Martial arts become gods

Chapter 3 Mojia Village

Chapter 3 Mojia Village

"Mo Hong, as adults, we shouldn't get involved in things between children. It's okay to make small troubles."

Mo Hong wanted to protect Mo Xian, but he was deliberately stopped by those people with malicious faces. It seemed that they just wanted to beat Mo Xian up.

Facing Mo Hu who was almost a hair stronger than himself, Mo Xian didn't care, and there was a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

"See if I don't wake you up!" Mo Hu was a little annoyed by the sight, and hit Mo Xian hard with his huge fist.

His punch was unequivocal, the muscles on his arms swelled quickly, and the veins on them squirmed, full of a sense of strength, and there was a faint sound of breaking wind.

If it was before, Mo Xian really couldn't deal with this punch.But it's different now, his strength, speed and eyesight have improved a lot.

In the eyes of others, this punch may be powerful and fast, but in his eyes, it is extremely slow, showing flaws.

Seeing that the fist was less than a foot away from him, Mo Xian didn't move at all, giving people the feeling that he was frightened stupid.

There was another hint of teasing on everyone's faces, as if they had seen Mo Xian being torn apart by this punch.

But at this moment, Mo Xian suddenly moved, his figure slightly moved away from Mo Hu's fist, and at the same time, his figure suddenly took a step forward and crashed into Mo Hu's arms, hitting his elbow heavily on the back or chest.


Amidst the muffled sound, Mo Hu suddenly felt his breathing stagnate, staggered and took a few steps back.


There was an uproar all around, and the contrast was too great.

However, although Mo Xian's strength has been greatly increased, there is a huge gap in physical strength between two-star warriors and four-star warriors.

Therefore, although he successfully pushed Mo Hu back, the latter did not suffer any substantial damage.

"Brother Hu, beat up this ignorant guy!"

A group of teenagers just thought that Mo Hu had missed for a while, and shouted loudly.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Mo Hu was also a little annoyed. He stared at Mo Xian with his eyes wide open angrily, shouted violently, stepped on the ground with both palms, and swept out again.

"It's too slow!" Mo Xian smiled lightly and shook his head, narrowing his eyes slightly, and looked towards a direction on the ground, where Mo Hu's weakness would be.

Mo Hu's speed was very fast, but he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a thin figure appeared in front of him, and at the same time, he felt that the foot he had just lifted seemed to be tripped on something.

He subconsciously glanced at the ground, and was shocked to find that a leg had appeared there at some point.

He was already powerful, but he just lifted his feet, so his body became unstable, and he fell straight forward, hitting the ground heavily, and fell into the mud.

"Damn, this kid is really lucky!" Everyone lamented Mo Xian's good luck, but they didn't know that this situation was deliberately caused by him.

Mo Hu got up from the ground with a mouth full of ashes, his face was blue and purple, obviously the fall was not light, and his face was covered with dust, it looked very funny, and immediately caused a burst of laughter.

"Boy, it's good luck, come again!" Mo Hu was obviously not reconciled, this time he was humiliated, if he couldn't defeat Mo Xian, his status in the hearts of his friends would be greatly reduced.

"What are they doing? It's not proper for such a large group of people to gather at the gate of the village and make noise. I'm not afraid that others will see the joke."

At this moment, everyone heard a rather majestic voice behind them, they immediately turned their heads and said, "Village chief!"


The person who came was Mo Qianrong's grandfather, the head of Mo's Village. He nodded lightly, frowned slightly when he saw Mo Xian, and said, "Most of the little guys must have passed the seven-star academy." the examination?"

"Report to the village chief, Mo Xian fled before the battle, it's a disgrace to our Mo family village, please punish the village chief." Mo Hu held back his anger, and immediately used the topic to make use of it.

"Oh? Really?" The village chief frowned slightly. Although he didn't think highly of Mo Xian, the latter probably didn't seem like the kind of person who would run away.

"That's right!" Everyone nodded, looking at Mo Xian full of mischief.

"Boy, in front of the village chief, let me see what kind of tricks you are doing!" Mo Hu looked at Mo Xian triumphantly, secretly amused in his heart.

"Nonsense! Mo Xian, what else do you have to say? Even if you can't pass, it's fine. You actually escaped. This time, you must be punished according to the village rules." In such a big village, now there is such a thing of fleeing the battle, wouldn't it be a joke to spread the word.

"Old fox, I already knew you were upset with me, so why bother to make excuses!" Hearing this, Mo Xian sneered in his heart, but he said calmly, "I have already said that I didn't run away, but I just don't like Qixing. It's just a school."

