Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2554 Escape

Chapter 2554 Escape
Venerable Huanglong was sure that the centipede must be hiding nearby, so he sensed it carefully.

But the sand around him suddenly moved, greatly disturbing his perception.

Venerable Huanglong was furious in an instant, and the terrifying aura spread out in an instant, twisting the surroundings upside down.

Immediately afterwards, small black figures were shaken out from the sand, all of which were small beasts covered in scales.

The attack of this little beast doesn't seem to be very good, but its defense power is extremely astonishing, and it is quite agile, so it quickly got into the ground.

Venerable Huanglong was driven almost crazy, constantly attacking the surrounding sand.

After such a period of time, he stood up, but suddenly found that there was no movement around, and the centipede didn't know where it went.

"Damn beast, dare to take food from my mouth, even if it is the ends of the earth, I will smash you into thousands of pieces." Venerable Huanglong roared angrily, his hair was dancing wildly in the wind, his face was distorted, and he looked very ferocious. Change the usual kind look.

In fact, of course, Mo Xian was not swallowed by the centipede, but wanted to get rid of Venerable Huanglong with the help of the centipede.

At this time, the centipede had taken him to an extremely distant place.

Mo Xian felt the fluctuation of Venerable Huanglong from a distance, and his heart was also shocked.

He could sense that Venerable Huanglong was at least as strong as Nine Star Martial Venerable, and he could be killed with a single finger.

Fortunately, he had the help of centipede, otherwise he really didn't know how to deal with Venerable Huanglong.

"Thank you!" Mo Xian patted the centipede's head. This time, in order to help it, the centipede lost half of its arthropods, and its carapace was also torn apart.

The centipede moved its mouth, made a strange figure, and then suddenly started to accelerate, leading Mo Xian towards the depths of the sand.

Because the speed was so fast, Mo Xian almost had no chance to think. He only felt that the surroundings were all yellow sand, but there was no obstacle.

After stabilizing, he faintly felt that the centipede should be taking him somewhere, so he was relieved.

And outside the desert, Venerable Huanglong was searching carefully, and soon found a drop of green juice, which was left by the centipede.

He dipped a little of the juice with his finger, white smoke began to come out of his finger immediately, and he still felt a faint burning pain.

"Hmph!" Venerable Huanglong sneered, and the juice in his hand evaporated instantly.

He has already locked the centipede's breath, as long as it is still in this desert, he will definitely be able to find it.

Centipedes cannot survive outside the desert, so it is only a matter of time before they are found.

The sand is to the centipede what water is to the fish, it can move freely in it without leaving any traces.

This was a very novel experience, which made Mo Xian faintly excited.

He felt that he was wrapped in sand, but he didn't feel any pressure at all, which was very miraculous.

But soon, he discovered that there was a powerful aura chasing him from a very far away place, and it was naturally Venerable Huanglong.

"This old man, how could I offend him?" Mo Xian felt helpless, but now he could only rely on the power of the centipede.

Once he goes out, I'm afraid he will be locked immediately.

The centipede is quite spiritual, and it also sensed something, and called out uneasily.

The fluctuation of Venerable Huanglong is getting closer and closer, and the centipede is getting more and more restless.

Finally, it stopped suddenly.

Mo Xian was wondering, but his body suddenly fell down and landed in a pitch-black space.

It turns out that the carapace on the centipede's back can be opened, and there is a space inside that can accommodate many people.

It can also be said that Mo Xian was swallowed by centipedes.

Soon, there was a faint fluorescent light all around.

Mo Xian looked around, it was very dry here, it didn't seem to be in the stomach, it was more like a cave.

Moreover, there are actually a lot of elixir around, and even weapons and armor.

It seems that this centipede also has the habit of collecting.

It's just that those elixir and armor seem to be very old and have lost their effectiveness.

Mo Xian randomly picked up a spear, but it rotted quickly.

With his vision, he can naturally see the extraordinaryness of this long spear. He didn't expect it to become so fragile, and he doesn't know how many years it has been through.

After swallowing Mo Xian, the centipede did not move, but became quiet, with all its joints closed.

The centipede is quite good at hiding, and when it calms down, it almost merges with the desert.

And Mo Xian hid in his stomach, all his breath was covered up.

Besides, Venerable Huanglong, after chasing him for a while, he suddenly lost his target.

He stopped and looked around.

The desert is very calm, there is not a single living thing.

"Strange, why did it suddenly die!" Venerable Huanglong frowned slightly.

After pondering for a while, he immediately started to attack the sandy land crazily, and soon set off a huge bunker.

There is nothing in the bunker, and the surrounding sand is flowing into it quickly.

But he didn't give up, the centipede wouldn't disappear for no reason, it should be hidden in some way.

In the depths of the desert, Mo Xian could clearly feel the vibration of the sand, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Although they were in the depths of the sand sea, they might not be able to withstand such a toss by Venerable Huanglong.

The centipede was obviously also very nervous. Once it couldn't help but move, it might be discovered by Venerable Huanglong immediately.

"Don't worry, he didn't notice us, he was just attacking indiscriminately." Sensing the nervousness of the centipede, Mo Xian immediately comforted him.

The centipede got better now, and remained motionless.

Venerable Huanglong has been attacking for a long time, almost destroying the sand within a hundred miles, but still nothing.

After hiding underground for a long time, Mo Xian noticed that the top of the desert had become quiet, and Venerable Huanglong seemed to have given up.

The centipede was about to move, but Mo Xian stopped him: "Don't move, he might just be testing us."

In the sand, Venerable Huanglong lay prone on the ground, hiding all his aura.

This posture is undoubtedly very embarrassing, but for Mo Xian, he has already risked it, completely disregarding face.

Once there is any movement around, he can immediately detect it, and then pull out the centipede as quickly as possible.

As long as Mo Xian has not been fully digested, he will have a way to find out Mo Xian's secrets by secret methods.

If he had known that there would be such an accident, he would probably have used that secret technique long ago.

This kind of secret technique is called soul searching technique. Once it is used, it can directly search the target's sea of ​​consciousness, and all secrets cannot be hidden.

And being searched for the soul, the lightest thing is to become mentally handicapped, and there is a high probability of falling.

And when you perform it, you will also suffer great backlash. The lightest is weakness for a long time, and the most serious state may regress.

(End of this chapter)

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