Martial arts become gods

Chapter 41 The first mission

Chapter 41 The First Mission

"Uh, then what can you do? As far as I know, most of the tasks that freshmen can get credits for are sweeping the floor. What do you want to do?" Mo Xian said.

"Whoever does these labor-intensive and low-cost tasks, I have done a great job!" Sun Tzucong said mysteriously.

"Oh? What big job?" Mo Xian lost his appetite instantly.

"I received a task from the teacher." Sun Zicong said triumphantly, "I have been begging for this for a long time, so you must help me!"

"Tell me what kind of task it is!" Mo Xian immediately became interested. Generally speaking, colleges do not provide tasks for freshmen. After all, freshmen may not be able to do it with their strength and experience. It will cause a lot of damage to the college's reputation.

"It's like this..." Sun Zicong moved closer to Mo Xian's ear, looked around, and then spoke slowly.

"I see!" After listening, Mo Xian nodded, "It sounds good, when are you leaving?"

"After class is over, we will set off immediately, but just to be on the safe side, we need to find someone else." Sun Zicong said excitedly.

"I don't care about finding someone, you can decide for yourself!" Mo Xian nodded, and then the two of them walked to the class.

This class was Shen Wei's class, she was still the first one to come, and beside her stood a very noble-looking girl, who should be from an extraordinary background.

After everyone arrived, Shen Wei smiled and said, "Today, a new student has been transferred to our class, and this is the one next to me. Please introduce yourself to everyone!"

"Hello everyone, I'm Jiang Rou, please take care of me in the future!" The girl had a very sweet smile all over her face, and she looked very easy to touch.

Beauty is indeed the object of boys' attention. The appearance of Jiang Rou made most of the boys feel as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. They patted their chests and promised that they would take care of Jiang Rou in the future.

But the girls were all preoccupied, after all, the new Jiang Rou instantly made them feel a lot of pressure.

"Jiang Rou, find a place to stand, we will start class right away!" Shen Wei said.

"Thank you, teacher!" Jiang Rou thanked her very obediently, her appearance was very pleasant.She looked around and walked slowly like a crowd.

A group of boys intentionally moved aside, obviously wanting Jiang Rou to stand beside them.However, the latter didn't stay too long in the front, and went straight to the back.

"" Sun Zicong prayed in secret, but his prayer seemed to really work, and Jiang Rou really came to her side.

"Aww!" Disappointed wolves howled all around, and Sun Zicong looked like a winner, looking proudly at the boys around him, with the attitude of a winner.

"Hello, please take care of me in the future!" Jiang Rou smiled at Sun Zicong's soft little hands.

Sun Zicong's eyes lit up immediately, and he touched his fat palm tremblingly, and then held Jiang Rou's little hand together. The soft touch made him a little intoxicated.

But just a slight touch, Jiang Rou withdrew her palm, then turned to look at Mo Xian on the other side.

"It really is the same as in the legend!" Jiang Rou looked at Mo Xian with a smile and said.

"Uh... what?" Mo Xian was a little confused.

"I've heard of you a long time ago, and you are as interesting as the rumors say!" Jiang Judao.

"Uh..." Mo Xian was speechless for a moment. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Sun Zicong winking at him.

He froze for a moment, then understood instantly, and shrugged helplessly.

Jiang Rou was also very understanding, she stopped pestering Mo Xian, and was soon amused by Sun Zicong.

In this class, Shen Wei mainly talked about the distinction and countermeasures of monsters, although monsters rarely appear in crowded environments.

However, it is inevitable that you will encounter powerful monsters when you are practicing outside, so this lesson is still very practical.

According to the types of Warcraft that have been discovered on the mainland, someone has worked out a rough identification method.

Generally, there will be a star-like imprint on the forehead of Warcraft, and it may be in other places.

The number of stars represents the level of Warcraft.One star is a first-level monster, two is a second-level monster, and so on.

A first-level monster is equivalent to a warrior level, and the specific strength of a first-level monster can be judged according to the color of the stars.

Of course, this is only the simplest and most intuitive method.If it is true, Warcraft can at least write a book half a meter later.

But for Mo Xian and the others, this most intuitive method is enough.

Mo Xian listened very carefully, after all, this might be a matter of life in the future.There was once a person who mistook a powerful monster for an ordinary monster due to lack of knowledge, and thus ruined his life.

This is enough to show that it is terrible to be uneducated.

