Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2558 Mass Burial Mound

Chapter 2558 Mass Burial Mound

Mo Xian was about to leave, but suddenly found that the thick dust on the ground suddenly began to bulge, as if something was about to get out.

"Could it be another army ant?" Mo Xian's face turned cold, and he raised his hand to shoot it.

Almost at the same time as he shot, a tiny jointed limb protruded from the dust, it was crystal clear, and it didn't seem to be an army ant.

Startled, Mo Xian immediately withdrew his attack, and was knocked back several steps by the force of the countershock.

Immediately afterwards, a laughing creature emerged from the dust. It had many compound eyes on its back and countless long legs. It was clearly a miniature centipede.

This centipede looks like it has just been born, its whole body is transparent, and its internal organs can even be seen, making it appear extremely delicate.

Mo Xian wiped his eyes, wondering if he had read it wrong.

But the little centipede slowly crawled towards him, and then rubbed against his feet.

"Unexpectedly, you survived!" Mo Xian said a little excitedly.

This may be the centipede's life-saving method. At a critical moment, it abandons the outer carapace and re-condenses a new body.

Although this body is much weaker, as long as there is enough time, it will always return to normal.

"Squeak..." The centipede yelled happily a few times, and the compound eyes on its back kept blinking, looking much cuter than before.

Immediately afterwards, it climbed up along Mo Xian's body, and finally fell asleep on Mo Xian's head.

"This guy!" Mo Xian shook his head helplessly, and walked forward holding the centipede.

He checked carefully along the way to avoid encountering troublesome army ants again.

Fortunately, the ground in the channel is rocky, quite hard.

The space below seems to be formed naturally, and there is no trace of artificial carving.

Gradually, the passages began to branch, extending in all directions, and some of them could only barely accommodate one person to pass through.

After walking for a while, Mo Xian had no idea where he was.

The place where I was bitten by the army ants before felt a faint pain, and the feeling of numbness became stronger and stronger.

He simply sat down, picked up some dry branches around, and set up a bonfire.

The venom of army ants is not very toxic, but it is very uncomfortable.

After lifting up his trousers, Mo Xian realized that his ankle had been bitten to pieces, and bones could even be seen in some places.

He hurriedly took out clean water to wash it, and took some medicine, and then he felt much better.

The centipede fell asleep on Mo Xian's head, and its soft body gradually became tougher.

After resting for a while, Mo Xian lit up the bonfire and continued walking forward.

The environment here is very special, the passages are scattered and complicated, no matter where he goes, he can vaguely see the halo of the bonfire, just like a guiding light he left behind.

After such a period of time, Mo Xian finally could not see the brilliance of the bonfire.

As he was walking, he noticed that a flickering light appeared in front of him, and he immediately rushed over at a faster speed.

After coming close, a wry smile appeared on his face immediately.

At some point, he actually went around the back of the bonfire. The so-called halo was actually the bonfire he left behind.

He didn't give up, and after adding some more firewood, he continued to move forward, but it didn't take long before the bonfire appeared in front of him again.

This has happened several times in a row, this place is like a huge maze, and people return to the original place without knowing it.

Even if Mo Xian continued, the result would probably be the same.

But he was not in a hurry, so he simply sat down.

Anyway, there are still people looking for him in the desert, and it is impossible for him to go out in the short term.

After resting for a while, Mo Xian saw a faint fluorescent light appearing in the darkness behind him, slowly floating in the air, it was the weird big butterfly he had met before.

These butterflies have lived here for a long time and should know the way.

Mo Xian immediately put out the bonfire and carefully hid it.

Soon, those butterflies flew over.

The remaining temperature in the air seemed to make them very uneasy, and they immediately stuck to the wall, spread their wings, exposed those weird faces, and looked around.

If people who don't know see this scene, they will be scared away immediately.

Mo Xian held his breath and waited patiently. He believed that these butterflies would take him where he wanted to go.

After such a period of time, those ghost faces began to become faintly visible, and then flew along the passage to the distance.

Mo Xian hurriedly followed carefully, his movements were very light, not attracting the attention of those butterflies.

The big butterfly was very familiar with the terrain, turning around in the passage, and finally brought Mo Xian into a huge cave.

This cave is slanted, leading to a deeper part of the ground, and some red lights can be seen faintly below.

After the butterfly flew in, Mo Xian stopped.

This cave is very strange, as if someone bombarded the ground obliquely with a powerful attack from outside, leaving such a large cave in one blow.

If this is true, that person's strength may have reached an astonishing level.

Mo Xian looked up, the top of his head was pitch black, a huge cave slanted to the top, no matter how far away he couldn't see clearly.

If his guess is correct, following here should lead to the ground.

He didn't dare to stay here any longer, so he flew down the passage, so as not to be discovered by Venerable Huanglong.

He always suspected that Venerable Huanglong was not his master, but just to get something from himself.

There is only one huge cave, and it has been advancing obliquely downwards. There are some red lights leaking out of the darkness below, as if it has been leading to hell.

Suddenly, Mo Xian noticed that the butterfly leading the way below had suddenly disappeared.

He immediately sped up and chased after it. There was still some phosphorous powder in the air, but the butterflies disappeared without a trace.

Mo Xian immediately looked around to see if there were any other entrances. The answer was of course no. Right now he had only one way to go, and that was to go deeper along this big hole.

After ignoring those butterflies, Mo Xian speeded up, and the red light below became clearer and clearer, clearly some overflowing lava.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Xian reached the ground, and there were flowing faces everywhere.

He looked around, there was only one direction to go, and he walked over immediately.

Not long after, a huge bottom canyon appeared in front of it, and there were floating will-o'-the-wisps everywhere, which looked very strange, like eyes.

Mo Xian rushed in immediately, turned a corner and found countless corpses, some of monsters and some of humans, spread a thick layer, like a mass grave.

(End of this chapter)

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