Martial arts become gods

Chapter 3105 Mysterious Energy

Chapter 3105 Mysterious Energy
It seems that finding the edge of this world is indeed impractical.

This small world obviously has the ability to expand infinitely. No matter what you do, it is impossible to find the edge. It is obviously not practical to go out through the edge.

After Mo Xian locked onto a mountain peak, he rushed towards it as soon as he moved. This was the tallest and largest mountain he could see.

After falling to the top of the mountain, he looked around, then sat down cross-legged, and took out the three things.

The first is the Lingbao fragment, which is the possibility he is most inclined to.

Although this fragment is only the size of a fingernail, the information contained in it is quite huge.

If it was restored to a Lingbao, then the things contained in this Lingbao might have been so huge that he couldn't even accept it.

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of blacksmith could forge such a spiritual treasure.

After adjusting his breath for a while, Mo Xian entered a state of no joy or sorrow, and then tried to sink his mind into the fragments.


Just a tentative moment, Mo Xian felt a roar in his head, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The aura in this fragment was too chaotic and powerful, even he couldn't bear it.

Needless to say, Wu Buqun must have tried to check the inside of the fragment, but it must have failed.

Mo Xian did not give up. After recovering, he tried again, but it still failed. This time, the backlash he received was even stronger.

After several attempts, he couldn't take it anymore and had to stop.

"Brother, is this thing so miraculous that even you can't check it?" Huo Miao asked strangely.

"That's right, the person who forged this thing deliberately left a strong blockade. Even if it's just a fragment, there's still no way to check it at will." Mo Xian said lightly, but the more this happened, the more he was interested in it. Fragments are of interest.

This is not only related to whether he can go out, but also allows him to have a deeper understanding of forging.

He still has a design drawing of the god of thunder on his body now. If he can understand this fragment, he should be able to try to understand the design of thunder god.

If it is really forged at that time, I am afraid that it can walk sideways on the mainland.

Of course, to forge such a spiritual treasure, the materials needed are probably quite rare, and it cannot be completed overnight.

After recovering, Mo Xian continued to break through the blockade on the fragment.

After hundreds of attempts, the seal on the fragment was finally loosened, and Mo Xian's mind finally sank into it.

At this moment, Mo Xian only felt that he had entered a vast universe, full of complicated and obscure lines and lines, with no beginning and no end, and it was impossible to sort out at all.

Mo Xian has forged many spiritual treasures, and has also investigated many spiritual treasures.

But none of the spirit treasures had such a complicated interior, and even the mysterious shadow-binding needle was much simpler than this, and it was just a fragment.

For a moment, Mo Xian seemed to have stepped into a new world. He even felt that his forging in the past was simply a child's play, no different from a child's play house.

As time went by, Mo Xian gradually sorted out some things, but he also gained more doubts.

The more you sink into it, the stronger this feeling becomes.

It's like the more you know about the world, the more doubts you have.

Three days later, he showed that he withdrew his mind from the fragment, and he successfully learned some information. This small world was indeed related to this fragment.

Afterwards, he released the mysterious energy, locked it between his hands, and began to examine it carefully.

This energy does not seem to be naturally generated, nor does it seem to be cultivated by humans, it is very weird.

It also contains some strange information, but Mo Xian can't understand it at all now, as if he is facing the words of another world, he can clearly see it, but he can't understand a single word.

He spent two days searching for this energy, but in the end he found nothing, which made him a little frustrated.

"Brother, what will happen if you absorb these energies?" Huo Miao asked.

"That's right, why didn't I think of that!" Mo Xian was startled, if he turned this energy into his own, he might be able to understand the information in it.

However, this energy is unknown, and no one knows what will happen after it is absorbed, but it is worth trying.

After much deliberation, Mo Xian finally decided to take a risk.

He held his breath, trying to absorb a tiny bit of that ray of energy.

However, the mysterious energy immediately resisted and almost flew out of his hand.

In the end, Mo Xian finally managed to absorb a little bit of it.

After this very weak trace of energy entered his body, it was like a thunder from heaven stirring up fire from the ground, and the energy in his body suddenly began to circulate violently uncontrollably.

"Pfft!" Mo Xian spat out a mouthful of blood and fell into a coma.

The remaining mysterious power flew out immediately, but came back soon, and got into Mo Xian's body directly.

Mo Xian's body trembled violently, and then there was no movement.

"Brother, don't die, I'm all to blame for talking too much!" Huo Miao immediately threw herself on Mo Xian, tears streaming down her face, but they were all crystal beads, quite beautiful.

"Don't waste it, human girls seem to like these things very much!" Huo Miao immediately went to collect beads, Zhan Shi forgot about Mo Xian, and was happy every time he picked up one.

Intruded into the body by the mysterious energy, the energy in Mo Xian's body was running crazily, almost going berserk.

However, his meridians were not damaged.

Although the mysterious power was running around in his body, it didn't seem to be aggressive, just looking for a shelter.

Mo Xian's vitality also gradually calmed down, but the mysterious energy was huddled in a corner, looking very inconspicuous.

Not long after, Mo Xian woke up quickly, and after regaining consciousness, he immediately began to check his body.

The strange thing is that Yuan Li, who seemed to be about to run away before, is very quiet now, as if nothing happened, and he was not injured at all.

"Huomiao, what are you doing?" Mo Xian asked, looking at Huomiao lying on the ground not far away.

"Oh, I cried out a lot of beads just now, they can't be wasted, they have to be collected!" Huo Miao said.

"I was about to die just now, and you still have the heart to collect tears?" Mo Xian was angry.

"Uh, brother, I'm sorry, this is a natural reaction, and I can't avoid it." Huo Miao immediately stood in front of Mo Xian with his head bowed like a child who made a mistake.

"Okay, what happened just now?" Mo Xian waved his hand.

"Just now you passed out!" Huo Miao said.

"and then?"

"You will wake up after the disaster!"

Mo Xian almost spat out a mouthful of blood, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with this answer.

"I'm asking about the specific situation, and where did the mysterious energy go!" Mo Xian forced himself to calm down and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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