Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2744 Call

Chapter 2744 Call
After experiencing the previous suspicion, everyone soon lost interest in the strange combination of Mo Xian and the three.

In their view, such a combination does not pose any threat at all, and it is simply a miracle that they can appear here.

Mo Xian tried his best to struggle in Han Ling'er's arms, and his vision became wider.

He looked around, but he didn't find Georgie, nor the young man whose arm he forcibly tore off earlier.

Obviously, this isn't the only way to get into town.

In fact, no matter which direction you enter from, it is almost the same. As long as you open the restriction, you have found the entrance.

"Stay away from us!" Seeing the three of Mo Xian approaching, several warriors immediately said fiercely.

Han Ling'er was about to lose her temper at that time, but Mo Xian stopped her: "Leave them alone, the key is to find a way to break the restriction!"

He could tell at a glance that those martial artists just now did not pose any threat to them at all, so there was no need to waste time.

"You are the only one with a good temper!" Han Ling'er rolled her eyes, but still ignored those warriors, turned her head and walked in another direction.

This area is very vast, and there is no need for them to interact with other people, after all, the situation is still unclear.

"It's here!" After reaching a place where no one was around, Mo Xian jumped out of Han Ling'er's arms.

At this time, they were only tens of meters away from the city in front of them, but because of the prohibition, it was no different from thousands of miles away.

Mo Xian checked carefully, then took a few steps forward, stretched out his hands, and carefully sensed the restriction in front of him, and soon showed doubts on his face.

When he was far away, he could clearly feel the powerful restriction fluctuations here, but now that he was close, the fluctuations disappeared, as if there was no restriction at all.

Of course the restriction exists, but it is quite subtle, and he has not discovered the key yet.

This is also normal, after all, there are many fighters blocked by the ban, and some of them are masters who are proficient in the formation ban.

"Who made this ghostly place? Since you don't want people to come in, just destroy it!" Han Ling'er looked at the city that seemed so close, and said angrily.

In order to get here, they have already delayed too much time, but now they don't even know what the goal is.

Strange to say, they were originally here to find someone, but now they somehow turned into exploring a weird city.

"Some things are not destroyed just because they are destroyed." Mo Xian said with a smile, he is very interested in the city ahead.

"Then you have broken the restriction!" Han Ling'er said.

"It's not that easy, look at those people!" Mo Xian pointed in several directions randomly, and in each direction there was a warrior sitting cross-legged in front of the restraint.

These martial artists looked very old, and they were already as angry as a spring.

Mo Xian could tell at a glance that these people were supposed to be very powerful, but they were basically exhausted in order to break the restriction.

Moreover, they may not be able to take the initiative to stop now, they can only slowly exhaust the last trace of strength, and finally sit down.

"You won't do that too!" Han Ling'er immediately said nervously.

"I'm not that stupid!" Mo Xian said with a smile, breaking the restriction sometimes cannot be forced, often all it takes is a flash of inspiration.

He also thought of using the magical effect of ancient books to draw out these restrictions, but the restrictions are too big and involve too many things.

However, the automatic drawing of the forbidden map in ancient books requires huge energy support, and I am afraid that it will directly drain him.

And there is another very important issue, in order for the ancient book to take effect, he must enter the ban, which is probably no different from courting death.

Time passed slowly in thinking like this.

After three days, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore.

This is an old man with a white beard and hair, accompanied by several young men and women, all of them have extraordinary bearing, like dragons and phoenixes among others.

He called on everyone to join hands to break through the obstacles in front of him, otherwise he would never be able to enter the city if he continued to work like this.

Although most of them didn't know the old man, but the old man seemed to be that kind of unborn master, so his proposal was also approved by most of the people.

Soon, many people gathered together and began to discuss their understanding of this prohibition.

Of course, there are also some mavericks who did not participate in it.

In fact, Mo Xian also intends to join forces with everyone, but no one pays attention to him at all, so he can't take the initiative to join hands.

"Hey, those people really have no vision. You are such a big expert here, and you can't see it." Han Ling'er saw that Mo Xian looked a little disappointed, and said a little funny.

"Can you stop which pot is not open and carry which pot!" Mo Xian said sullenly.

"Otherwise, shall I recommend you?" Han Ling'er said while holding back a smile.

"Don't!" Mo Xian hurriedly refused, anyway, he felt that those people would not be able to discuss anything.

"Huh..." At this time, Han Ling'er suddenly let out a sigh, and looked behind Mo Xian.

Mo Xian was startled, and when he looked back, it was actually the old man walking over slowly.

"Three little friends, why don't you come and get together with the old man!" The old man said with a smile, looking very kind.

This time, Mo Xian felt a little embarrassed, just now he was muttering in his heart that the old man didn't take him seriously, but he didn't expect the other party to come to him so soon.

"Okay, old man, our little Mo Xian can't wait a long time ago!" Before Mo Xian could speak, Han Ling'er laughed.

"Hehe, please!" The old man made a gesture of invitation very politely, and then walked away slowly.

"Strange, why does Mr. Xing look at them differently!" Seeing that the old man actually went to invite Mo Xian and the other three in person, most of them were puzzled.

You know, it was the people around the old man who came forward before.

This undoubtedly made them very unhappy. How could the three of Mo Xian be treated like this.

"Mr. Xing, these three people are so young, and one of them is obviously a baby, how will it help us?" Finally, someone couldn't bear the dissatisfaction in his heart and spoke out.

"Hehe, people should not be judged by appearances. These three little friends may have some unique insights." Old Xing laughed.

"That's right, you've been pondering here for so long, and you haven't gained much, so you're ashamed to say us." Han Ling'er said a little displeased: "Also, although our little Moxian has just learned to walk, it's a matter of prohibition. genius."

"Hmph, geniuses, there are too many people who claim to be geniuses, but it's just a joke after all." Many people laughed contemptuously, and didn't take Mo Xian seriously at all.

In the final analysis, Mo Xian's size is still smaller than a normal adult's knee.

(End of this chapter)

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