Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2630 3 in 1

Chapter 2630 Three in One
For the next period of time, Mo Xian kept trying to use the power of the sarcoma to break the seal.

The whole process can be described as extremely dangerous, especially in the eyes of Xu Tong from behind.

He could see very clearly that Mo Xian was hovering on the verge of life and death almost all the time, which made him feel like he was walking on thin ice, and his heart was in his throat.

However, Mo Xian was in such a dangerous situation, but he didn't seem to notice anything, and his face was quite calm.


Suddenly there was a roar, and the stone slab flew upside down in one direction, and Mo Xian grabbed it in his hand.

Xu Tong also reacted quite quickly, and immediately pushed Mo Xian onto another conical stone with a strong thrust.

After calming down, Mo Xian picked up the slate and took a look, and there were dense cracks on it.

This means that their efforts were not in vain.

"Did it work?" Seeing Mo Xian coming back, Xu Tong asked immediately.

"It's almost there!" Mo Xian raised the slate in his hand. Although the seal has not been completely broken, it should not last long, and there is no need to rely on the strength of the sarcoma.

Next, he used his strength to break the seal completely.


Accompanied by a roar, the stone slab cracked completely, revealing a halo.

Mo Xian recognized at a glance that the thing in the halo was also a rune. Although it was different from the rune he got before, there should be a connection between the two.

"Sure enough..." Mo Xian and Xu Tong looked at each other with joy.

It is indeed very wise for them to decide to open the seal here, otherwise they might not be able to find the silver thunder in the sky.

Needless to say, similar runes should be sealed in the remaining stone slab.

"It seems that we have to do it again." Mo Xian said after comparing the two runes.

"No, come again!" Xu Tong said with some lingering fear, the situation just now was too dangerous, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is always hovering between life and death.

Fortunately, that powerful existence seemed unable to move, otherwise they would have been killed by now.

"Do you have a better way?" Mo Xian smiled.

"No!" Xu Tong shook his head helplessly.

After the two recovered for a period of time, they started trying again.

Although it was dangerous this time, it was much stronger than before.

Not long after, the seal on the second stone slab was also released, and it was indeed a special rune.

"Thank you!" Mo Xian cupped his hands against the powerful aura not far away. No matter how you say it, the other party helped them this time, although it was not proactive.

Mo Xian immediately put the three runes together and compared them carefully.

The lines on the three runes are different, but they are clearly connected with each other.

"Will there be other runes?" Xu Tong felt a little helpless. The fragments were combined into runes, and then there were many pieces of runes, as if there was no end.

"I don't know!" Mo Xian shook his head, trying to activate the runes.

He tried to provoke it in the previous piece, but there was no response.

But now that the rune has become three pieces, there is actually some reaction.

With the influx of energy, the three runes approached each other, and finally merged into one.

"It's over. It seems that there are dozens of such things." Seeing this, Xu Tong was helpless.

"Probably not!" Mo Xian shook his head, and then urged Yuanli with all his strength.

The rune immediately glowed brightly, and emitted a ray of light, covering the entire cone-shaped boulder.

Then, the boulder suddenly seemed to come alive, and it started to move at a high speed.

"What's going on!" Xu Tong was shocked.

Mo Xian shook his head, just looked around vigilantly.

After an unknown period of time, the two of them clearly noticed that a lot had entered the light spot that seemed to be so far away forever.

Moreover, it is still fast approaching.

Although they don't know how far they have traveled, they can be sure that it would be difficult to get close to the light spot if they used their previous changes.

After another period of time, the two finally arrived in front of the nebula, and both couldn't help but gasped.

The nebula is really too big, it seems to be boundless, like an infinite vortex, which vaguely has the power to suck people's mind into it.

After regaining consciousness, Mo Xian found that a conical stone was thrown into the vortex, and then disappeared quickly, without a sound.

Mo Xian tried to separate a piece of consciousness and attach it to a cone-shaped stone that was about to be thrown into the vortex, trying to find out what was on the other side of the vortex.

But after the cone-shaped stone was thrown into the vortex, there was no sound, and the consciousness left by Mo Xian did not have any feedback, as if it disappeared suddenly.

"What's the situation?" Xu Tong asked quickly.

"I don't know, it's weird, it seems to be another world inside." Mo Xian shook his head, at the beginning he was still in touch with his spiritual consciousness, but his spiritual consciousness disappeared without warning.

"Is it another teleportation array!" Xu Tong felt a little helpless, the silver thunder in the sky was hiding too deeply.

Mo Xian didn't dare to enter at will, and then sacrificed several spirit treasures.

The moment the Lingbao entered the vortex, it quickly disappeared without being impacted by any force.

"I don't know..." Mo Xian shook his head, and after pondering for a while, he began to call Xiao En.

In this case, it is most suitable for Xiao En to investigate in the past.

You only need to stretch a section of vine in, even if the vine over there is cut off, Xiao En will notice something.

"Think of me at this time, don't do it..." Xiao En muttered, looking very dissatisfied, it is just a tree, why should it bear inexplicable problems.

"Tell me, what are you willing to do?" Mo Xian was helpless.

"It's the first day you met me. I won't do things that are useless and require desperate efforts!" Xiao En said.

"One thousand high-grade spirit stones!" Mo Xian was helpless.

"Ten thousand..." Xiao En said immediately.

"Why don't you go grab it!" Mo Xian was taken aback, but Xiao En really dared to speak.

"I'm robbing now!" Xiao En said proudly.

"Okay!" After pondering for a while, Mo Xian gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Why are you in a daze?" Seeing that Mo Xian hadn't moved for a long time, Xu Tong asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing!" Mo Xian shook his head, then opened his palms and aimed at the huge vortex in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a vine quickly shot out from his palm.

"Are you a vegetable!" Seeing a living vine growing out of Mo Xian's palm, Xu Tong was shocked. He had never heard of any martial arts with such an effect.

"It's just a secret method!" Mo Xian shrugged. He didn't want to expose Xiao En, but there is no good way now.

This explanation is reasonable, so Xu Tong didn't ask any more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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