Chapter 3078
Mo Xian, Huan Yuhan and Lei Dong sat on a nirvana fairy platform, quietly waiting for the last moment to come.

The faces of people from the Wind Spirit Clan and many other forces are constantly changing. It would be fine if the Necromancers succeeded this time, but the Necromancers were finally eliminated.

This is not only slapping them in the face, but also makes them feel very unbalanced. If it is not for some scruples, I am afraid they would have made a move long ago.

When Mo Xian and the others were desperate before, they couldn't see any movement, but now that the biggest trouble was solved, they couldn't sit still.

Although Mo Xian looked calm, he didn't even have the strength to move now. Once someone couldn't resist making a move, he basically had no strength to resist.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous, but he could only make himself look normal.

"Don't we just let it go like this?" The people of Shenfengyuan were still a little unwilling. After all, they were treated so badly by Mo Xian on Tianming Mountain, almost the whole army was wiped out.

"You have also seen his strength, even the five-star holy land can be dealt with, why don't we go to death!" the Fengling tribe said humanely.

"I don't think so. Although he won, it was a miserable victory. He is definitely at the end of his battle now, and he is just putting on a show." The people in Lingtian Pavilion took the opportunity to say, of course they also wanted to deal with Mo Xian, but they didn't dare to make a move first.

"The enmity between you Lingtian Pavilion and Taihuang Palace should be deeper. Since you are so sure, why didn't you take action yourself?" The people of Shenfeng Academy laughed, Lingtian Pavilion clearly wanted them to make a head start.

"We're just proposing a possibility, if you like to take action or not!" The people in Lingtian Pavilion choked up and retreated resentfully.

As time passed, the runes on the Nirvana Immortal Platform lit up one after another, and each time the runes lit up, the discussion became stronger.

Human desires are very terrifying, as long as it is not in such an extreme situation, there will be people who will stand up to them.

And now, that doesn't seem to be an extreme case.

"He's just pretending!" When the eighth rune lit up, someone suddenly shouted, and immediately after that, several idols rushed towards Mo Xian.

"What?" The behavior of these people surprised everyone, and after recovering, they rushed up regardless.

Everyone's nerves are already quite tense. Any stimulation at this time will make them collapse. Once they collapse, the greed in their hearts will completely erupt.

"Oops!" Mo Xian's heart tightened suddenly, the people who shouted just now clearly belonged to Lingtian Pavilion, and they were deliberately provoking everyone.

"Stop them!" Huan Yuhan's complexion changed, and he immediately shouted softly.

Leidong also reacted instantly, and ordered all the Leiling clan members to dispatch. Now is the critical moment, and they only need to hold on for a few minutes.

This time is not too long, but Mo Xian knows that once his situation is exposed, it may be a luxury to last a minute.

For a while, the scene became chaotic again.

In fact, it wasn't too chaotic, most people chose to attack the Phantom Spirit Clan and Thunder Spirit Clan.

"Is this the means of your top forces? Just now when the Necromancers were strong, they were so frightened that they didn't say a word, and now they have the nerve to come out and fight!" Mo Xian slowly stood up and looked at everyone with sharp eyes.

At that time, if these people attacked the Necromancers together, he would have nothing to say if he failed in the end, but these people clearly saw an opportunity and wanted to take advantage of it.

These top forces pretend to be upright all day long, full of benevolence and morality, but in the face of interests, they immediately show their ugly faces.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. If you want to be the leader, that's your business. Why, now that you don't have the strength, can you just play tricks?" The people in Lingtian Pavilion laughed.

"That's right, we're here to fight for it, why should we let you now!" the man from the Kamikaze Academy said humanely.

"Is that so, are you so sure that I have no power now?" Mo Xian said with a playful arc on the corner of his mouth.

In this situation, it is only a little bit of delay.

"It's not that easy to procrastinate!" The people in Lingtian Pavilion laughed, and rushed towards Mo Xian frantically.

Mo Xian sneered, and the energy in his body suddenly began to circulate crazily. His meridians and internal organs had been severely injured, and it was undoubtedly very painful to force the energy to circulate at this time.

However, he didn't change his face, and Yuan Li swept out, forcing the few people who rushed to the front to retreat.

But he himself trembled, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his expression immediately became sluggish.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Huan Yuhan and Leidong immediately asked someone to take their place, and then stood in front of Mo Xian.

"Haha, Mo Xian, you really are at the end of your battle, this time you will never be able to stand up again!" After this trial, the people in Lingtian Pavilion can be sure that Mo Xian is holding on now.

This is not only their opportunity, but also an opportunity for other forces.

"Do you Thunder Spirit Clan and Phantom Spirit Clan insist on keeping this kid?" Seeing the help of Lei Ling Clan and Phantom Spirit Clan, everyone was quite dissatisfied, which meant that two forces wanted to occupy three positions.

"Why, just now the Necromancers wanted to occupy three positions. Didn't you dare to let go of one? I'm going to blush for you. If this matter gets out, the reputation of your forces will probably plummet!" Lei Dong He sneered and said, these people are really calculating, they don't work when they should, and when they see an opportunity, they will immediately take a share.

"Don't talk nonsense, the things here are secrets, and no one can tell them. What's more, this is a strategy." Everyone laughed, anyway, it wasn't any force that did it.

"Your Fengling clan is also an ancient clan that has been passed down for tens of millions of years, and you are so shameless." Aunt Hong couldn't sit still at this time.

"Hehe, that's wrong. Before the result comes out, everyone has the right to fight for it." The Wind Spirit Clan said flatly.

Aunt Hong blushed with anger, but she couldn't speak at this time.

However, there are still some forces that did not make a move. It is not that they are not strong enough, but that they are not ashamed to do such a thing.

"Hehe, I will remember whoever made the move today. As long as I don't die today, my Dahuang Palace will definitely visit me someday!" Mo Xian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, trying to maintain his standing posture, "Feng Ling Clan, Kamikaze Academy, Lingtian Pavilion..."

He slowly said the names of the powers one by one, and all the powers that were mentioned suddenly felt a chill in his heart, a feeling of being named.

But they quickly came to their senses and roared angrily: "Hmph, what is the Taihuang Temple, this is the situation, so stop putting on airs!"

With this roar, everyone's attacks became more and more crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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