Martial arts become gods

Chapter 3156 Dowry

Chapter 3156 Dowry
With Yun Tianjiao's help, Mo Xian slowly returned to normal, and finally woke up.

"Thank you!" Mo Xian said calmly, his breathing was still a little short, obviously he hadn't recovered from the nightmare just now.

Although it was just a dream, the charm was so powerful that he was almost addicted to it.

If it wasn't for Yun Tianjiao's sudden appearance, he might have been really confused by the Nine Commanders.

"You have a demon?" Yun Tianjiao frowned slightly, Mo Xian is not the kind of person who would have a demon, otherwise he would not be able to live now.

"It's hard to say, it's more like a nightmare!" Mo Xian said, lowering his head to reveal the grimace brand on his neck.

"How did it come here?" Yun Tianjiao frowned even more. Although the imprint of the grimace didn't fluctuate in any way, it made him feel a little palpitating.

Mo Xian briefly explained the situation, but he had nothing to hide from Yun Tianjiao.

Yun Tianjiao suddenly slapped Mo Xian on the back of the neck, and the sharp force directly peeled off a layer of Mo Xian's flesh, and Mo Xian grinned in pain, "What are you doing?"

"It seems useless!" Yun Tianjiao said lightly, although a layer of flesh had been lost, the grimace brand on the back of Mo Xian's neck still remained.

"Who doesn't know that this is useless, you just want to take the opportunity to cut me down!" Mo Xian gasped, thinking to just cut off the brand, is this an insult to his IQ?

"You can feel that way if you want!" Yun Tianjiao said in a neutral tone, as if nothing happened just now.

"I finally understand why you don't have any friends!" Mo Xian was a little helpless, and he really couldn't do anything about Yun Tianjiao.

"I don't need friends, let's go!" Yun Tianjiao said, and disappeared as soon as he moved.

Mo Xian sighed, he didn't invite a helper to come back, he obviously invited a great god who does things according to his own mood.

After clearing up his mood, he began to recall the dream this time. It should be that the Ninth Commander entered his dream through the branding. It seems that he will try to avoid sleeping in the future.

For a warrior, this is not difficult.

For the next period of time, nothing happened, and there was no movement from the Wind Spirit Clan.

Mo Xian has been hiding in the back mountain to cultivate the blood body of Asura. This is indeed a mysterious martial skill. If he cultivates to perfection, his strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

However, cultivating the blood body of Shura is also very difficult. Using the blood of Shura refined in Vientiane City last time, he has only cultivated the blood body of Shura to the entry level.

As if it was a matter of course, his realm also entered the four-star holy realm with the success of cultivating the blood body.

Mo Xian didn't dare to be surprised, so many holy warriors were not refined in vain.

Time has passed so long, there should be news from the Wind Spirit Clan.

Thinking in this way, Mo Xian moved and came to a large hall, where Shen Jing and the others were indeed dealing with some matters of the Taihuang Hall.

"Is there any news from the Wind Spirit Clan?" Mo Xian asked.

"Not yet." Shen Jing rubbed her swollen head, glared at Mo Xian, and said that the burden of rebuilding the Northern Wilderness Hall now fell on them.

"I think they just don't dare to come!" Xiao Wu said seriously.

"Xiao Wu, compared to the Wind Spirits, we are like ants and elephants. Do you think they will be afraid of us?" Shen Jing asked without curiosity.

"Elephants can be killed if there are too many ants, that's what you taught me!" Xiao Wu said.

Shen Jing was speechless for a moment. Although Xiao Wu's words made sense, but to achieve this point, the ants needed would be an astronomical amount, and it would also mean a huge sacrifice. These were not something they could afford.

"Don't talk nonsense, it will make your sister Shen Jing so angry!" Mo Xian laughed.

At this moment, a whirlwind suddenly appeared in the middle of the big dot, and words soon appeared, this is the Wind Spirit Clan sending them a message.

It probably means that three days later, the Wind Spirit Tribe will order someone to present a betrothal gift.

"This Wind Spirit Clan is really deceiving people too much. If we agree, we will give a betrothal gift!" Shen Jing sullenly said.

"For them, it doesn't matter whether we agree or not!" Mo Xian sneered, but he wasn't afraid, anyway, A Li wasn't here anyway, the worst would be to tear his face.

"Throw out their betrothal gifts when the time comes, we haven't even seen that Feng Qingxuan's grandson, what if he is an ugly monster, we can't marry Ah Li!" Xiao Wu said.

"Xiao Wu, it has nothing to do with being ugly or not. Could it be possible that being handsome can marry Ah Li?" Mo Xian said a little dumbfounded.

"You can consider being handsome, but absolutely not!" Xiao Wu said seriously.

Everyone laughed wryly, if only things were as simple as Xiao Wu said.

Three days passed in a flash, this morning, just as the sun was rising, a large group of people appeared outside the Taihuang Hall, they were people from the Wind Spirit Tribe, and they were indeed punctual.

These people are all wearing uniform gorgeous clothes, all of them are stately, and there are luxurious and ancient carts pulled by various rare and exotic animals, which are full of various boxes.

The Fengling clan, a race that has been passed down for tens of millions of years, naturally also preserved those very ancient traditions. The dowry is all done in an extremely ancient way, but it is absolutely full of popularity.

And the leader is still Feng Qingxuan, his face is flushed, he seems to be in a good mood, it seems that he has really taken a fancy to Ah Li.

Such a huge team naturally attracted the attention of countless warriors, all of whom were full of envy.

Although they don't know the specific situation, they can guess a thing or two. It is definitely a huge power that is going to marry the Taihuang Temple. You don't need to look at the dowry to know it. I'm afraid a small domain can't show such a card. Come.

If the Taihuang Palace can unite with such a force, the Taichu Territory will naturally become stronger and stronger in the future.

Mo Xian stood in the air, looking at the people of the Wind Spirit Tribe, his brows were tightly furrowed.

It is impossible to keep the door out, we can only let Feng Qingxuan in first, and then make plans.

Not long after, Mo Xian and others saw Feng Qingxuan in the Taihuang Palace.

"Master Mo Xian, don't come here without any problems. I believe you have thought about what I said last time. This is a beautiful thing!" Feng Fengxuan said with a smile. It's time to lose face.

But he seems to have overlooked a problem. He proposed marriage in this way, which is no different from coercion.

"I said it last time, we won't agree." Mo Xian said flatly.

"Oh? Don't rush to refuse, let's see the sincerity of our Fengling Clan!" Feng Qingxuan seemed to have expected it, and winked at the people around him.

Immediately, eight people stepped forward and began reporting the items included in the dowry one by one. This is also an ancient etiquette.

(End of this chapter)

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