Martial arts become gods

Chapter 37 Carlyle Auction House

Chapter 37 Carlyle Auction House
"I'm telling you this now because I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it. I'll tell you when the time is right. I'll have to thank you when I have good news. After all, you're the first one to drink my bath... No, body quenching water people." Mo Xian walked away while talking, and almost slipped his mouth.

"Mysterious, this thing is called Body Quenching Water, it's not bad, wait to find out!" Sun Zicong blinked his lips, as if he was still reminiscing about the sweetness just now.

Mo Xian returned to the dormitory, quickly filled the dozens of porcelain bottles he had prepared with his bath water, and then took a pitch-black cloak and hurried to the city of Taichu.

Of course, this bath water is diluted.He didn't want the effect to be too good, and some people who might become his enemies were cheaper.

His target is Carlyle Auction House.

The Carlisle Auction House is the property of the Carlisle Family. This family has a very strange surname. It is said that it has been inherited from an ancient family. Their family's business strength is very strong, and almost all major cities have their auction houses.

But it is no exaggeration to say that there are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing the Carlisle family can't find. Of course, the premise is that you can afford it.

The reason why I chose Carlisle Auction House is because there are many people here, and it is not too far from Taichu Academy.The most important thing is that Mo Xian will inevitably need to buy some things in the future. Instead of looking everywhere, it's better to lock down a family.

Not long after, Mo Xian arrived near the Carlisle auction house. He found a corner where no one was around, put the cloak on his body, and hid his entire face in the wide area, and then walked out.

There are a lot of people coming and going to Carlisle, and there are many murderers and robbers among them. Some things cannot be seen, so there are also many people who hide their true colors, so they don't pay much attention to Mo Xian.

After entering, there is a very wide hall, in which dozens of clerks are sitting upright and registering, very busy.

Often people like Mo Xian who are unwilling to reveal their identities are basically big customers, so the waiter immediately got the impression of Mo Xian, and said very respectfully: "May I help you?"

"I need...ahem..." Mo Xian almost gave away his voice, he coughed twice, then continued in a low voice, "I need to sell something." The voice sounded like a old old man.

"Oh, what kind of thing is it? Do you need to dispatch an appraiser?" The waiter asked again.

Bath water, no body quenching water should be something that has never appeared on the market, and Mo Xian himself doesn't know its value, so he thinks it's better to ask a professional to appraise it.

Thinking of this, he nodded.

"That's right, it's your first time here. If you want to send an appraiser, you need to pay a deposit of [-] gold coins. After all, some people will make trouble with worthless things, and there is a certain fee for dispatching an appraiser." Of course, if it is determined that the item is valuable, the deposit will be refunded in full," the waiter said.

"Damn it, the security deposit is so expensive!" Mo Xian couldn't help scolding his mother, but this was the family's rule, and he couldn't change it, so he could only pay the full security deposit.

"This way, sir!" The waiter collected the money and quickly led Mo Xian to a small private room inside.

Although the private room is small, it has everything in it, tea and snacks are top-grade.

"Damn it, if the bath water is worthless, then I'm at a loss!" Mo Xian felt a little pained thinking about it, but it was a whole thousand gold coins, enough for an ordinary family to enjoy for a lifetime.

"Eat poor you vampires!" Looking at the exquisite snacks on the table, Mo Xian found an outlet in an instant, and ate it unceremoniously.

After waiting for a while, the door creaked open, and before Mo Xian could react, he heard a burst of laughter like silver bells: "Giggle, I'm afraid the old man is hungry, if it's not enough, we have more! "

"Uh..." Mo Xian hurriedly wiped his mouth, sat upright, and said, "No need, are you an appraiser?"

What came in was a very coquettish woman in a fiery red skirt. She had long aqua blue hair, an exquisite face, and the most popular makeup at the moment, flawless.

She has a very hot figure, with a high chest, and a waist that can be grasped like a water snake, and she also has long legs that are enough to drive all men crazy.

From some aspects, she is even more attractive than Shen Wei.

She walks like a little wild cat lazily, with every frown and smile, there is a charm that can make a man's mouth dry, making Mo Xian, a young man, dare not look directly at her.

"Little girl Carlisle Nora, you can also call me Nora directly!" The coquettish woman chuckled lightly, following her words, there seemed to be a faint fragrance lingering at the tip of Mo Xian's nose, which made people twitch Sniff.

