Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2760 Chaos

Chapter 2760 Chaos
When the warrior in white said this, he obviously wanted to isolate the three of them.

"It's nothing close or not. Didn't you threaten to protect us?" Mo Xian sneered.

"Hehe, I'm right that I said that, but if you have any ulterior motives, then don't blame me for being rude." The warrior in white sneered.

"Since just now, have you been polite?" Han Ling'er said dissatisfied.

"Little girl, do you know that this place is extremely dangerous, if you offend me, I'm afraid there will be no good fruit to eat." The white warrior's complexion darkened, but his heart was even more itchy.

Han Ling'er has a somewhat savage personality, but he likes it very much.

"Cut, I think you're just talking about it." Han Ling'er said disdainfully.

"Hehe, it's just started now, and you'll know when the time comes." The warrior in white smiled maliciously.

Seeing this smile, Han Ling'er frowned slightly, with disgust on her face.

"Qi Bai, you don't have to put on airs here. We came here to let you lead the way." The middle-aged man said with a gloomy expression. He paid a lot of money to get Qi Bai's help. It was Qi Bai who came here once.

It is said that many people came, but he was the only one who escaped.

And after going out, his strength has greatly improved in a very short period of time.

But Qi Bai was insidious and vicious. After he came in, he directly violated many of the original agreements.

If it wasn't for him, the middle-aged man would have turned his back on him long ago.

"Why do you think you can live until now? Let me tell you, if it wasn't for the sake of some friendship with you in the past, you would have all died here before." Qi Bai sneered.

"No need to talk nonsense, I will take care of these three people. If there is any problem, I will naturally take responsibility, and you don't have to think about it." The middle-aged man said with an ugly expression.

"Okay, when the time comes, I'll see how you will be responsible!" Qi Bai shrugged, and then took the lead and walked forward.

When passing by a warrior, he suddenly grabbed the warrior and quickly threw it aside.

Originally there was nothing there, but when the warrior was thrown there, the space suddenly distorted.

Immediately afterwards, the martial artist screamed heart-piercingly.

But above his chest, a ball of flame suddenly appeared, and it was slowly spreading towards the whole body.

This flame, as if appearing from his body, is very strange.

"Qi Bai, you..." Seeing this, the middle-aged man roared angrily, and the veins on his face seemed to burst.

"Why are you so nervous, I just want to tell you that it's very dangerous there." Qi Bai said lightly, while speaking, he deliberately glanced at Mo Xian.

Obviously, he wanted to tell Mo Xian not to offend him in this cruel way, otherwise he might end up miserable.

Mo Xian naturally understood Qi Bai's meaning, and there was a sneer in his heart, that's all.

"Senior, is it impossible to save?" Mo Xian asked as he looked at the warrior who was slowly turning into ashes.

"No way!" The middle-aged man shook his head, and then shot out a long-distance force casually.

Strangely, Yuanli actually shuttled through the body of the burning warrior.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xian was slightly taken aback.

It felt like it was right in front of my eyes, but I couldn't touch it.

"Is it a formation restriction?" Mo Xian asked Ding Rui, some formations do have such an effect.

"Probably not!" Ding Rui shook her head, if it was a formation, she would definitely be able to detect the unique fluctuations, there is no doubt about it.

"You can see him, but he is not in this space." The middle-aged man explained: "The space here is very chaotic, if you accidentally go wrong, you don't know what will happen, so we can only follow Qi Bai !"

"I see!" Mo Xian nodded, this situation is too passive, but he has nothing to do at the moment.

"Qi Bai, you'd better restrain yourself!" After speaking to Mo Xian, the middle-aged man looked at Qi Bai with an ugly expression again. The latter became more and more unscrupulous, and now he dared to kill his people in front of him.

"Heh, to achieve a big event, there will naturally be some sacrifices. Do you think I'm putting my life on the line? If I make a wrong step, I might die!" Qi Bai sneered.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's complexion became more and more ugly, Qi Bai obviously relied on his familiarity with this place, and used them as cannon fodder.

He should have thought that Qi Bai would not be so kind, and the reason why he agreed to them was probably to make himself more successful.

"Hmph, are you going to leave?" Qi Bai sneered, he is the only person here who is familiar with this place, so there is no need to be afraid of anything.

"Lead the way!" Qi Bai said in a deep voice, apparently suppressing his anger.

"Kids, how about you?" Qi Bai looked at Mo Xian and smiled.

Just as Mo Xian was about to say something, the middle-aged man beside him said, "Little friend, don't be arrogant, it's quite dangerous here, just follow me and leave him alone."

Hearing this, Mo Xian nodded without saying anything.

"Hmph!" Qi Bai smiled contemptuously, and then walked forward first.

Along the way, Mo Xian thoroughly experienced what chaos is.

This fragmented city cannot be judged according to the rules at all, and there are many places that are contrary to common sense.

Just like an ordinary wild cat that has no attack ability in the outside world, it is indeed quite powerful here.

But some very powerful monsters here are as docile as pets.

There are also fragmented roads, various huge debris flying in the air, countercurrent waterfalls suspended in the air, and so on.

But Mo Xian has seen a lot of weird things, and he doesn't care about them.

On the other hand, Han Ling'er looked very enthusiastically, as if she had discovered a new continent.

"Wait..." At this moment, Qi Bai in front of him suddenly stopped, signaling for everyone to stop.

"What's going on?" The middle-aged man asked immediately.

"There is no way ahead!" Qi Bai said.

"There is no road?" Mo Xian was taken aback, there was a long road ahead, and there was nothing strange about it.

But this place is very weird, where there are often roads, there may be no roads.

"What do we do now?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Find a few people to go over and try!" Qi Bai said flatly.

"Impossible, I want my people to be cannon fodder and dream." The middle-aged man shouted.

"Since you are so loyal, why not go by yourself." Qi Bai said indifferently.

"Hmph..." The middle-aged man snorted coldly and walked straight ahead.

"No..." Seeing this, everyone stopped him one after another.

"It's okay, I want to see what it is!" The man in the middle waved his hand and walked forward resolutely.

(End of this chapter)

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