Xian, I didn't know it would happen like this, but don't worry, you'll be fine with me here!" After thinking for a long time, Hu Meier finally walked to Mo Xian's side, biting her lips lightly.

"Miss, you said the same thing last time, but I was almost beaten to death. Don't say that this time, I don't want to die again." Mo Xian said angrily, luck last time Fortunately, he was buried alive, but this time he might just be cremated.

"What kind of attitude is this? Since this lady has said it, she will naturally do what she says." Hu Meier suddenly became unhappy. Although she felt guilty, she would not admit that she was wrong after being held in her hands for a long time.

"Okay, okay, but why did you betray me this time?" Mo Xian said helplessly.

"Whoever betrayed you, I was also deceived!" Hu Meier blushed pretty, and gave Hu Sandao a look.

"Okay, did Hu Yuanming go back too?" Mo Xian asked with a wry smile.

"How is it possible, he did such a daring thing, dare to go back!" Hu Meier said.

"Are you sure?" Mo Xian stared at Hu Meier's face and said.

"Sure!" Hu Meier was about to say, but when she saw Mo Xian's serious face, she immediately changed her words: "I don't know, but how could he dare to go back."

"Sure enough!" Mo Xian was helpless, this Hu Meier was indeed a model of big breasts and no brains.

"What kind of expression do you have? Are you laughing at me?" Hu Meier seemed to have realized something, but she still insisted.

"I dare not, but please use your brain before making a decision next time." Mo Xian pouted and said.

"How dare you say that I don't use my brain!" Hu Meier immediately became angry from embarrassment, her small face flushed with anger, and her breathing became rapid.

"Sister, it seems that I should be angry now!" Mo Xian muttered to himself, glanced at Hu Meier's trembling chest, shook his head helplessly, and said in a low voice: "It really is big breasts and no brains!"

(End of this chapter)

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