Chapter 366
A person passed Mo Xian's eyes. He felt that these people were suspicious, but he felt that there was no problem with them.

In the end, his eyes fell on a blacksmith who was completely covered in a black robe.

This person has a very low sense of presence, and Mo Xian had never noticed the existence of this person before.

The latter was dealing with the black iron waste in his hand unhurriedly at this time, and seemed to have not noticed Mo Xian's gaze at all, as if it was not him.

"Damn it, who could it be?"

Mo Xian frowned, but now that the stick of incense was half burned, there was no time for him to continue squandering.

After a little silence, he immediately chose a larger piece and continued to forge it.

"Heh, do you still want to hold on? You can't refine much from such a big piece, let alone such a small piece."

Everyone scoffed at Mo Xian's actions and laughed.

As time passed by every minute and every second, the stick of incense became less and shorter.

"I finished!"

SJS suddenly yelled, causing everyone to be surprised, and then raised their heads immediately.

I saw that SJS held a piece of black iron that exuded light, although it was not big, but its quality was very high.

Not long after, his figure disappeared in the first city.

After that, people continued to complete it.

When there was only the last bit of incense left, the faces of the remaining people in the hall already showed a look of despondency.

If it is not successful at this time, it is basically eliminated.

However, what made everyone curious was that Mo Xian was still forging in the corner of the hall.

"This guy is quite persistent. It's a pity that some things can't be achieved without persistence." Everyone was a little teased for a while, and they basically gave up hope, so Mo Xian's alternative really made them a little unhappy .

After all, at such a moment, he should be appointed!
Soon, the stick of incense was dyed to the end, and Mo Xian's last hammer fell.

However, what stunned everyone was that there was a piece of metal the size of a fingernail on top of the forged handle.

They are all blacksmiths, so they can tell at a glance that the piece of metal is exactly black iron and there is no mistake.

"How is this possible?" The rest of the people were stunned for a while, Mo Xian succeeded at the last moment?

Moreover, it was still under the situation that something went wrong before.

Although it is said that the black iron is only the size of a fingernail, Mo Xian's success cannot be denied.

At this time, there was no trace of contempt in the eyes of everyone looking at Mo Xian, only deep shock remained.

They still don't understand how Mo Xian succeeded.

At the same time, Mo Xian was also looking around. The man in black robe had disappeared at some point, he should have entered the second floor.

And the blacksmith hired by the vest force of the Divine Arrow Sect seems to have reached the second floor.

Not long after, Mo Xian and Zhou Shen were distorted for a while, and then disappeared in place.

Soon, Mo Xian appeared on the second floor.

His presence stunned everyone almost immediately.

Judging from the time, the stick of incense had obviously been burned out, that is to say, Mo Xian really finished it at the last moment.

"Damn it, how is this possible?" After SJS came back to his senses, it was like seeing a ghost.

The person who was completely hidden in the black robe frowned slightly, but he returned to normal soon after.

"Brother Mo Xian, I never thought you would succeed!" At this time, a middle-aged man walked towards Mo Xian and said with a smile.

Mo Xian also knew this person, and it was the blacksmith hired by the God Arrow Sect's vest, named Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hehe, good luck!" Mo Xian nodded, and then stopped talking.

He has already delayed a lot of time, so the progress of this second floor is naturally fuller than others.

At this time, everyone is working hard.

In front of everyone, there is a small stone ball, and on the opposite side, there is a circular depression. What they have to do is to push their stone ball into that depression.

Of course, this kind of pushing can't touch any part of the body, and you can't use Yuanli, otherwise you will be eliminated immediately.

Ordinary warriors might not be able to do anything about it at all, but blacksmiths are different, they have a sense that is different from ordinary people, and they can use it.

And this level is the test of the blacksmith's use of divine consciousness.

I don't know what material the stone ball is made of. Although it is small, it is extremely heavy.

Most of the people had enough strength, but Shi Qiu was only allowed to move a short distance.

Divine consciousness is very mysterious, although some people rumor that it uses the destructive power no less than Yuanli, but so far, no one seems to be able to use divine consciousness to that extent.

Moreover, this stone ball is obviously special, and it has a certain degree of resistance to divine consciousness.

Mo Xian only tried it once before he knew the suffering.

The stone ball itself is very heavy, and the ground is not absolutely flat.Once the control is not good, the stone ball will draw the best track, and it is difficult to enter the hole.

Moreover, there are some small pits along the way. If the stone ball falls into it, it may be difficult to get out.

It has to be said that the designer of this game is really a bit nonsensical, and actually came up with such a testing method, which really makes Mo Xian a little dumbfounded.

However, in order to win, he had no choice but to pretend.

He carefully controlled the movement of the stone ball, so that it was not particularly difficult, and his consciousness itself was much stronger than that of ordinary third-grade blacksmiths.

What's more, he can temper multiple materials at once, which shows that his degree of control is also stronger than others.

Therefore, he can be said to have an advantage in this level, and should be able to make up for the time lost in the first level.

Not long after, Mo Xian became familiar with this way of playing. Under the control of his powerful force, the stone ball must carefully cross the pit on the way, and march towards the finish line in an orderly manner.

Soon, Mo Xian came from behind and surpassed many others.

Seeing this scene, SJS' complexion suddenly sank, and then he winked at the surrounding people.

Then, several divine senses rushed towards Mo Xian's ball at the same time.

The ball, which was already in danger, trembled for a moment, almost falling into the small pit beside it.


But Mo Xian had expected this to happen a long time ago. With a cold drink, the terrifying consciousness swept away immediately, knocking those several gods back.


The person who was completely covered in the black robe suddenly let out a slight gasp. He clearly noticed that the consciousness that Mo Xian erupted in just a moment ago was almost far superior to all the people here.

SJS and the other saboteurs suddenly turned pale as if they had been hit hard.

Moreover, there were a few guys who couldn't control their stone balls and fell into the small pit, which was basically over.

However, that SJS was amazing, he managed to control his own stone ball, and at the same time, his eyes fell on Mo Xian's stone ball.

"Fall, fall!"

At this time, Mo Xian's ball was still on the edge of a small pit, and it was about to fall into it.

(End of this chapter)

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