As for what happened between Mo Qianrong and Wang Yan, he didn't intend to say anything about it. It's better to settle this matter by himself.

"Haha, he said that he is going to Taichu Academy." Everyone burst into laughter, and even the village chief turned red, not sure if he was angry or laughing.

"Taichu Academy? Just rely on you?"

"That's right, it's up to me!" Jun Mo nodded seriously.

"It's true that a calf is not afraid of tigers. If that's the case, then I won't punish you this time. If you fail the next Taichu school test, then get out of Mojia Village with your father. We don't need you A person who can only talk big." The village head sneered.

"Yes, get out of Mo's Village!" The people around also booed.

"Village Chief, this is a bit serious, he is still a child after all!" Mo Hong was always honest, and he didn't know what to do now.

"At the age of 15, I can already take responsibility for what I say." The village chief said unrelentingly, "This time I will let him understand that not everything can be said indiscriminately, nor can anyone be provoked."

"Village Chief, I understand what I'm talking about. But I don't need to wait that long, I will pass this year's test." Mo Xian didn't know whether the village chief was referring to Wang Yan or Mo Qianrong, but these It's not important anymore, he only knows that he must fight now, otherwise it will be even more difficult for them in the village in the future.


Hearing this, there was a sound of gasping all around.

This year's assessment is just three months away, which means that Mo Xian will have to meet the requirements of Taichu Academy within three months.

He is only a two-star warrior now, but according to past experience, if he wants to pass the assessment of Taichu Academy, he must at least become a real warrior, and it is not 100% successful.

This meant that Mo Xian had to be promoted from a two-star warrior to a warrior within three months.

With such a speed, even some children from families with a strong foundation cannot succeed, let alone a person like Mo Xian who has no advantages at all.

"Haha, Mo Xian, I think you are crazy!" After a brief shock, there was a burst of ridicule all around.

Even Mo Hong had an unbelievable look on his face. If Jun Mo said that he was going to enter Taichu Academy before, he was angry, but now he is talking about a bet related to the fate of their father and son.

"Okay, since you are so confident, then as you wish, I will wait and see in three months." The village chief was overjoyed, but naturally he didn't show it on his face.This time, he finally found a way to drive Mo Xian away.

Everyone could also see that the village head was deliberately making things difficult for Mo Xian, but they didn't say much.Everyone knew it well, so there was no need to offend the village chief because of Mo Xian.

"Mo Xian, I think you are asking for trouble and boasting such a big mouth. I see what you will do when the time comes. I think you should hurry up and prepare to pack up and leave!" Mo Hu looked at Mo Xian triumphantly. , as if he had seen Mo Xian get out of Mo's Village in despair three months later.

Like Mo Hu, no one favored Mo Xian at all.He already thought in his heart that there would be no blacksmith in the village, and some things would be much more troublesome.

"Okay, let's put this matter aside for the time being. Today I will entertain everyone as the village head, and I hope that everyone will appreciate it. Besides celebrating the assessment of the Seven Star Academy, I have another The news is to be announced." The village chief pressed his hands together and waited for the surroundings to calm down.

"Village Chief, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, you'll know when the time comes." As he spoke, the village chief gave Mo Xian a meaningful look, then waved his hand to signal for everyone to leave.

The strange expression of the village chief made Mo Xian's heart skip a beat. He could probably guess that the incident this time had something to do with Mo Qianrong and Wang Yan.

Soon, under the help of the villagers, nearly seventy or eighty tables were set up in a large open space in the middle of the village.

It seemed that the village head had already made preparations, and all the delicacies, drinks and drinks were delivered to Mo's Village in a horse-drawn carriage.

This can't help but make everyone a little curious, what is the reason for the village to take so much trouble.

Soon, all the old and young people in Mojia Village were dispatched, and this free dinner was not free.

Mo Xian didn't want to go, but because of the village chief's face, Mo Hong forced him to go.

After waiting for the crowd to come, the village head appeared in front of everyone with a red face, and beside him was a pair of handsome young men and women, like a golden boy and a jade girl, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It's Mo Qianrong, but who is that person next to him, why does he seem to have seen him there?"

"You idiot, that's from the Wang family of Taichu City, who came to our village before."

"The Royal Family!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

The Wang family is a well-known existence in the city of Taichu, and it has nothing to do with Mojia Village.But at this time, everyone can almost guess that what the village head wants to announce may have something to do with the Wang family.

And, it can only be good.

Seeing these two people, the corners of Mo Xian's mouth couldn't help twitching, and there was an imperceptible coldness in the depths of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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