Martial arts become gods

Chapter 2896 Unknown Beast

Chapter 2896 Unknown Beast
Seeing that there was no movement below, Jia Yi came back to his senses and whispered, "Brother, are you dead?"

"Get out, I won't die even if you die. It seems to be a natural cave below." Soon, Jia Ren's voice came from below.

"Quick, let's see if you have any treasures!" Jia Yi suddenly became interested and said excitedly.

"Fart's treasure, there is nothing...something..." Jia Ren said, and suddenly let out an exclamation, and then fell silent.

"Brother...Brother..." Jia Yi was startled and shouted a few times, but there was no response.

His complexion changed, and he wanted to go down to investigate, but then he thought, if something happened to him, then the two of them would disappear from the world.

So, he immediately turned around and rushed towards the camp.

Before approaching, he shouted: "Boss, boss, something happened!"

Everyone was startled, what could happen after only a short while, and they didn't hear anything.

"What's going on?" Mo Xian asked.

"My brother fell into a hole and disappeared." Jia Yi said anxiously.

"Is there any hole around here? Didn't we check it before?" Mo Xian asked curiously.

"Anyway, there is a hole. If we don't save him, my brother will be in trouble." Jia Yi said, of course he would not say that the hole was made by them.

"Go and have a look!" Everyone knew that something was unusual, and immediately got up.

Jia Yi hurriedly led the way, and soon came to the vicinity of that strange cave.

"Look, this is the hole!" Jia Yi said.

Mo Xian flicked his fingers, and a halo of light flew into the cave. The cave was so big that the edge could not be seen.

"The entrance of the cave seems to have just been formed, what are you doing here?" Mo Xian asked curiously.

"Boss, don't ask so many questions. It's important to save my brother!" Jia Yi said anxiously, but his face was a little hot. Of course, he was embarrassed to say such a private matter.

"Yeah!" Mo Xian nodded, and after handing over the cold beauty floating beside him to Shen Jing, he jumped into the cave.

The hole was not deep, and soon he landed on the ground. There were some gravel scattered around him, and there was a faint strange smell.

He looked around, the hole seemed to be formed naturally, there was nothing there, and Jia Ren didn't know where he was going.

"What's going on next?" Soon, Mo Xian heard someone from above asking.

"There is no danger, you can come down!" Mo Xian replied.

Everyone quickly jumped down one by one. In order to ensure safety, they must move together now.

"Strange, where's my brother!" After Jia Ren got down, he looked around, but found nothing.

Everyone was also looking around, but they didn't find any traces, and it didn't look like there was any road leading to other places around.

"Ha..." At this time, a black figure suddenly jumped out of the darkness, and at the same time let out a strange cry.

This place was weird in the first place, and with the fact that a person had just disappeared, everyone was quite nervous, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that some monster had come out.

"Haha, you're scared, it's me!" Soi Ying suddenly laughed while clutching his stomach, it turned out to be the missing Jia Ren.

"Brother, why is it you!" Jia Yi was speechless after seeing that it was Jia Ren.

"Jia Ren, what the hell are you doing!" Shen Jing also said sullenly, now that this place is already in crisis, Jia Ren actually still has the heart to make such a joke.

Everyone basically glared at Jia Ren, but they couldn't say much.

"Uh, I just feel that I've been too tense recently, let everyone relax!" Seeing that he seemed to be playing too much, Jia Ren said bitterly.

"Let's go if you have nothing to do, this place always feels that something is wrong!" Mo Xian said helplessly, Jia Ren and Jia Yi's character was just like this.

At this time, his expression suddenly changed, as if he had discovered something.

At the same time, the expressions of the others also became tense, and they looked directly behind Jia Ren.

Seeing that everyone was looking directly behind him and looking nervous, Jia Ren's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly reacted and laughed loudly: "Forget it, this little trick is just trying to scare me. "

Obviously, he took everyone's reaction as revenge for him.

"Behind you..." Mo Xian rolled his Adam's apple up and down, looking very nervous.

"Come on, what's behind me, there's nothing in this place!" Jia Ren laughed loudly.

"There is really something behind you!" Everyone lowered their voices, as if they were worried about waking up something.

Jia Ren was taken aback. If he was lying to him, the acting would be too resembling.

At this time, he suddenly felt a chill down his back, as if a pair of eyes were staring at him from behind.

"No... no way!" Jia Ren suddenly felt a little unusual, and there seemed to be something strange behind him.

But he didn't dare to turn his head. Under such circumstances, if he turned his head, the thing behind him would definitely attack instantly, and he had no chance at all.

He tried his best to see what was behind him with his peripheral vision, but it was too dark here to see anything at all.

At this time the surroundings were quite quiet, Mo Xian and others did not dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing the thing behind Jia Ren.

This is a rather ferocious head, with many blade-like spikes and eyes like lanterns, but without any light.

A drop of cold sweat gradually slipped from Mo Xian's forehead, and after a while, he yelled, "Run!"

At the same time as he yelled, his body moved, and lightning flashed from his fist.

The head also moved suddenly, opened its mouth and quickly bit Jia Ren's shoulder. The speed was so fast that Jia Ren had no chance to resist.

Under such circumstances, Mo Xian couldn't attack either.

In an instant, the huge hideous head disappeared, leaving a huge hole in the rock wall.

Jia Ren played too much this time, and might have risked his own life in it.

"Did you see clearly just now, what exactly is it?" Mo Xian asked, he couldn't be sure, but it seemed to be some kind of strange beast.

"No!" Everyone shook their heads.

The ferocious head seems to be able to absorb light, and can only see the general shape, but it is impossible to determine what it is, and it is not even possible to determine whether it is a living thing.

"Boss, what should we do now? If my brother dies, I won't live!" Jia Yi said with a mournful face.

"He shouldn't be dead yet. If he were to be killed, he would have died just now." Mo Xian said.

"Could it be that it's not hungry yet, so take it home first and eat it when it's hungry?" Jia Yi said.

"There is such a possibility." Mo Xian nodded, and then said: "It may be dangerous for us to go in and find him now, so..."

He definitely wanted to go in and look for Jia Ren, but after all, there were still a large group of people, and it was impossible for them all to take the risk to follow.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tang Song: "I know what you want to say, we are with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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