Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2748 Failed

Chapter 2748 Failed

Although Ding Rui lost her five senses, in fact, she now has another pair of eyes, and she has a sharper perception of the whole world.

She immediately came to a slightly open place and mobilized her energy.

Because she has a high attainment in formations, and it was brought by Mo Xian, Taichu Academy specially arranged a big place for her, which is enough for her to study formations.

And where she is standing now, there are various magic circles she has arranged.

Through these magic circles, she can even perceive the changes in the entire Absolute Beginning Domain.

Not long after, some strange runes appeared around Ding Rui, followed by a powerful wave.

"Yes!" Mo Xian immediately felt the sensation, and tried to contact Ding Rui with his mind.

But this feeling is too vague, and it is not enough for him to communicate directly with Ding Rui, let alone Ding Rui to help him solve the problem of prohibition.

For a while, Mo Xian couldn't find any good solution.

The isolation of that place is too strong, and even the current induction may be interrupted at any time.

"Little friend, you'd better hurry up, we may be unable to hold on at any time!"

Around the huge formation, everyone's expressions were a little pale, and the hands that were mobilizing their energy were a little trembling.

More than ten minutes had passed, but Mo Xian, who was in the formation, did not respond at all.

"Hold on for a while, I've already found it." Mo Xian said, his voice seemed very ethereal, as if he wasn't here at all.

"It's easy to say!" Everyone suddenly felt a little annoyed. Under the current state, every second they lasted was suffering.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient. It is very difficult to communicate with the outside world in this way." Elder Xing said indifferently, and at the same time winked at a young man beside him.

The young man nodded immediately, then took out some pills and distributed them.

Immediately, the surroundings were filled with a strong medicinal fragrance, which made people feel refreshed and happy.

"Thank you, Old Xing!"

After receiving the elixir, everyone thanked them one after another. Although they didn't know what the elixir was, they could tell at a glance that it was not ordinary.

After taking the elixir, everyone felt much better immediately, and their breathing became much smoother.

Not long after, Mo Xian finally made direct contact with Ding Rui.

Speaking of it, Ding Rui has a way to do this, and he also uses the power of the magic circle.

At this moment, Mo Xian and Ding Rui seemed to be in a very strange space, the surroundings were very empty and there was nothing.

This is actually just their minds, and the surrounding space is also a world of formations.

"Mo Xian, is that you?" Ding Rui stretched out his hand, as if wanting to touch Mo Xian.

"it's me!"

Mo Xian was also a little excited, and stretched out his hand to Ding Rui, but the hands of the two just passed through.

They are not entities themselves, and naturally they cannot make direct contact.

In fact, both of them knew this would be the case, and just ignored the problem out of excitement.

"Where are you now?" Ding Rui asked excitedly, obviously crying.

Although Taichu Academy treated her very preferentially, she still felt very helpless.

After all, she is still invisible and intangible after all, and the whole world is in darkness.

"I don't know where I am now, but I need your help!" Mo Xian tried to use the formation to present what he saw directly in front of Ding Rui.

"This seems to be a restriction randomly arranged by many people, but it turned out to be a whole in the end." Ding Rui said the crux of the problem in one word.

"That's right, is there a solution?" Mo Xian asked.

"It's too vague. Unless I'm at your place, it's hard to find out." Ding Rui frowned slightly, it was really unintuitive to see it from a distance.

"Is that so!" Mo Xian nodded. He actually knew that the possibility of success in this method was really low.

At this time, Mo Xian's figure in the sky above the Absolute Beginning Domain began to become distorted.

"What's going on?" Ding Rui asked anxiously, she noticed that Mo Xian's aura was rapidly becoming weaker and getting farther and farther away.

"I don't know, maybe the energy of the formation is not enough. Don't worry, I will solve it myself." After Mo Xian left the last sentence, his huge figure completely dissipated.

The vision of the Absolute Beginning Domain also disappeared instantly, making everyone a little dazed for a moment.

This time Mo Xian suddenly appeared, and then disappeared inexplicably, which is really strange.

"What the hell is that kid doing!" For a moment, Yun Tianjiao and the others frowned slightly.

Could it be that Mo Xian's appearance this time is to show how powerful he is now?

Mo Xian's mind quickly returned to the restraint, and then the formation collapsed. After a muffled grunt, everyone flew out one after another.

But they quickly stabilized their figure, surrounded Mo Xian, and asked nervously, "Did you succeed?"

"The person was found, but the time was too short, and the distance was too far away..." Mo Xian shook his head. Although he only spoke half of the sentence, everyone understood it.

They expended so much effort and finally failed.

"Damn it!" For a moment, everyone's complexions became much uglier, and many malicious eyes fell on Mo Xian.

They took the risk of losing their cultivation to do this. Now that they have failed, someone must be responsible.

"Everyone, this little friend has tried his best!" Elder Xing said indifferently, and at the same time, an invisible coercion slowly spread.

Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and they stabilized their minds one after another.

"Hmph, since you don't have that ability, don't bring it up at the beginning. Now that it's all over, everyone will suffer."

"That's right, who wouldn't speak big words, but what about the result?"

Although he didn't turn his face on the spot, all kinds of harsh voices still emerged one after another.

Mo Xian didn't say a word, he had already predicted that if he failed, this would be the result.

"What nonsense, if you didn't want to open the restriction, you would be so kind." Han Ling'er was a little annoyed, but Mo Xian was taking a big risk if there was a problem with the formation, he might be the first to suffer. .

It was good that Han Ling'er didn't speak, but when she spoke, everyone immediately exploded, and the words became more and more harsh.

"Could it be that he is in any danger, no, I have to go there."

On the other hand, Ding Rui was quite worried after the contact was cut off.

She thought that Mo Xian had encountered a lot of trouble, so he took the risk of contacting her.

So, she immediately tried to locate Mo Xian based on the previous fluctuations.

It was undoubtedly difficult, but she succeeded.

Then, she immediately flew her hands, and the countless formations around her instantly activated, emitting strong spatial fluctuations.

Obviously, she is activating some teleportation formation.

There are more and more formations in operation, and the space looks very distorted.

Not long after, Ding Rui's figure disappeared.

Immediately, many people from Taichu Academy sensed it and rushed to where Ding Rui was, but it was too late.

After discovering that Ding Rui had disappeared, they could only smile wryly.

This person is gone, they can't explain to Mo Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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