Martial arts become gods

Chapter 251 The Way to Get Rid of the Blood Curse

Chapter 251 The Way to Get Rid of the Blood Curse
The next morning, Mo Xian woke up comfortably from his little bed.

Perhaps because he relieved the fatigue in his heart, he slept very comfortably that night, and even had a dream.

He dreamed that Hu Mei'er became his follower, and was severely whipped by him.

That refreshing feeling almost made him wake up laughing, but when he woke up, he found that he was still lying in the attendant's room, and his identity was still a attendant, whose responsibilities were guarding the door and running errands.

It seems that even if he exposed his strength, nothing seemed to change.

He opened his eyes and was about to stretch, but in a haze, he saw two pairs of big eyes staring at him, as if he had been looking at him for a long time.

The weird situation made him shiver immediately, and subconsciously hugged the quilt tightly.

The drowsiness also completely dissipated at this time, and after seeing clearly that it was Hu Meier and Xiaoduo, he immediately said angrily: "What are you doing, don't you know that scaring people can scare people to death?"

"Who made you so timid and slept like a dead pig? We've been waiting for a long time." Hu Mei'er stared, with a round face, as if she was in a state of anger.

"I didn't ask you to wait for me!" Mo Xian said angrily.

"I don't care, you are my follower now, so you have to listen to me." Hu Meier said, paused and continued: "Did you really kill that guy Qi Sheng? Why do I always feel a little unreal? "

"Really!" Mo Xian said dumbfounded, it was rare for Hu Meier to wake up so early for this matter.

"Then how did you kill that guy?" Hu Meier asked curiously with her eyes wide open.

It seemed that she was very interested in Qi Sheng's death and seemed very happy.

"He wants to steal my things!" Mo Xian said helplessly.

"And then?" Hu Meier's face suddenly became more curious.

"Then I killed him!" Mo Xian said.

"It's that simple?" Hu Meier was taken aback, she came here for the purpose of listening to the story, and Mo Xian's answer made him very dissatisfied.

"It's that simple." Mo Xian nodded.

Hu Meier was obviously very dissatisfied with the answer, so she had to pester Mo Xian to explain it in detail.

In desperation, Mo Xian could only speak casually.

But he is obviously not suitable for telling stories, and what he tells is dry.

But Hu Meier and Xiaoduo still listened with great interest, and would exclaim once or twice from time to time.

While talking, Mo Xian also knew about the feud between Hu Meier and Qi Sheng.

It turned out that Qi Sheng used to be infatuated with Hu Meier, and unexpectedly came to propose marriage several times solemnly, and even did some things that made Hu Meier very shameless, and almost tied Hu Meier back.

And this is also the reason that led to the complete break between Zhejianmen and Frenzied Swordmen.

The three of them chatted in this way, and Mo Xian also expressed his desire to change his identity, but was rejected by Hu Meier with righteous words.

"By the way, my father asked me to ask you, have you been hit by a blood curse of the sword-folding gate?" After talking for a long time, Hu Meier seemed to have remembered the business.

"Oh?" Mo Xian was startled, and said, "Is there any way to solve it?"

"I don't know, but my father told you to go to him after you wake up, as if there is something wrong." Hu Meier said.

"Then you didn't say it earlier!" Mo Xian said angrily, but at the same time he had already rushed out of the door. After all, Hu Sandao was looking for him, probably because of the blood curse.

Soon, Mo Xian found Hu Sandao, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time to come. Seeing Mo Xian approaching, he smiled and said, "It seems that you slept well!"

"Hey, it's okay!" Mo Xian cast a sloppy eye, and immediately asked: "I don't know what the senior wants from me?"

"You should know that Qi Sheng has a blood curse on him!" Hu Sandao said.

Mo Xian was overjoyed and said, "Could it be that senior has a solution?"

"My ancestors fought against Zhejianmen before, and some people were also hit by this blood curse. They tried to solve it, and finally found a solution that was not a solution." Hu Sandao said with a wry smile.

"Oh? What way?" Mo Xian asked in surprise.

"Listen to me first. This method can be regarded as fighting poison with poison. Use the vigorous vitality of dozens of monsters to cover up this breath on your body. However, the whole process is very painful, and it may be because you can't bear it. And death, and it didn't last long, maybe two months at most. If you want to solve it completely, you still have to get the antidote from Qi Tian." Hu Sandao said helplessly.

"Two months!" Mo Xian fell silent, that is to say, he had to kill Qi Tian within two months to get the antidote.

But this is obviously impossible, if he has this kind of strength, why would he be afraid of any blood curse, just kill Qi Tian directly, wouldn't it be all over.

In this way, this method is indeed a bit tasteless, not to mention risking your life.

"However, when my ancestors were studying this method, they accidentally discovered a side effect." Hu Sandao said again.

"What side effects?" Mo Xian suddenly felt helpless, such a tricky method, if there were any side effects, then there was really no point for him to try.

"If you succeed, your strength is likely to make a breakthrough. After all, the powerful qi and blood of dozens of monsters have huge energy." Hu Sandao paused, and continued: "So, many years ago, someone Many people who think they are talented try to use it to improve their strength, but there are very few people who succeed."

"How many people have succeeded?" Mo Xian said, if the side effect is to improve strength, then he is more interested.

"As far as I know, there will be no more than three people, and one of them is my father's father's father. He, like you, killed a young master of Kuangdaomen." Hu Sandao smiled bitterly: "But you don't have to Reluctantly, after all, this method is too difficult..."

"Senior, I am willing to give it a try!"

Before Hu Sandao finished speaking, Mo Xian was the first to speak. In order to improve his strength, all the pain in front of him was not a problem at all.

"Oh?" Hu Sandao was stunned, and then laughed loudly: "Okay, you have courage, if that's the case, then I'll order someone to prepare it!"

"Thank you, senior!" Mo Xian cupped his hands and said.

"Hehe, it's just a trivial matter. If you hadn't saved Mei'er, I'm afraid the matter would have turned into something unknown. What's more, you are the enemy of Zhejianmen, so you are our friend." Hu Sandao waved Waving his hand, he smiled.


Hu Sandao's work efficiency is really high, and before night, dozens of monsters are ready.

Although there are dozens of species, there are dozens of heads of each type, and some have more than a hundred heads. This adds up to a huge number, which almost fills up the largest martial arts arena in Mad Saber Sect.

However, Mad Saber Sect has been here for many years after all, and they are very familiar with the surrounding environment. In addition, the level of these monsters is actually not high, so this matter is really not a big deal for them.

However, the mountains of magical beasts on the martial arts field still alarmed many people in the Crazy Sword Sect.

Seeing that spectacular scene, everyone looked horrified, and they all guessed what they were going to do.

And those few people who knew the inside story had a solemn look on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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