Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2821 Cactus

Chapter 2821 Cactus

Han Ling'er searched the medicine garden for a while, and easily found the natural treasures that satisfied her heart.

But she also had a sense of proportion, and didn't touch those things that would definitely make Xiaoen and her desperate.

After experiencing a large amount of water loss before, the medicine garden has gradually returned to normal.

Those strange animals were not afraid when they saw new friends coming in, they stared at Han Linger and the others from a distance with their big curious eyes.

And on the sand outside, Mo Xian was standing on a sand dune, looking around.

He had already walked a long way in one direction last night, but the surrounding area was still surrounded by endless barrenness, the place was so big that it seemed boundless.

He didn't care too much, anyway, with Xiaoen providing him with water, he didn't have to worry about anything at night.

However, he vaguely felt that the night here might not be as simple as a large amount of water evaporating, and there might be some strange existence.

After flying close to the ground for several hours, Mo Xian finally gave up. He felt as if he had lost his way.

In such a place where there is no reference, this is also normal.

He simply gave up, found a place and began to meditate with breath adjustment, preparing for the arrival of night.

Time passed by, and when the night gradually fell, Mo Xian noticed that his surroundings became dry again, and his skin began to become hot.

He opened his eyes, looked at the gradually sinking sun, and fell into a brief thought.

After watching the last ray of sunlight sink into the earth, Mo Xian got up and continued to walk forward, while he had already contacted Xiao En in his heart.

He had to make sure that Xiao En would deliver water to himself, otherwise he might turn into a mummy.

"Here!" Feeling Mo Xian's call, Xiao En said weakly.

"How are they?" Mo Xian asked.

"They are simply robbers!" Xiao En immediately regained his spirits, chattering about Han Linger's various robber behaviors.

"Okay, didn't I just take some elixir, anyway, there are plenty of them." Mo Xian smiled.

"What do you know, those are my kind, do you understand the feeling after being eaten by other species?" Xiao En said rather dissatisfied: "Think about it, if you saw a human being being eaten by another human... ..."

"Okay, stop, I'll just get you some rare varieties and put them in!" Xiao En hastened to stop before he finished speaking, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

It is indeed not a good experience to watch the same kind being eaten.

"That's what you said!" Xiao En's tone improved a lot, and at the same time, a quite nourishing energy was transmitted into Mo Xian's body.

Mo Xiandun felt refreshed for a while, but this way of replenishing water always made him feel a little strange, making him feel like he had also become a tree.

Just like last night, the surroundings soon became devoid of any moisture, which was weird.

"Why do you think this place is like this?" Mo Xian asked. There were always people around before, and it was not easy for him to communicate with Xiao En, but now he has no such worries.

Xiao En didn't answer. When Mo Xian was about to ask again, a small sapling suddenly appeared in the sand not far away, and it was growing at a savage speed.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mo Xian was taken aback.

"Come out and get some air!" Xiaoen said as a matter of course, but soon, the water in the sapling began to lose rapidly, and it began to wither in an instant.

"Hey, I still can't believe it. I have such a strong vitality that I can't grow in this ghost place." Xiao En suddenly lost his temper, and the dry saplings immediately began to regenerate.

Soon, however, it began to wither again.

Xiaoen obviously got into trouble with the special environment here, desperately urging the saplings to grow.

Ever since, a sapling is constantly changing its shape in the process of withering and rebirth, which is very strange.

This directly led to Mo Xian's lack of water supply, which was uncomfortable.

After a long time, Mo Xian finally couldn't take it anymore, and said, "Have you played enough, why are you so inexplicable?"

"Well, this tree has given up. I can't grow in this place. It seems that my vitality is still not strong enough. If you say it's all your fault, you always squeeze me..." Xiao En said in a babble. , It simply made Mo Xian a heinous landlord.

"Okay, stop..." Mo Xian couldn't listen any longer, and quickly stopped Xiao En, "Just be content, I haven't seen any other tree in this world that treats you so well."

"That's because you don't know it. I heard that there is a tree that wears gold and silver all day long, and there are hundreds of beauties who wait on it all day long..." Xiao En muttered.

Mo Xian was speechless, and changed the subject: "These are not important, the question is, what is the situation here?"

"Well, from the perspective of this tree, there is a very powerful existence here. At night, it absorbs the water here, and releases some during the day." Xiao En said seriously.

"To get to the point, I know this too!" Mo Xian said impatiently.

"The point is... I don't know either!" Xiao En laughed and said, "But I have a way!"

Hearing the first half of Xiao En's words, Mo Xian was about to scold, but when he heard the second half, he quickly swallowed what was on his lips, "Hurry up!"

"Look!" Xiao En said, and then there was no movement.

Not long after, Mo Xian saw a palm-sized plant appearing on the ground, emerald green and covered with tiny thorns.

"Cactus?" Mo Xian was stunned.

"It's a cactus!"

"What's the use of this?"

"Don't you know that cacti can survive in all kinds of difficult environments, and their root system is very developed, can they grow towards places with water?"

"I've heard of this, but have you seen any cacti here?" Mo Xian was speechless, apparently even cacti could not survive in this place.

"What do you know, this cactus is specially cultivated by this tree." Xiao En said triumphantly.

As if to match its words, the cactus also deliberately swayed its fat body in the wind.

Mo Xian stopped talking, and looked at the cactus carefully. He could feel that the cactus's plump body contained relatively abundant water, but it was also passing away quickly.

Soon, the cactus begins to shrivel up.

"See, it's useless at all!" Mo Xian laughed.

"What's the hurry!" Xiao En said impatiently.

The cactus soon began to shrink from dehydration, its green color gradually faded, and soon it died completely.

"It's really useless!" Mo Xian shook his head helplessly. He originally hoped that the roots of the cactus could find a place to absorb water, so that the current problem could be solved.

Looking at it now, this place is really a forbidden place for life, even the cactus specially cultivated by Xiaoen can't survive.

(End of this chapter)

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