Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2562 Earth Center Blood Refining Pool

Chapter 2562 Earth Center Blood Refining Pool

"Strange, what is this place?" Mo Xian looked at the blood pool curiously, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, after all, the blood pool looked so weird, it always made him feel like a pool of fresh blood.

Thinking of so many corpses outside, he even thought that it was this weird blood pool that refined so much flesh and blood, and then gained a huge vitality.

This kind of situation is not impossible, and Mo Xian immediately felt a chill all over his body. He didn't want to be refined into a skeleton for no reason.

The centipede should have been here before, but at this moment it was still looking at the blood pool quite vigilantly.

Given how much it likes that liquid, if there is no danger, it should rush in and swim immediately.

"Hey, this can't be the blood refining pool in the center of the earth!" At this moment, Xiao En's childish voice suddenly sounded in Mo Xian's heart.

"What?" Mo Xian was taken aback, just hearing the name gave him a bad feeling.

"I'm ignorant, look at the shape here!" Xiao En said disdainfully.

"What's wrong with the shape?" Mo Xian said calmly, he had noticed before that the shape here looks like a huge heart.

But that's okay, nature can't make anything.

"Don't you think this place looks like a heart? In fact, this place can be said to be one of the hearts of the mainland..." Xiao En excitedly introduced to Mo Xian what the Earth-centered Blood Refining Pool is, and it sounded quite eloquent. Mysterious.

To put it simply, this place is like the human heart, providing nutrients and energy for every part of the body, the difference is that this place provides energy for the continent.

There are many blood refining pools in the center of the earth, each of which can provide vitality to a large area, and can also recover energy to maintain a relatively balanced state.

It's just that the blood refining pool in the center of the earth is generally hidden very deep, and its location is not fixed and unpredictable, so it should not be easily discovered.

"So amazing?" Mo Xian asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's miraculous. This thing is an important existence to maintain the balance of the continent. If you jump into it, the energy in your body will be recycled immediately and turned into bones." Xiao En said.

Mo Xian was startled, this place is really the same as he imagined before, can eat people.

"What are you afraid of? If the method is right, it can provide you with nutrients." Xiao En said lightly.

"What method?" Mo Xian immediately became interested.

"Give me all the Yun Lingshi on your body, and I will tell you." Xiao En said, if it can do something that is not beneficial, it will not do it.

"You are too greedy..." Mo Xian was speechless.

"Don't worry, this business is definitely not a loss. I am growing up now, and you will have a lot of opportunities to get the Yunling Stone in the future." Xiao En said.

"Okay, but if it's not beneficial, I'll burn you as firewood!" After pondering for a while, Mo Xian nodded.

Most of the elementary and middle-level spirit stones on him now are of little use to him, and there are not many useful high-level spirit stones at all, so it's okay to give them all to Xiao En.

After searching all of Mo Xian's Yun Lingshi contentedly, Xiao En told Mo Xian the method.

It's actually very simple, the Earth's Center Blood Refining Pool will not refine living plants, it can help Mo Xian transport energy over.

"It's that simple?" Mo Xian was taken aback, feeling cheated.

"You think it's easy, you can try to find another plant that can help you transport energy!" Xiao En said dissatisfied.

Anyway, they have already been tricked, and Mo Xian has no choice but to hope that he can get it back later.

At this time, the centipede suddenly took a few steps back in fear.

In the pool of blood before, there was a sudden bubbling of air and bubbles, as if something was about to appear.

According to Xiao En, this blood refining pool can recover all dead objects within the range, no matter if it is human or what.

And once someone falls directly into it, it will be recycled immediately.

But now, there is clearly a living creature about to come out of the blood refining pool.

"Impossible!" Xiao En was also a little puzzled. He had never seen the blood refining pool before, so he was a little uncertain at this time.

Not long after, a pale head, or a skull, appeared in the blood refining pool.

This skull is very strange, not like a human being, nor like any known creature, it seems to be a brand new existence.

However, this skull is very refined, the proportions are perfect, and it does not give any gloomy feeling.

Immediately afterwards, the bones in the blood refining pool slowly emerged, and the body and limbs slowly appeared in Mo Xian's sight.

This is a human-shaped skeleton, very tall, about three meters long, its body is slightly bent, and there is a long tail behind it, which looks very sharp.

The proportions of the whole skeleton are very coordinated, absolutely perfect.

Moreover, no matter from which angle you look at it, the skeleton looks very powerful.

"Hey, it's the blood-refining demon, and the Ten Thousand Blood Demon was born here! Hurry up..." Xiao En quickly recognized the identity of the skeleton, and immediately shouted.

The Ten Thousand Blood Demon is a powerful magical beast that is very unlikely to be born after the blood refining pool has recovered the energy of countless creatures.

The Ten Thousand Blood Demon is equivalent to the guardian of the blood refinement pool. Its appearance may mean that there is a problem with the blood refinement pool on the mainland. This may be related to the sudden birth of the blood refinement pool.

The blood refining pool exists to ensure the energy balance of the continent. Once there is a problem, the energy balance will be chaotic, and no one knows what will happen in the end.

This Ten Thousand Blood Demon was obviously born not long ago, but it put a very strong pressure on Mo Xian.

Without hesitation, he immediately took the centipede and ran back along the way he came.

As soon as he moved, two groups of bright red flames lit up in the hollow eyes of the Ten Thousand Blood Demon, as if he had opened his eyes.

It had already locked onto Mo Xian, and rushed out of the pool of blood immediately.

The place where Mo was idle was very difficult to walk, so his speed was not fast, and he was quickly overtaken.

However, the Ten Thousand Blood Demon is very big, so it was immediately blocked by the card owner.

However, a bone spear was immediately added to his hand, and it flew like cutting tofu, expanding the crack by a lot in an instant.

Hearing the rumbling sound behind him, Mo Xian broke into a cold sweat, so he could only speed up and rush out.

Lei Sheng is outside, and there should be a way to resist the Ten Thousand Blood Demon.

Mo Xian finally returned to the ground after the bump.

But before he came, he breathed a sigh of relief, and a powerful aura came from behind him.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately rushed out at a faster speed.

"Boom!" Almost at the same time, the place where he was standing just now was pierced and turned into a big hole.

In the valley, that strange skeleton was sitting cross-legged, with a phantom flickering slightly on its body, it was Lei Sheng.

Sensing the appearance of that powerful aura, the skeleton immediately stood up, and then saw the mighty Ten Thousand Blood Demon.

"Boy, where did you recruit this thing!" Lei Sheng was startled, he is just a soul body after all, and he can't deal with powerful enemies at all.

(End of this chapter)

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