"Are you from the Carlisle family?" Mo Xian asked out of words, not daring to look at Nora.

"It seems that the old man has also heard about our family? There is a shortage of manpower now, and the appraiser will come later!" Nora has been watching Mo Xian. This time it is entirely because of the lack of manpower that she came here to play a guest role with you. All of a sudden, I didn't expect to meet an interesting guy.In all the time she's been here, she's never seen anyone eat dim sum like that.

After all, those who can come here are not ordinary people, and those snacks and tea are just decorations.

"'s okay!" Mo Xian said vaguely, and then stopped talking to avoid being exposed.

But Nora didn't want to let him go, and continued: "I don't know what the old man wants to sell this time, can I let the little girl learn a lot?"

Moxian instinctively wanted to refuse, but seeing Nora's expectant look, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he took out a small porcelain bottle from the ring: "It's body quenching water!"

"Body quenching water?" Nora was taken aback, as if she was searching for the name in her mind, but naturally she didn't find anything. She carefully took the porcelain bottle from Mo Xian, opened the lid and smelled it carefully.

Mo Xian's face turned red with a brush. You said that a beautiful woman like Nora actually smelled his bath water in front of him, which really made him a little embarrassed.

"What kind of unique formula is this? It smells faint! But I don't see the value, I have to wait for the appraiser to come!" Nora returned the porcelain bottle to Mo Xian with a smile. This time he noticed , Mo Xian's hands hidden under the cloak are very flexible, not like what an old man should have at all.

"The old man is well maintained, even better than my woman's skin." Nora said with a light smile.

"Ah! Really, maybe it has something to do with the exercises I practice!" Mo Xian was startled, could it be that the other party saw it.

Fortunately, Nora didn't bother with this issue, which made Mo Xian heave a sigh of relief.

Not long after, the appraiser finally came.The waiting time was not too long, but Mo Xian felt that after a century, generally speaking, it should be a very pleasant thing to be alone in a room with a beauty like Nora.

But he just felt a lot of pressure, as if he was exposed in front of this woman.

"The old man has been waiting for a long time, this is the appraiser!" Nora stood up and saluted apologetically, and her body also trembled, which made Mo Xian's mouth dry again.

Mo Xian took out a porcelain bottle, put it on the table, and said, "This is body quenching water. Its effect is to remove impurities and dark wounds in the body!"

"Oh?" The appraiser frowned slightly, glanced at Nora, and after receiving her signal, said, "Mr., I'm sorry to say that there are many things like yours on the market, but this body quenching water doesn't seem to have any." What a special place."

"Of course I know this, but my body quenching water can also be used by warriors. Moreover, even dark wounds that have remained for a long time can be repaired, and the effect is very fast. In addition, it is also very good for the recovery of some injuries." It works." Mo Xian said the speech he had prepared long ago, he believed that his bath water must be much better than those common medicinal materials on the market.

Although there are medicinal materials on the market that have the same effect as body quenching water, people at the martial arts level are almost dead when touched.Moreover, most of their effects are slow and require prolonged use.

"You mean, martial apprentices can also use it?" The appraiser said in shock. From his knowledge, he had never heard of medicines that martial apprentices could use, because people in this realm are too fragile to survive Can't afford to be destroyed by a little external force.

"That's right, and without any worries, it can be used indefinitely!" Mo Xian released another news that shocked the appraiser.

"What?" The appraiser couldn't help exclaiming, and even Nora, who was standing still, showed a look of shock on her face.

What kind of concept is it that warriors can use it, and can use it infinitely.

As we all know, the realm of martial arts is to temper the body slowly, and only after reaching a certain strength can it withstand the power of Yuanli.

In this process, there is no way to use external force to increase the speed, it is only relying on one's own skills and talents, so many people cannot break through this realm at all.

But it's different with Body Tempering Water, it can be used indefinitely, and in this way, it is equivalent to a person who can output the martial artist realm indefinitely.

Although this realm is not considered strong, it is also the largest in number, and is often judged by the strength of a family or force.

Not only that, the body quenching water can also solve the hidden danger of hidden injuries that cause headaches for many people, so there is no need to look for some other auxiliary medicines, plus the effect of healing.Such a multi-purpose thing can be said to be a must-have holy product for home travel and going out.

If this body quenching water is really like what Mo Xian said, it is simply against the sky.

"Old man, excuse me, I will continue to conduct an appraisal. If the result is true, it will be a miracle." The appraiser said with a slightly trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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