Chapter 3075
At this time, everyone's expressions on Mo Xian had changed a little. Being able to fight like this with Cao Da was enough to prove Mo Xian's strength.

Of course, this does not mean that they are optimistic about Mo Xian,
In their eyes, Mo Xian was still hitting a rock with an egg, at most it was a relatively hard egg.

"Hehe..." Cao Da laughed wildly suddenly, his distorted face was bloody, making him look very ferocious.

Necromancers are naturally weird, or crazy, and he is obviously the same.

"Even if you are stimulated, you don't have to go crazy!" Mo Xian sneered, while secretly thinking about how to deal with Cao Da.

"Crazy? Then let me show you how our Necromancers go crazy!" Cao Da laughed even louder. The nails above his ten fingers suddenly grew an inch, black as ink, and sharp as a sword.

Especially the faint black glow on the tip of the nails gave people an invincible feeling.

Mo Xian knew that the real battle might only begin now.

But to be crazy, he didn't think he would lose to Cao Da.

Almost instantly, the two rushed out at the same time and collided into one place in an instant.

Cao Da's claws are like sharp knives, and every time he swings it will form scars that make people tremble.

However, Mo Xian is not a vegetarian, and with his strong flesh and blood, he fought back and forth with Cao Da.

Although every collision was blood churning, it also inspired his fighting spirit.

Along the way, Cao Da is not the first formidable enemy he has encountered, nor will he be the last.

Not long after, there were many bloodstains on Mo Xian's body. If it were other warriors, the invasion of death energy would have turned to ashes long ago.

The more Cao Da fought, the more frightened he became, his strength actually felt a little timid in front of Mo Xian.

He had encountered this feeling before, but it was when others met him. It had nothing to do with realm, but a feeling of being checked and balanced due to different levels of strength.

"It's really weird that this kid's power can check and balance my power..." Cao Da had already sentenced Mo Xian to death in his heart. An existence like Mo Xian was definitely a huge threat to their necromancers, and he couldn't be allowed to continue. develop.

Thinking of this, Cao Da became even more aggressive. Every time he saw the blood flying from Mo Xian's body, he was so excited that he almost cried out.

Under this high-intensity confrontation, Mo Xian naturally had no time to care about his identity, and soon, the cloak on his head was smashed away.

"It's him!" After seeing Mo Xian clearly, the people in the Kamikaze Academy were shocked, how could this be possible.

The Taihuang Temple has only just been established, and it is already able to participate in this level of events?
But this is not important, the important thing is that the enemies meet each other, and they are extremely jealous.

Immediately, the people of the Kamikaze Academy explained the situation like the people of the Wind Spirit Clan.

"Oh? It's this kid!" The faces of the Fengling tribe immediately became playful. There are not many people on the mainland who dare to offend them. What's more, Mo Xian possesses a magic weapon that the Fengling tribe has been looking for for many years. evil wind.

They are known for their wind attribute, but the strongest Wan Yaofeng in the wind attribute is on Mo Xian, which is simply a slap in the face of their Wind Spirit Clan.

So no matter what, Mo Xian must be eliminated.

"Should we make a move now?" Kamikaze Academy asked, if they made a move now, Mo Xian would have no room to resist.

"Don't worry, this kid has some skills, let's wait and see what happens, after all, the Nirvana Immortal Terrace is the most important thing here." The Fengling tribe said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded their heads, looking at Mo Xian full of amusement.

Obviously, they wanted to sit back and reap the benefits.

If Mo Xian could get rid of the Necromancers, he would definitely be hit hard, and it was time for them to make their debut.

If Mo Xian couldn't, they would be severely injured. At that time, they would give up the Nirvana Immortal Terrace and directly try to get Mo Xian's Myriad Demon Wind.

If you get Wan Yaofeng, you can definitely make up for this loss.

Their wishful thinking is quite good, no matter what, they can get huge benefits this time.

The people in Lingtian Pavilion also had flickering expressions at this time, obviously thinking about it.

"Oops!" Mo Xian was also shocked when he found out that he had been exposed.

In the current situation, if someone took the opportunity to make trouble, he might have no chance at all.

However, the Lingtian Pavilion of the Fengling clan did not mess around.

Mo Xian quickly figured it out, it wasn't that they didn't mess around, but that they were waiting for the right time.

"It's not that easy to get the young master's idea!" Mo Xian glanced at Lingtian Pavilion of the Fengling Tribe from the corner of his eye, and there was a lingering coldness in the depths of his deep eyes.

The people in Lingtian Pavilion of the Fengling clan were startled, and many of them even took a few steps back in fright.

Mo Xian's eyes were quite terrifying, like a sharp sword piercing one's heart.

"Damn it, don't be complacent, there are times when you cry." After regaining consciousness, the faces of the people from the Feng Ling Tribe Kamikaze Institute darkened.

The same is true for Lingtian Pavilion. The grievances between them and Beihuangdian have now turned into grievances with Mo Xian.

What's more, before this, Lingtian Pavilion and Taihuang Palace had several conflicts, and Lingtian Pavilion was still defeated.

Seeing Mo Xian exposed, Huan Yuhan's complexion changed slightly, the situation got worse and worse, Mo Xian's opponents were clearly ready to move.

Fortunately, the elders of all races have been lured by the Necromancers, so they can't act rashly, but this only gives them a chance.

And those forces that have no connection with Mo Xian have also discovered the changes in the Lingtian Pavilion of the Fengling Clan. If these people do something, they may also intervene. When the time comes, it will depend on their own abilities.

Because of the exposure of Mo Xian's identity, the situation here has become delicate again, and all parties have ulterior motives.

Mo Xian naturally knew this too, all he could do now was to deal with Cao Da as soon as possible.

Although he is supporting right now, his power is consumed very quickly, and people from the Phantom Spirit Clan and Thunder Spirit Clan are also constantly losing.

Thinking of this, a strange fruit suddenly slipped into the palm of Mo Xian's sleeve robe.

The whole body of this fruit is red and covered with sharp thorns, which faintly contains extremely violent power.

Mo Xian found this in the meteorite fire ground. He didn't know what it was, but the violent energy contained in it made him a little scared.

Taking advantage of an opportunity, he quickly threw the fruit at Cao Da.


The fruit exploded in an instant, and the tyrannical and violent power spread wildly, and the sudden appearance of powerful power immediately made everyone's expressions slightly condensed.

"This is it!" Cao Da's complexion changed, and a grimace mask flew out of his sleeve robe, blocking in front of him, isolating all energy from the outside.

It took tens of breaths of time before the terrifying shock calmed down. Cao Da looked at the grimace mask that showed signs of melting, and his complexion became more and more ugly.

Mo Xian also felt a little regretful, it wasn't the best time just now, he was a little impatient, although he still had that kind of fruit, but it had already been exposed, Cao Da would definitely take precautions.

(End of this chapter)

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