Chapter 2619
For several days in a row, Mo Xian and the others searched, but they got something, but not as fast as before.

"If this continues, when will we be able to get it all together!" Xu Tong angrily smashed a boulder into pieces. So far, they have less than forty Thunder Talismans in their hands.

There should have been 66 Thunder Talismans that were scattered back then, but now there are still more than 20 who have fallen into the hands of who knows.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!" Mo Xian laughed.

"I'm not in a hurry, but I don't know if it's meaningful to go on like this." Xu Tong sighed, and he was able to express everyone's aspirations.

After all, so far, they don't know what these lightning symbols are for, and they rely entirely on guesswork.

The sea of ​​thunder is so big, there may be other more intuitive clues.

"Perhaps, we should change our method!" Mo Xian said after pondering for a while.

"What method?" Xu Tong and others immediately asked, they had already had enough of this boring search.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but when there are more Thunder Talismans, the fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger." Mo Xian said, because he has always held the Thunder Talismans, so he has the strongest feeling about this.

"So what?" Everyone naturally noticed it, but it didn't seem to make sense.

Just like fireflies, if there are too many of them, they will naturally light up. It is very reasonable, but it is not very useful.

"We can activate the Thunder Talisman actively, so that those who also have the Thunder Talisman may be able to notice it." Mo Xian said.

"You mean, let them take the initiative to come to us?" Everyone was startled, and immediately understood.

"That's right, but it's very risky, so..." Although Mo Xian didn't say it clearly, the meaning was already obvious.

This method is too risky, because they don't know who will show up in the end, and maybe some master will take them all.

"Just do this, at worst, go back to your hometown to farm!" Everyone said in unison. Although this method is dangerous, it is also very exciting.

"Are you sure?" Mo Xian was taken aback. He was fine by himself, but he didn't expect everyone to agree so readily.

"Sure!" Everyone nodded.

"Okay!" Mo Xian smiled lightly, and directly took out all the Thunder Talismans.

The little sea beast immediately started to move, as if it was hungry again.

"Don't even think about it!" Mo Xian immediately tapped the little sea beast, and the little sea beast settled down.

Although he had an idea, it was just a guess after all. Mo Xian didn't know how to activate the thunder talisman. He could only try to run the silver lightning body in the sky and pour the power of thunder into the thunder talisman.

There was no reaction at first, but as the energy increased, the rays of light on those lightning symbols became stronger and stronger, and they began to spontaneously combine, and soon condensed into a larger lightning symbol.

However, there are some incomplete places, which should be those thunder charms that they haven't found yet.

Not long after, Mo Xian clearly felt that a mysterious fluctuation suddenly swept across the thunder talisman.

But the others looked blank, obviously not feeling anything.

"No response?" Xu channeled.

"Try with a piece of Thunder Talisman!" Mo Xian smiled and took off a piece of Thunder Talisman, and handed it to Xu Tong.

Afterwards, Xu Tong really noticed something.

"It seems that only those who have the Thunder Talisman in their hands will sense it!" Xu Taoism said.

"It should be like this, but it's a lot more convenient, at least there won't be any messy people." Mo Xian nodded.

Next, everyone began to prepare.

After finding a fairly open place, Mo Xian activated the Thunder Talisman again, and then everyone hid themselves, and the next step was to wait.

Because they don't know what will happen, everyone is a little excited, and of course a little uneasy.

They are now like fireflies in the dark, not only attracting food, but also attracting people who come to eat them.

Not long after Mo Xian activated the Thunder Talisman, people began to sense something, and rushed towards the place where Mo Xian and the others were.

A day passed so quickly, and dozens of monks quickly appeared in Mo Xian's sight.

Because they are well hidden, these people haven't found them yet.

An old man took out a thunder talisman, examined it carefully, and then said: "The previous fluctuations should come from here, and I'm afraid there are quite a few."

"But there's nothing here!" the others said.

"Hmph, if it were you, would you stay here and wait to die? They should have activated the Thunder Talisman unintentionally, and I'm afraid they would have already run away." The old man sneered, as if he didn't realize that someone deliberately lured them here , after all, this method is too bold.

"What's the matter now?" Everyone asked the old man.

"Wait, we are not the only ones who have sensed it, more people will come." The old man said, hiding his body even when he moved.

The others followed suit and hid themselves one after another.

But it was a coincidence that the old man actually chose the same place to hide as Mo Xian.

Therefore, the two met in an instant.

This is a little embarrassing!
Fortunately, Mo Xian said that he watched the old man come over helplessly, but the old man was different, almost scared out of his wits.

The two stared at each other for a while, and the atmosphere seemed very strange.

Fortunately, the old man was quite calm and didn't react too much. After recovering, he said, "Why are you here?"

He was puzzled, he chose a hiding place at random, and it was already taken by someone.

"Uh, I'm here." Mo Xian said strangely, he never thought that this would happen.

"You also came here because you sensed the fluctuation of the thunder talisman?" The old man quickly thought of the crux of the problem. Mo Xian should have the same idea as him.

"That's right!" Mo Xian nodded, but he wanted to laugh in his heart.

What does it mean to feel the fluctuation of the thunder talisman? The fluctuation of the thunder talisman is obviously caused by him.

"Then we are destined, together?" The old man smiled.

"Well, let's go together!" Mo Xian nodded. In this situation, what else can we do? At that time, each will use his own means.

Not long after, another group of people shot at them, and they also took out a Thunder Talisman.

But their luck was not as good as the old man's. Before they had time to do anything, another group of people came.

Both sides knew why they came, and they fought without saying a word.

"Little friends, what do you think we should do?" the old man asked Mo Xiandao.

"Let's see first!" Mo Xian said with a smile.

"That's what I mean!" The old man nodded. Now that they are in the dark, it is better to wait for the outcome of the battle.

The two sides in the arena were fighting fiercely for the thunder talisman, but they didn't know that there were many kind eyes looking at them from the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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