Martial arts become gods

Chapter 289 Bone Beast

Chapter 289 Bone Beast

Soon, the huge bone beast came back to life and let out a deep roar.

Only then did Mo Xian and the others see the whole picture of the skull beast.

This skull beast seems to be spliced ​​together with real bones. It has eight legs, three pairs of which support the body, and the remaining two have four or five reverse joints. tough bones.

It has long bony spurs growing all over its body, and two groups of cold flames flicker from the holes in its eyes, making it look extremely ferocious.

"Great God, come on!" Yan Zhijie made a cheering gesture to Mo Xian, and then led everyone to a distance to hide.

For this, Mo Xian could only respond with a wry smile.

He fixed his eyes on the skull beast. Although he hadn't fully cultivated his Xinghuo gazing, he could vaguely tell that this skull beast had the strength equivalent to the peak of a five-star martial artist.

It's not particularly strong, but the tough bones and huge body alone add a lot of points to the bone beast. Even a six-star martial artist may not be easy to face.

The skull beast also noticed Mo Xian's existence, and suddenly hit the ground with a powerful front paw.


Amidst the loud noise, a fissure quickly spread towards Mo Xian, and a fierce energy was steamed from it, like a volcanic eruption.

Mo Xian's complexion changed, and his figure immediately scattered from the side, and then a fierce death mark tens of meters in size quickly bombarded out.


Amidst the loud noise, the bones of the bone beast's whole body vibrated slightly, and under this vibration, the power in the death mark of the fierce spirit was completely dispelled.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xian couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

The design of this bone beast is really ingenious. There seems to be a buffer zone reserved in the connection between the bones, which can transmit the power to the whole body and buffer it, greatly reducing the impact force it receives.

Mo Xian's attack obviously angered the bone beast. It let out a low growl, and a deep white ghost fire appeared all over its body.

As soon as these will-o'-the-wisps appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot, and dense ice crystals even appeared in the air.

Mo Xian clearly noticed that his body seemed to be slowly being frozen.

His face darkened, he clenched his palm suddenly, and the Remnant Dragon Sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and then his figure turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the bone beast's feet like lightning.

Then, the Remnant Dragon Sword burst into a sharp force, and suddenly hit one of the bone beast's legs.

With the added strength of the Remnant Dragon Sword, Mo Xian's blow was not weak. One of the bone beast's hit feet was bent, and its huge figure lost its center of gravity.

"it is good!"

When Mo Xian was about to take advantage of the victory and chase after him, a neat applause suddenly came from behind him.

The sudden sound made him tremble suddenly, and the movements of his hands slowed down because of this.

The direct result of this was that the bone beast kicked Mo Xian upside down, and smashed heavily on a huge boulder that was nearly a hundred meters away, and just landed among Yan Zhilie and the others.

"Great God, are you alright!" Yan Zhilie rushed over immediately, and said with concern on his face.

"Ahem..." Mo Xian coughed a few times and said, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm cheering for you, do you feel your blood boil, usually in this kind of situation, the protagonist will definitely explode." Yan Zhilie said solemnly.

"I'm going to explode you big-headed ghost!" Mo Xian was speechless for a moment, Yan Zhilie was really poisoned.

"call out!"

At the same time, the bone beast opened its mouth wide, and spewed out a high-speed rotating spiral of cold air.

The cold air instantly froze into a huge icicle. While spinning at a high speed, it brought up a strong wind like a tornado. In this strong wind, there were also countless tiny icicles mixed in.

"Wow, it's coming again, Great God, hold on!" Seeing this, Yan Zhilie shouted, and immediately led the people to run away without a trace, but their cheers did not stop.

"Why did I get on board with you guys!" While Mo Xian smiled wryly in his heart, the Remnant Dragon Sword immediately slashed in front of him, and landed on the top of the huge ice crystal with incomparable accuracy.

The huge force immediately bent his knees, and the hard stone under his feet exploded in an instant.


The ice crystals rotated rapidly, causing the Canlong Sword to vibrate violently, and occasionally countless tiny ice crystals enveloped Mo Xian.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Xian's body was covered with tiny ice crystals.

These ice crystals melted instantly, turning into streams of extremely cold energy that poured into Mo Xian's body, and wherever they passed, they were almost immediately frozen.

As a result, a layer of ice crystals appeared on the surface of Mo Xian's body, as if his whole body was frozen.

"Hey, great master, let's work hard, the protagonist's aura is here!" Seeing this, Yan Zhilie immediately yelled.

Hearing this shameless voice standing up and talking without back pain, Mo Xian's heart was blocked for no reason, as if he had a kind of power to vomit.

"Drink!" He suddenly yelled, and Yuan Li swept his whole body, instantly driving away all the cold energy pouring into his body.


His figure shook, and the ice crystals on his body also exploded at this time, and then a fierce light burst out from the Remnant Dragon Sword in his hand, and a terrifying force burst out like a volcanic eruption.


The ice crystal exploded completely at this time, but Mo Xian's figure had already disappeared in place.

Covered by the cold air and rocks when the ice crystal burst, Mo Xian quickly approached the bone beast.

Thick ice crystals shot at Mo Xian violently, but he stepped on the wind and thunder, and abruptly threw all the ice crystals behind him.

"call out!"

The two flexible forelimbs of the bone beast smashed towards Mo Xian from two strange arcs. Although they still fell, it already made Mo Xian's scalp tingle.

He fixed his eyes on the two cold lights, as if there were flames burning in them, and the benefits of the Starfire Spirit Eyes were also brought into play at this time, and the two strange trajectories were clearly presented in his eyes.

As the electric arc shot under his feet, Mo Xian's figure surged away, and the two cold lights hit the side of his body, and were deeply embedded in the ground.

It seemed that it was stuck on something, but the two forelimbs of the bone beast couldn't retract quickly, so its movements froze for a moment.

Mo Xian seized this opportunity, clenched the Remnant Dragon Sword in his hand suddenly, and the sharp sword energy created a huge gully on the ground.

Amid the bursts of dragon chant, the Remnant Dragon Sword seemed to have turned into a long dragon, standing heavily on one of the bone beast's legs.


The whole body of the bone beast shook violently, trying to dissipate the power of the sword.

However, this sword hit the most vulnerable part of its feet, and coupled with its full strength, it was obviously not so easy to resolve.

(End of this chapter)

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