Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2840 God Logic

Chapter 2840 God Logic
Seeing that the giant crocodile seemed to be at a loss, the one-armed young man was overjoyed. This giant crocodile seemed to be a little paranoid, with strange thinking, and maybe it would really help him by crippling Mo Xian's arm.

"I have a solution..." At this time, the giant crocodile suddenly let out a joyful cry, and then quickly spewed out a ray of flame from its mouth, directly landing on the only remaining arm of the one-armed young man.

The flame temperature was extremely high, and the arm of the one-armed youth began to evaporate instantly.


The one-armed young man screamed miserably. He didn't understand what happened for a while, and could only watch helplessly as his arm quickly disappeared.

Everyone, including Mo Xian, was stunned. What kind of solution is this?
"Damn it, what are you doing?" The other arm of the one-armed young man disappeared very quickly. He suppressed the pain and roared angrily.

"Since one of your arms was crippled by him, then I'll cripple your other arm, so it will be even." The giant crocodile said as a matter of course, paused and said: "It really looks much more pleasing to the eye, no need to thank me!"

Hearing the giant crocodile's explanation, everyone became more and more weird. Even if it was to be evened, it would be the one-armed youth who abolished Mo Xian's arm or the giant crocodile who abolished Mo Xian's arm. How could there be such a tie.

However, the giant crocodile is a monster after all, and its logic cannot be calculated according to normal people.

The one-armed youth wanted to crush the giant crocodile in terms of IQ, but it was a wrong decision from the beginning.

"I'm going to kill you!" The one-armed young man roared crazily, the energy in his body was very disordered, exuding a berserk aura.

But because he lost another arm, it was difficult for him to maintain his balance for a while, and his body couldn't help staggering.

But he is obviously in a state of madness now, and he can't care about so much anymore. The energy in his body gushes out like he doesn't want money, and rushes towards the giant crocodile without any rules.

The giant crocodile yawned lazily, and then swallowed all the violent energy coming from the pavement. The appetite is really good.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Mai Warrior and the others changed drastically, and they even cursed the one-armed youth hundreds of times in their hearts. It doesn't matter if he wants to die, but don't drag them on his back.

"It seems that you are still stubborn!" The giant crocodile looked at the mad one-armed youth and said thoughtfully.

"We don't know him, he is crazy, and has nothing to do with us!" The other warriors said quickly.

"If you want to lie to me, you are all in one group and must be purified together." The giant crocodile said righteously.

"Kill me if you have the ability!" The one-armed young man roared crazily, with both arms gone, what else could he do in the future, he might as well die.

Previously, he managed to learn some secrets from Mr. Xing, and his strength improved rapidly because of this, but he never thought that before he could face Mo Xian, he would be arranged by a crocodile.

That kind of unwillingness and humiliation was so overwhelming that he couldn't control himself at all.

"No, no, I won't kill you. It won't take long before you will know that it is wrong to fight and kill. What this world needs is peace." The giant crocodile said.

Although Mo Xian was weird in his heart, he actually felt that what the giant crocodile said had some truth.

However, such a thing as peace probably never really existed.

"By the way, how are you going to deal with these people?" Mo Xian asked curiously, feeling a little sympathetic to the one-armed youth and the others in his heart.

However, the aura of the sackclothed warrior made him feel familiar, maybe it was sent by Helen Zhe.

"Of course it was brought back to the lair and slowly purified," said the giant crocodile.

"Are you serious?" Mo Xian was taken aback.

"Of course, nothing is more effective than hanging up and beating, coupled with education." The giant crocodile said.

"Everyone, please pray for yourselves!" Mo Xian silently prayed for the one-armed young man. Fortunately, he did not offend the giant crocodile, otherwise he might be the one who was hanged and beaten.

"Mo Xian, help me out, I can go and intercede for you." At this time, the warrior in linen suddenly said, looking extremely urgent.

"You mean, Helenzhe's side?" Mo Xian sneered, "No need, I'll go find him myself if I have a chance, you'd better accept the purification here."

"Damn it, if you offend Master Helen Zhe, you will definitely die miserably." The warrior in linen seemed to have collapsed, and roared.

"But I'm still alive and well, aren't I?" Mo Xian said with a smile, the bombing of Hellenzhe's boat last time had completely offended Helenzhe, not much more.

What's more, with Helen Zhe's personality, he probably doesn't care about this warrior in sackcloth.

"Brother crocodile, you'd better be careful. These people have a lot of background. If your lair is discovered, it will be dangerous." Although Mo Xian was not afraid, he still had to remind the giant crocodile.

"Don't worry, my place is not so easy to find, and even if they do find it, I will educate a few more people." The giant crocodile laughed, but he still seemed a little excited. He paused and said, "It's too late to come out." It's been a long time, my skin is too dry, I have to go back to take a bath."

Saying that, its body became about a foot long, and it stood upright. As it walked, it said: "You guys, follow me!"

The one-armed young man had gradually calmed down, and he could only follow along.

Mai Warrior and the others did the same. They had no room to resist in front of this ancient crocodile.

"Tell me, if it were me, would I be able to beat this crocodile?" Mo Xian asked in his heart.

"It's hard to say, there is a lot of power in this stupid person, but he just doesn't know how to use it, but this kind of power will slowly awaken under intense stimulation." Xiao En said with some uncertainty.

"Then let's go quickly!" Mo Xian said, with a movement of his body, he returned to the ground after borrowing strength on the stone wall a few times.

To his slight surprise, there were already cacti everywhere in the distance, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a disaster.

"See, this is the power of plants!" Xiao En said excitedly.

"It's really amazing!" Mo Xian nodded. This place has not been fully recovered, and I am afraid that only this special cactus can grow wildly here.

After a certain time, the environment here has almost recovered, and other plants should appear, and then it will be regarded as really returning to normal.

"By the way, it's time to let them out." Mo Xian suddenly remembered something, and immediately opened the medicine garden.

Not long after, Han Ling'er Ding Rui and Su Wu walked out, but Su Wu still had Lei Qiu lying on his head.

Lei Qiu never gave Mo Xian a good look, and Su Wu's personality was also withdrawn, but he didn't expect to get together and get along quite well.

"What's the matter with this pet you keep, who doesn't care about me, but actually likes Senior Brother Su Wu." Han Ling'er said rather displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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