Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2675 Perseverance

Chapter 2675 Perseverance
Seven days later, the wind and snow gradually stopped, and the sky became clear.

The warm sunlight shone on the earth, although it couldn't dispel the coldness, it still made people feel warm.

Mo Xian has been holding Han Ling'er for seven days and seven nights, and because he keeps one movement for a long time, his body is a little stiff and numb.

Han Ling'er didn't sleep very well, sometimes she would talk in her sleep, and this situation has not changed until today.

"I can really sleep!" Mo Xian sighed helplessly, and tried his best to slightly move his stiff body.

But this can't be blamed on Han Ling'er. After the destruction of the Northern Wilderness Hall, she must have been in fear all the time, exhausted physically and mentally.

After finally seeing Mo Xian, an acquaintance, the defense in his heart was relieved, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

At noon, Han Ling'er's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she finally woke up.

After realizing that she was in Mo Xian's arms, her pretty face blushed slightly, then she moved away calmly and sat beside Mo Xian.

"Little sister, what happened?" After pondering for a while, Mo Xian couldn't help asking.

"Two months ago, someone came to attack suddenly. The strength was so strong that our Beihuang Palace couldn't resist it at all!" Han Ling'er obviously calmed down, and slowly told the story.

Although what she said was very simple, Mo Xian seemed to have seen the tragic scene of blood flowing into rivers at that time.

But the Northern Wilderness Hall is so powerful, there are several forces on the mainland that can do this.

Even if it can be done, I'm afraid I won't act rashly. After all, even if I solve the Beihuang Temple, I will be injured. It may not take a year or two to recover.

"But, what about people?" Mo Xian asked.

"I don't know, maybe they took her away!" Han Ling'er shook her head, obviously not wanting to continue this topic anymore.

Mo Xian frowned slightly. It was okay to take away the resources of the Northern Wilderness Hall, but it was a bit weird to take away all the corpses.

However, it is also possible that they are practicing some weird martial arts.

"Could it be Ghost Heaven Sect?" Mo Xian said after pondering for a while.

Guitianmen has always had conflicts with Beihuangdian, but Guitianmen is a grade lower than Beihuangdian, so it should not have this strength.

"Who else can there be except them!" Han Ling'er gritted her teeth and said, her eyes seemed to burst into flames.

"How could they suddenly have such great power!" Mo Xian frowned slightly, but this seemed to be the only possibility right now.

Han Ling'er got up suddenly, and flied towards the distance as soon as she moved.

"Where are you going?" Mo Xian was startled, and quickly chased after him.

"Avenge them!" Han Ling'er said firmly.

"Do you know where they are?" Mo Xian asked back. The whereabouts of Guitianmen are secretive, and it seems that there is no fixed residence, so that Beihuang Temple has never been found.

"I don't know!" Han Ling'er said.

"Then how do you get revenge!" Mo Xian heaved a sigh of relief, after all relying on him and Han Ling'er to seek revenge is simply a dream.

"I don't care, I will find them even in the ends of the earth." Han Ling'er's eyes flushed again, and those familiar faces appeared in her mind one by one.

Mo Xian knew that he couldn't stop Han Ling'er, so he could only follow behind.

When Han Ling'er figured it out, she shouldn't mess around.

However, Mo Xian obviously underestimated Han Ling'er's determination. For the next few days, they searched for the haunted places of Ghost Heaven Gate.

But Guitianmen seems to have disappeared, and there is not even a ghost in the area where it used to be frequently active.

"Little sister, with the strength of the two of us, I'm afraid it's not enough to confront Guitianmen head-on, why don't you find some help somewhere!" Taking advantage of Han Linger's rest time, Mo Xian hurriedly said.

With the relationship of Beihuang Temple, it should be easy to find some helpers.

Moreover, Beihuang Temple has also cultivated many powerful forces in secret.

"Hmph, if they were willing to make a move, they would have come a long time ago!" Han Ling'er sneered, even if other people didn't know about the destruction of the Northern Wilderness Palace, the few powerful forces secretly cultivated by the Northern Wilderness Palace would definitely be there. information.

But now they haven't made any statement, which is already very telling.

Now that the Beihuang Temple is gone, they obviously want to establish themselves. Anyway, most of the forces under their hands don't know the relationship with the Beihuang Temple at all.

"This..." Mo Xian was a little speechless. This may be the truth, and now the tree fell and the monkeys scattered.

"If you are afraid, you can go first, I will go alone!" Han Ling'er said.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that things may not be as simple as we thought!" Mo Xian said helplessly.

"Someone!" At this time, Han Ling'er suddenly turned cold, and chased towards a place as soon as she moved.

Mo Xian was helpless, Han Ling'er was a little too sensitive now, any disturbance would make her suddenly nervous.

Soon, the two chased for a long distance.

Mo Xian found out that this time it really wasn't that Han Ling'er was overly nervous.

He vaguely saw some black spots moving fast on the ice field at the end of his line of sight.

There will be basically no other people appearing here, and there is a [-]% probability that they are people from Guitianmen.

Although they were far apart, Han Ling'er had already drawn out her long sword, and looked at the dark shadows in the distance with a murderous look.

Those people were obviously not very strong, and they were quickly caught up. Judging from their attire, they should be from Guitianmen.

"Where is the Ghost Heaven Gate!" Han Ling'er stopped in front of those people and said coldly.

"Beihuang Palace, there are still people there!" Guitianmen and the others were all shocked, they just came out to deal with some matters, they didn't expect to encounter Han Ling'er unluckily.

"You really did it!" Han Ling'er's face turned cold, and she said again: "Take me to the Ghost Heaven Gate, and I will spare you!"

"Impossible..." Everyone in Guitianmen said, Guitianmen has no human feelings, if they do this, they will only welcome death.

"Then die!" Han Ling'er yelled coquettishly, and swung the long sword in her hand continuously. Immediately, several sword qi pierced through the air, killing those people from the Guitianmen in an instant.

Although she didn't get what she wanted, all she wanted now was to kill a few more people from Guitianmen to vent her anger.

However, a person from Guitianmen activated something before he died, and immediately a beam of energy shot up into the sky, and after exploding in the air, it emitted extremely strong fluctuations and rays of light, which could be seen from far away.

"They sent a signal, and experts from Guitianmen will come soon!" Mo Xian said, under the current situation, it is no longer suitable for them to stay here.

"I'm afraid they won't come!" Han Ling'er sneered, thrusting the long sword into the ice beside her, and sat down cross-legged.

Mo Xian shook his head helplessly, and could only stay by the side.

However, he could understand Han Linger very well.

(End of this chapter)

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