Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2543 Fusion of Wan Yaofeng

Chapter 2543 Fusion of Wan Yaofeng

"Why don't you use the hardest thing, just get an iron box to put it in." Mo Xian said.

"Ordinary wind may be fine, but Wanyao wind is not. No matter how hard metal is, there are gaps, but they are invisible to the naked eye." Xiao En said.

"Then what do you think is this softest thing?" Mo Xian asked.

"Water!" Xiao En said.

"Water?" Mo Xian was taken aback, never expecting it to be such an ordinary thing.

"While it's okay now, when it regains some strength, ordinary water won't work at all." Xiao En said.

Mo Xian immediately took out a few gourds of water from the ring, and then sprinkled it on Wan Yaofeng.

He is not good at driving water, so he can only use this method instead.

But the water was sprinkled into the air, and immediately dispersed.

He tried to condense it with Yuanli, but the water was evaporated instantly.

"You are stupid, how can you catch it, you have to find a big lake and force it in!" Xiao En said a little speechlessly.

"You stupid, where can I find a lake in the desert!" Mo Xian said, so far, he hasn't even seen a slightly wet place.

"I don't know, there are lakes in the desert, otherwise how would those plants and animals survive." Xiaoen said contemptuously.

Mo Xian stopped talking, but if he wanted to find the lake, he also had to lure Wan Yaofeng there, so it wouldn't be so easy.

"The lakes in the desert move, usually along the underground rivers. Wherever the underground rivers go, there may be lakes." Xiao En explained.

As a plant, it is very sensitive to water, and quickly found the track of the river below.

Then it took Mo Xian a long time to force Wan Yaofeng onto the track.

After such a period of time, Mo Xian saw from a distance that there was a huge reflection in front of him. It turned out to be a lake, and it was not small.

It seems that because of the lake, the temperature nearby has dropped a lot.

Wan Yaofeng also seemed to like this environment quite a bit, and automatically flew towards the lake.

Mo Xian was overjoyed, and immediately urged Shaking Jiuta, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

When he was getting close to Wan Yaofeng, he suddenly activated the energy in his body, and ruthlessly suppressed Wan Yaofeng from top to bottom.

Wan Yaofeng had nowhere to escape, so he got into the water directly.

Mo Xian immediately followed and quickly locked onto Wan Yaofeng.

At this time, Wan Yaofeng is like a bubble, which is easy to spot.

After reaching the water, Wan Yaofeng's speed slowed down a lot, and it sank deeper and deeper.

"No, it wants to escape from the bottom of the water!" Xiao En said.

"I know!" Mo Xian quickly cast the myriad of fish and dragons, as if turning into a fish and dragon, the speed is amazing.

The underwater terrain is complicated, once Wan Yaofeng gets in, it will be difficult to find.

Seeing that there was no chance at the bottom of the water, Wan Yaofeng changed his course again and floated up.

However, Mo Xian pursued relentlessly, forcing Wan Yaofeng to scurry in the water.

In the end, Mo Xian used Yuanli to imprison a small piece of water and also imprison Wan Yaofeng in it.

Just as Xiaoen said, Wan Yaofeng was scurrying about in the water, but he couldn't escape.

Mo Xian stretched his palm in joyfully, and easily inhaled Wan Yaofeng into his body.

After returning to the desert, he immediately locked Wan Yaofeng with his mind.

The violent Wan Yaofeng was unusually quiet at this moment, appearing extremely docile, making it unimaginable that it had erupted with such a powerful force before.

"The next step is to refine. But you already have Mo Linghuo in your Yuanli, and the two may be mutually exclusive. You have to be mentally prepared!" Xiao En said.

"En!" Mo Xian nodded, and immediately controlled Yuanli, forcing Wan Yaofeng into the sea of ​​air.

Immediately afterwards, he controlled his Yuan power and wrapped it towards Wan Yaofeng.

For a moment, he only felt a roar in his body, almost fainted from the shock.

Wan Yaofeng also swelled instantly, revealing its own body, looking like a huge ghost, elusive and elusive.

Mo Linghuo and Wan Yaofeng are the most powerful existences in the world. After meeting each other, it must be the thunder from the sky that will stir the fire on the earth. It is not easy to merge.

Mo Xian bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, keeping the Lingtai clear and bright, and desperately controlled his energy to slam into Wan Yaofeng.

But the two are like water and fire, and it is impossible to merge.

Not long after, Mo Xian thought of another method.

He separated Mo Linghuo from his own Yuanli first, leaving only pure Yuanli. It should be much easier to use it to fuse Wan Yaofeng.

After refining Wan Yaofeng, the already refined Mo Linghuo will be fused into it again.

This method really works very well. Although the weak Wan Yaofeng is very resistant to pure Yuan power, it is not that strong.

However, this kind of fusion consumes a lot of energy. Fortunately, Mo Xian has two extra seas of energy and several phantom bodies to support him, otherwise he might be drained before it is completed.

After an unknown period of time, Mo Xian only felt a sudden tremor in the world, and then a huge change took place in his own energy, turning into a gray-white color like Wan Yaofeng.

Mo Xian tried to unleash a gray-white element force, which hit a piece of sand.

There was no reaction at first, but soon, the sand land collapsed rapidly.

It wasn't quicksand, but the sand grains in it were completely weathered into pieces by Wan Yaofeng.

"Sure enough!" Mo Xian couldn't help nodding his head. Now its Yuan Power seems to be much softer, but the power contained in it is terrifying, full of destructiveness, and has a strong sense of death.

Once injured by this kind of force, it must be difficult to recover.

However, this is not complete yet, he still has to integrate Mo Linghuo into Yuanli again.

Although both Mo Linghuo and Wan Yaofeng have been refined at this time, the two are incompatible, and I'm afraid it will not be easy.

For a period of time after that, Mo Xian concentrated on it and kept trying, but he was still unable to succeed.

Either Mo Linghuo was squeezed out, or Wan Yaofeng was squeezed out.

Fortunately, neither of them hurt him now, otherwise he would have died a long time ago.

In the haze, Mo Xian seemed to have forgotten everything.

Gradually the lake disappeared, and the wind and sand moved slowly, covering up his figure.

After several days like this, several women with white gauzes appeared here, they were Yao Qingwei of Elder Yao Qing.

"Strange, he should have appeared here." They stopped and looked at the nearby sand sea in confusion.

When they discovered that the black lightning sandstorm disappeared abnormally, they immediately realized that Mo Xian might have escaped, so they followed the clues to chase him.

However, after arriving here, there is no trace of Mo Xian anymore.

In fact, Mo Xian was tens of meters below their feet.

It's just that his breath was very weak, completely covered by the sand.

(End of this chapter)

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