Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2556 Desert Army Ant

Chapter 2556 Desert Army Ant

The centipede took Mo Xian and swam quickly along the underground sand river.

The Shahe River is getting wider and wider, but the flow speed is getting faster and faster. It really looks like a rushing river.

The environment here is quite special, there are shiny ores everywhere, so it is not so dark.

There are countless jagged rocks on both sides, which look grotesque against the light spots.

After such a period of time, the centipede suddenly began to fall rapidly.

Mo Xian stabilized his figure and found that it was a cliff, and the sand fell from here, forming a special waterfall, which made him marvel at the magic of nature.

After falling for a long time, the centipede landed on a piece of soft sand.

At the bottom of the waterfall is a huge deep pool, which is full of sand, and it is still flowing downwards, forming a balance with the sand falling from above, and it just fills up.

The centipede continued to move forward with Mo Xian, and soon touched the hard ground.

The movement of the centipede on the ground was obviously much slower, and because many of its joints were new and shortened, it was limping, which looked rather funny.

Mo Xian patted the centipede on the back, then jumped off.

Now that they didn't know how deep the ground was, they shouldn't be easily found, so he relaxed a lot.

On the mainland, there are many underground worlds hidden. Basically, they are all huge treasure houses. He has seen many of them before, but they are not as unique as here.

If the centipede hadn't brought him here, he probably wouldn't have found it in his entire life.

After walking forward for a while, the front suddenly became dark, like a black hole, swallowing all the light.

After walking forward for a certain distance, Mo Xian saw countless hideous and distorted human faces on the stone wall in front of him.

This man's face was much bigger than normal, and it also emitted a faint fluorescent light, which looked extraordinarily terrifying, and he was looking at him coldly.

Mo Xian was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, and immediately took out the Dark Devil's Howling Spear and stood on guard.

From the looks of it, there seemed to be some kind of weird creature hidden in the darkness.

The centipede stood quietly beside Mo Xian, like a mountain.

Mo Xian tried to take a few steps forward, but stepped on something and made a slight noise.

Then there was a sudden rustling sound from the surroundings, and a slight air current appeared.

Immediately afterwards, those faces disappeared instantly.

Mo Xian was startled, and wiped his eyes, those weird grimaces actually disappeared before his eyes.

He stopped and carefully felt the surrounding situation, and if something was wrong, he would leave and retreat to a place with light.

In the darkness, he only felt that something was flying around, and the resulting air current hit his face.

Not long after that, those ghost faces suddenly began to appear one by one, rather abruptly, as if they had disappeared suddenly before.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Mo Xian snorted coldly, and suddenly a gun shot out, firmly immobilizing a grimace.

The grimaces disappeared in an instant, including the one he had fixed.

Mo Xian was startled, he clearly felt that he had hit something just now, and that thing should still be on the Ghost Howling Gun, still shaking slightly.

Mo Xian raised his palm, and a ball of light condensed on it, illuminating the surroundings, but the range was very limited.

The stone walls here are very strange, as if they would absorb light.

After seeing it clearly, a strange look suddenly appeared on Mo Xian's face. What he just stopped was actually a huge butterfly.

There are strange lines on the back of the butterfly wings, and they emit light. After unfolding, a weird human face is formed.

If it is closed, the lines are covered, as if they disappear.

However, how could there be such a weird butterfly in the depths of the ground.

Mo Xian approached the fluttering butterfly, and immediately found that the fluorescent light on the butterfly's back was slowly falling off, as if it was just stained.

He dipped a little bit with his finger, and his complexion immediately became weirder. These fluorescent lights were similar to phosphorous fire, or ghost fire.

That is to say, there are a large number of corpses here, and these butterflies became this unique appearance only after being contaminated with certain substances in the ashes.

After figuring it out, Mo Xian relaxed a lot, otherwise, if there really was something weird here, he might have to retreat.

After releasing the injured big butterfly, Mo Xian continued to move forward.

He is almost sure that there must be a large number of corpses here, whether it is warriors or monsters, there must be something left behind.

Now there is a strong man outside looking at him, and if he can find something useful here, he may be able to get rid of it.

After passing through the dark passage, light appeared again.

Mo Xian raised his foot, the ground here is quite soft, which is very abnormal.

The centipede, on the other hand, seemed a little uneasy, growling in a low voice.

Mo Xian stopped immediately, and the energy in his body began to circulate.

Not long after that, mounds of soil suddenly appeared on the ground, and they bulged rapidly, as if something was drilling out.

Obviously, centipedes are afraid of these things.

The mound was getting higher and higher, and its shape was like a mini volcano. Then, a red ant about an inch long appeared from the crater.

Then, this kind of ants gushed out like a blowout, and then fell like a tide, covering the ground in an instant, like a layer of red carpet, which was extremely strange.

"Desert army ants!" Mo Xian was startled.

These red ants are absolutely deadly in the desert.

Their individual strength is not strong, but tens of thousands gather together, like the tide, they are the natural enemies of countless powerful monsters in the desert, and they can even devour Yuanli.

Not to mention Mo Xian, even a centipede would be eaten up in an instant, no wonder it is so afraid.

"Back back!" Mo Xian immediately shouted, raised his hand and blasted out, crushing the army ants in front of him.

But the centipedes had difficulty moving here, unable to turn around at all, and could only back away slowly.

Mo Xian could only keep attacking the army ants, but no matter how he killed them, the number of army ants was increasing, and soon covered the entire cave, and even the top began to fall down.

Moreover, he noticed that the ground under his feet began to surge, and obviously more army ants were preparing to appear directly from under him.

Once it is entangled, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

Mo Xian immediately used Yuanli to protect his body, keeping the army ants out.

But the army ants were frantically gnawing at the Yuanli, making weird clicking noises.

The Yuanli defense was flickering, Mo Xian could only continue to strengthen it, and Yuanli was consumed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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