Sun Zicong on the side naturally didn't listen much, and now all his attention is on Jiang Rou, looking like a hungry wolf who has been hungry for many days.

But he has always been like this, as long as it is a beautiful woman, he will not let it go. In his words, it is to cast a wide net and catch more fish.

A class ended without knowing it, and Shen Wei asked everyone else to dismiss, leaving Sun Zicong and Mo Xian alone.But for some reason, Jiang Rou didn't leave either, as if she was waiting for them.

"Sun Zicong, are you ready?" Shen Wei said.

"Of course, I have found all of them!" Sun Zicong said, patting his chest.

"Oh? It's the three of you?" Shen Wei was taken aback, Mo Xian said he was not surprised, but Jiang Rou just came here today, and Sun Zicong unexpectedly dragged her into the group.

"That's right!" Sun Zicong nodded. He had already talked about Jiang Rou in class just now.

"Since it's the three of you, let me be honest. This mission is an exception for you, so keep quiet. But if you mess up, I will be ashamed. You know the consequences! Do you understand?" said the back When the time came, Shen Wei's tone became a little more serious, obviously she wasn't joking.

"Understood!" The three of Mo Xian said in unison.

"Very good, then you can go now. Finally, I would like to remind you that the same task is often not taken by a team. I have revealed enough, and the next step is up to you." Shen Wei After finishing speaking, he gave the three of them a meaningful look, and then left straight away.

"No, I thought we were exclusive, but I didn't expect there to be competitors." Sun Zicong slapped his face and suddenly collapsed, a little frustrated.

"I don't know who our opponent will be?" Mo Xian said.

"If my guess is correct, it should be Han Fei or Zhou Ziming, or both, or it might be the mysterious No. [-]!" After pondering for a moment, Jiang Judao.

"Didn't you say that you don't usually accept tasks for freshmen? You seem to be talking about freshmen?" Mo Xian asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple. Since there is a freshman accepted, the college will definitely not arrange an old student as his opponent. After all, it is too unfair. Moreover, the task is dangerous. The three people I just mentioned are all freshmen. Among the best in strength." Jiang Judao.

"I see. If they say so, it would be interesting!" Mo Xian nodded, but secretly felt a little proud, "Hey, you sure don't know that the mysterious No. [-] has been standing in front of you all this time."


The three discussed for a while, and then sneaked out of Taichu Academy.

This time, their task was to help a village eliminate the invading monsters. The difficulty of the task could be said to be not high, but they needed to be very fast, otherwise the village would be flattened.

However, several unknown competitors made the task much more difficult.

When the sun was setting and darkness gradually enveloped the land, the three of Mo Xian appeared in a desolate and inhabited place.

Surrounded by large undulating hills, the ground is dotted with sporadic weeds, occasionally there will be one or two strange trees, and a few unnamed birds standing on the top of the trees make strange sounds.


The sound of this bird is very scary, adding a sense of terror to the already desolate place.

The darkness is getting deeper, and the hills that rise one after another are like giant beasts that are dormant one by one, waiting for the food to be automatically sent into their mouths.

"What the hell is this place!" Sun Zicong couldn't help cursing.

"What the hell are you talking about, isn't the map always in your hands!" Mo Xian said angrily.

"Uh, I almost forgot!" Sun Zicong slapped his head and quickly took out the map.

"Hehe..." Seeing Sun Zicong's dumbfounded look, Jiang Rou couldn't help laughing, and then even laughed with Mo Xian and Sun Zicong.

This was their first mission, so they were naturally full of confidence and prepared to do a big job. They never thought that a big oolong would come before they started, and they got lost.

It's okay to get lost, but in such an environment, it's easy to feel a little timid.

What's more, there are already roars of beasts coming one after another around, and it is not known whether it is a wild beast or a magical beast.

"It's all my fault, what should we do now?" Sun Zicong said with some self-blame. Originally, they had already arrived at the place called Yunshui Village, but because they deviated from the direction halfway, they couldn't make it today anyway.

"Can you drive overnight?" Mo Xian asked.

"I'm afraid not. Did you hear the roar of those beasts around? Now is the peak period of some monsters' activities. If we run around, we may be doomed if we encounter high-level monsters!" Jiang Judao looked like an experienced man.

"Okay, then we can only camp!" Mo Xian said helplessly.

"Camp, in this hellish place, why not drive overnight?" Sun Zicong was taken aback, glanced around, and couldn't help shivering.Although he said he wasn't spoiled, he didn't want to sleep in such an environment.

(End of this chapter)

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