Martial arts become gods

Chapter 3147 The tragedy at the city gate

Chapter 3147 The tragedy at the city gate

Gradually, the speed at which the special energy struck the sealing runes became faster and faster, and more and more sealing runes were broken.

As the power of the seal weakened, Mo Xian gradually came to his senses, his body shook, and the ice on his body exploded instantly.

"Hehe, I really want to thank you this time, I didn't raise you for so long!" Mo Xian smiled lightly. Although the seal has not been completely lifted, it is only a matter of time.

Soon he discovered that A Li had disappeared.

As soon as his complexion changed, he immediately broke the surrounding ice, and his figure disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared outside.

At a glance, there are traces left by the battle everywhere around, and there is still a strong aura remaining in the air.

"Damn it, Holy Realm!" Mo Xian's face darkened, Ah Li should have come out to deal with those people, but the other party actually dispatched a strong Saint Realm, and there were more than one, Ah Li was in danger.

"Don't let anything happen!" Mo Xian took a deep breath, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Soon, he found several warriors moving around, probably looking for him.

As soon as Mo Xian moved, he appeared behind those warriors in an instant.

After a while, they suddenly turned their heads, and when they found Mo Xian, a look of surprise appeared on their faces, "Boy, you can make it easy for us to find."

"Where's the girl with me!" Mo Xian asked lightly.

"Hmph, lifeless thing, who gave you the courage to talk to us like that!" One person yelled, Mo Xian has already been sealed, he is a useless person at all.

"I ask you, where is the girl with me!" Mo Xian repeated again, although his tone was still calm, but it was obviously full of murderous intent.

"Who are you..." A martial artist spoke poorly, and before he finished speaking, he found that his body flew into the midair for no reason.

The same is true for several other warriors, who have no idea what happened.

"Death!" Mo Xian sneered, and slightly clenched his palms, and the bodies of those warriors suddenly turned into a blood mist.

Since he couldn't answer his question, he had no choice but to die.

Afterwards, Mo Xian met other warriors, and finally learned that A Li was brought to Vientiane City.

Today's Vientiane City is as prosperous as before, but there is a bit of blood in the quaint city.

In the distance, a figure came directly from the sky, but after approaching Vientiane City, it showed no intention of landing.

"Where did the idiot come from? Don't you know that flying is prohibited within the range of Vientiane City!" Sensing the breath in the air, many warriors raised their heads with sarcasm.

It must be another guy who has just arrived, I'm afraid it's going to be bad luck.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the man in the sky broke through the air-restricting magic circle directly, and did not slow down at all, as if there was no obstacle.

"How is this possible!" The warriors outside the city were stunned immediately, the air-restricting magic circle obviously didn't fail.

And depending on the situation, that person in the sky is clearly trying to force his way into Vientiane City, what's the difference between this and courting death.

Sure enough, almost at the same time that the person in the air forcibly broke through the restriction, several figures flew out of Vientiane City to intercept him.

"Go away!" The man in the sky yelled, and knocked those people who were blocking the way away in an incomparably tyrannical way.

"Sure enough, they are here to make trouble, this is Vientiane City!" Everyone was stunned, and then there was an uproar. They really don't know how to write dead words here.

"Who is your Excellency, why did you force your way into my Vientiane City!" Soon, more warriors came and intercepted the man in the sky.

But they didn't act rashly, after all, the comers were not kind.

"My apprentice should be here with you, hand it over right away, or you will destroy Vientiane City!" The person in the sky was calm, and it was naturally Mo Xian.

Although this incident is only related to a small number of people, since it happened in Mixc City, it cannot escape the responsibility.

"Hehe, although I don't know who your apprentice is, it's not something that can be done just by talking about conquering Vientiane City." Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

"Who is this guy? It's so loud!" The warriors below also sneered at Mo Xian. It's not without reason that Vientiane City has stood up for so many years.

Not to mention the city lord, even the intricate forces in Vientiane City couldn't make Mo Xian mess around.

Although these forces fight openly and secretly on weekdays, they are extremely united when dealing with foreign enemies.

"Hehe..." Mo Xian sneered, and casually pointed to the city gate.

At first there was no movement, but after a short while, the gate of Vientiane City suddenly collapsed.

Although his current seal has not been completely lifted, and he is not yet at its peak, it is still no problem to deal with these little guys.

"Looking for death!" Seeing that Mo Xian immediately made a move, the warriors in Vientiane City roared and attacked Mo Xian one after another.

But before they got close, their bodies flew upside down, spraying a few mouthfuls of blood while still in the air.

"Holy, a strong man in the holy realm!" Sensing the terrifying aura on Mo Xian, countless warriors turned pale for a while, and even had the urge to kneel down to worship. This is the absolute coercion that comes from the realm.

Seeing that no one was hindering him, Mo Xian snorted coldly and headed straight to Vientiane City.

But he had just entered Vientiane City when suddenly a gray figure galloped out from below and punched him directly in the chest.

This person is extremely powerful, and this punch has obviously been brewing for a long time.

Mo Xian immediately swung his arms to block the opponent's attack, and the powerful force shook his figure back several steps.

Right now, his strength is only around the one-star holy realm, and even somewhat inferior.

And the warrior who attacked him just now was a gray-robed warrior in the one-star holy realm.

Mo Xian noticed that one of this man's arms was very abnormal, and there was A Li's icy aura on it.

"Hehe, Your Excellency dared to utter wild words just after breaking through the holy realm, don't you know that cultivation is not easy?" said the gray-robed warrior. He could see Mo Xian's strength from the confrontation just now, and of course it was only on the surface.

"It seems that you were there at that time!" The corner of Mo Xian's mouth twitched, his murderous intent seemed to be real.

"What do you mean?" The gray-robed warrior was taken aback.

"It means that you can die!" Mo Xian snarled, and the Thousand Fingers were quickly cast out, and dense fingerprints immediately covered the entire sky.

At first the gray-robed warrior was able to parry, but soon his body was pierced by a finger force, and then a chain reaction was formed, and his body was constantly tumbling in the air.

After a short while, all the fingerprints disappeared, but his body was already riddled with holes.

"How is this possible!" At the city gate, the chief was dumbfounded.

The gray-robed warrior was already a top expert in Vientiane City, and he was killed in just such a face-to-face meeting. It seemed that this incident was unusual, and the visitor had come prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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