Martial arts become gods

Chapter 3114 Skull

Chapter 3114 Skull
On the altar, there is a skull placed upright, which looks a bit gloomy in this dark environment.

The skull was pitch black, and there seemed to be a cold will-o'-the-wisp flickering in the empty eyes.

Mo Xian recognized it at a glance, it was similar to the black skeleton they found before.

Zha Kun stepped forward, stood devoutly in front of the altar, and prayed to the skeleton.

After a long time, Zakun opened his eyes, stretched out his fingers and touched Mo Xian.

"This is the ancestor of our tribe and the first person here. Unfortunately, there is only one head left in his skeleton..." Zakun slowly told the origin of the skull.

"How did he come here?" Mo Xian wondered, since he was a human being, he couldn't just appear out of thin air.

"The ancestor was here, he was naturally derived." Zakun said.

"Natural derivation?" Mo Xian looked at Huo Miao meaningfully. He had never heard that human beings could be derived naturally.

"That's right, there were no humans here originally, and he was the first to be derived." Zakun said.

"Then how did you come here? Is it a natural derivation?" Mo Xian asked.

"We are not, but the first batch were, and then they reproduced naturally!" Zakun said.

"How did he die?" Mo Xian asked.

"I don't know." Zakun shook his head.

Mo Xian was a little speechless, he became the chief for no reason, but unfortunately it didn't seem to be of any use.

"From now on, the ancestor's remains will be handed over to you for protection!" Zakun said with relief.

"Ugh!" Mo Xian sighed, walked over and picked up the head.

"Ji Li Gua..." Zakun suddenly became anxious, how could such a sacred thing be picked up casually, at least it needs a sense of ritual.

But in order not to scare Mo Xian away, he did not stop Mo Xian, anyway, this will be Mo Xian's territory in the future.

Like the previous phalanx, the skull also has some mysterious lines.

Mo Xian tried to put Yuanli into it, and the skull immediately greedily absorbed it, emitting a soft light faintly.

Zakun immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowing continuously.

Not long after, a large amount of information suddenly flooded into Mo Xian's mind from the skull.

Mo Xian understood in an instant, probably the content is that this is indeed a small world, and it was created by a spirit treasure named Mitian Illusory Realm.

This magical ring was not forged by humans, it was formed after years of gestation in the natural world.

The Magic Ring wanted to create a new world in the small world, so it created a human, and tried to form a new aura of heaven and earth.

Mo Xian digested the information silently. If it was true, it would be amazing. A spirit treasure has such great supernatural powers.

The owner of the phalanx should be the first person born here, and that trace of mysterious energy should be created by Mitian and Illusory Realm itself.

And those fragments of spirit treasures should be fragments of the Mysterious World.

The doubts in Mo Xian's heart were immediately resolved. He took out the fragment of Lingbao and asked Zakun, "Have you seen these things?"

"This is..." Zakun frowned slightly, thought hard for a while, and said: "I seem to have seen it before, these things are good fertilizers, they are buried in the ground by us, and people can dig them out if you want. "

Mo Xian was a little speechless. Such a strange fragment of Lingbao was actually used as fertilizer. It was really wasteful.

But after such a big circle, there is finally good news.

He immediately asked Zakun to dig out all the fragments of Lingbao, and there were as many as a dozen pieces, some big and some small.

Fortunately, these fragments should be a part.

Mo Xian tried to glue these fragments together by forging, and it turned out to be a success, but there was a very critical part missing, so he couldn't read any information at all.

And after absorbing more energy, the skull sent more information to Mo Xian.

He was indeed the first human being born here, but because of a problem with his cultivation, he eventually died of violence.

If he could be revived, he would be able to restore the Illusory World and open the door here.

The way of resurrection is also very simple, just find his bones and stitch them together.

As if the skull knew what Mo Xian was thinking, it got to the point directly.

Mo Xian was overjoyed immediately, the matter finally had a clue.

He immediately went back to find Li Qixuan and the others, and explained the situation.

When they learned of the situation here, they were all astonished. It is really unbelievable that a Lingbao has the ability to create the world and create energy for human beings.

"So, you are already familiar with the aborigines here?" Li Qixuan asked after digesting the information.

"It's not just familiar, it's even better than this!" Huo Miao said with a smile, "My elder brother is now the chief!"

"Chief? You're crazy, even if you want to inquire about the news, you don't have to involve yourself!" Li Qixuan and the others were stunned. The aborigines here are very backward, and it's hard to say whether they can adapt after going out.

"At that time, I was very helpless!" Mo Xian cried and laughed. He was already troubled enough now, so he didn't have time to take care of these aborigines.

But things have come to this point, and we can only take one step at a time.

"Admiration, admiration, brother Mo Xian is not a person who takes an ordinary path, and he will definitely achieve great things in the future!" Dong Zizi laughed.

"Uh, have you discovered anything recently?" Mo Xian changed the subject helplessly.

"It's nothing, everyone is studying how to farm the land recently." Li Qixuan blushed and said.

"You guys are really good at it. Since you like farming so much, it's just right that you send a few people to teach those aborigines how to farm!" Mo Xian said helplessly. Now that he is a chief, he naturally wants to seek some benefits for the people in his tribe. up.

"You are really qualified to be a chief. It's good that these boys are clamoring to return to the pastoral life recently, let them go, I believe they will like it very much!" Li Qixuan and the three said, and immediately went to make arrangements.

Mo Xian shook his head helplessly, who knew it would happen like this.

He randomly found a quiet place and took out the skull and finger bones.

Sure enough, there was an induction between the two bones, and it seemed that they could not wait to fuse.

Mo Xian tried to input more energy into it, and the bone's reaction became stronger. Soon after, there was a response from all over the island, which should be from other parts of the bone.

The skull is indeed the key, otherwise it would be impossible to find so many bones.

Mo Xian immediately set out to look for it, which was much faster than trying his luck before.

In the next few days, Mo Xian collected dozens of bones in various parts, some of which were so hidden that it was impossible to find them by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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