Chapter 2652
Mo Xian was startled, and immediately backed away. Naturally, the larger shadow would not let him go, and immediately followed.

The rules in this place are very simple, the big ones can swallow the small ones, and it is very difficult to use the small ones to make big gains.

Fortunately, after the big bang, countless shadows appeared around.

Mo Xian was not the smallest, so after chasing him for a while, the shadow changed its target and rushed towards another shadow that was smaller than Mo Xian, which was much easier to swallow.

This shade is the smart one.

At this moment, Mo Xian has no good solution. It seems that the only way to survive here is to devour other shadows and make himself stronger.

Therefore, he also joined the ranks of chasing and devouring.

He didn't know why, anyway, everything was so natural, it seemed that he had been assimilated.

Other shadows basically rely on instinct, with only a very low intelligence, but Mo Xian is different, after all, he is a human being, and after all, he has some advantages among many shadows.

With the continuous devouring, Mo Xian's size became bigger and bigger, and suddenly, he found that the shadows around him began to avoid him on purpose.

Only then did he realize that his size was already invincible in this area.

He didn't know how big it was, but at least it was bigger than an unnamed small domain.

If such a volume is a solid body, I am afraid that the mainland will tremble a few times if it stomps its feet.

But now, this is not the ultimate here, he found that in a very far away place, there is a shadow that seems to be watching here, and the target is obviously him.

"I can't eat you, can't I run you!" Mo Xian was startled, and immediately floated to a further place, swallowing countless shadows along the way.

However, the huge shadow was obviously staring at him, and has been chasing after him.

Mo Xian couldn't care so much anymore, he ran all the way, devoured all the way, but the shadow behind him never left.

The two shadows, one in front of the other, spanned a long distance, and several times Mo Xian was almost swallowed.

However, at the last moment, he still relied on his own advantage to dodge, but he still lost part of it.

But this loss is nothing to him who is now huge.

After such a long chase, Mo Xian suddenly found that the shadow behind him stopped for some reason.

He thought that as before, there was a bigger shadow waiting for them ahead, so he stopped immediately.

But after careful identification, he found that there was nothing special in front of him, which was a bit strange.

At this time, the shadow chasing him suddenly began to retreat quickly.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xian suddenly realized this problem. It turned out that after swallowing all the way, he was already bigger than the shadow chasing him.

This is because he has been devouring and getting bigger all the way, but the shadow behind him has not been devoured, and the volume has remained the same, and it seems to have consumed some.

This shadow is obviously stupid, otherwise it wouldn't be looking for a target and sticking to it, and in the end it would be weaker than the target, which would be very embarrassing.

"After chasing you for so long, it's finally time for me to show off." Mo Xian was overjoyed, and then opened his huge mouth and chased after the fleeing shadow.

Those shadows that were bigger than themselves had instinctive fear, so after being chased by Mo Xian, their speed seemed to slow down a lot, exuding a feeling of fear.

Mo Xian would not be soft-hearted, after catching up, he swallowed it in one gulp.

This is a shadow that is about the same size as him. After being swallowed, it directly caused his size to increase by nearly one-third.

Along the way, Mo Xian has never met a shadow bigger than himself, which shows that he has almost become the overlord of this area and can devour it at will.

Ever since, his spring has come.

The huge Mo Xian wandered around in this endless space, devouring the shadows when he encountered them, which can be described as beautiful.

His size is also getting bigger and bigger. Although there is only this change, he feels that if he returns to a human state, there will definitely be great benefits.

During this period, he also encountered some shadows that were about the same size as himself, but they instinctively maintained peace and did not devour each other.

There are countless shades here and they have many better options.

Some small shadows are almost useless to Mo Xian now, he began to selectively devour those that are almost the same as himself but slightly smaller.

He didn't choose one that was bigger than himself. Although the effect would be good, it might capsize the ship.

Taking advantage of himself, Mo Xian's reminders expanded at a terrifying speed. He even felt that he had almost caught up with a large domain, and might even have caught up with the size of a small half of the continent.

After observation, he found that there were only three shadows around his size.

Together with him, there are four in total, which can be regarded as four parts of the world, with a clear sense of awe, and no one provokes anyone.

There may be some gaps between them, but after reaching this level, it can be ignored.

If he can swallow these three shadows, he will be the absolute overlord here, and there is almost no need to worry about it.

Thinking of this, Mo Xian began to consciously approach the territory of another giant shadow.

"You have crossed the line!" Not long after, a strange voice came to his ears, and then a shadow too large to describe appeared in front of him.

Although there is a long distance between them, they are still huge when viewed from each other.

Obviously, this giant shadow also regarded Mo Xian as the same kind.

"I want to know, what is the purpose of our endless devouring?" Mo Xian asked tentatively.

"Without purpose, devouring others is the meaning of our existence." The giant shadow said.

"What will happen if only one of us is left here?" Mo Xian asked again.

"That doesn't exist. Where you can't see, there will always be countless of the same kind. They are probably bigger than you." The giant shadow has obviously been here for a long time, and it knows a little better than Mo Xian.

"I mean if!" Mo Xian said.

"Then it will restart here, and everything will return to the initial state, and then countless shadows will be generated." The giant shadow said.

"Restart?" Mo Xian was taken aback. Restart seemed to mean starting all over again.

He didn't know if he would still exist, or if he would perish completely.

But no matter what, he should try it, he must swallow his eyes and the other two giant shadows.

As long as he devours one, the remaining two are at hand.

"How about, let's try. I'll swallow you up, and then I'll go swallow something else." Mo Xian said.

"You want to swallow me?" The giant shadow was obviously still confused, not quite understanding what Mo Xian meant.

To put it simply, Mo Xian seems to have broken some kind of established rules.

They are almost the same size now, can they devour each other?


Can't you?
(End of this chapter)

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