Martial arts become gods

Chapter 426 Crazy

Chapter 426 Crazy
Mo Xian shook his head, and continued to walk towards his small shop. He was not even interested in doing anything to the people in front of him.

"You can't stay, either you go, or you kill us all!"

However, those people were unwilling to let go, and raised their weapons and shouted loudly.Relying on their large numbers, these people seemed to be sure that Mo Xian would not do anything.

"Really, if that's the case, then I don't think there is any need for you to exist in this world." Mo Xian finally became impatient, and Yuan Li boiled instantly.

He wants to see who can stop him today.

But at this time, Xi Yan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly grabbed Mo Xian firmly.

Although Xiyan didn't speak, Mo Xian still understood his meaning naturally, Xiyan clearly asked him to let these people go.

"Forget it, since Xi Yan is pleading for you, then I will let you go, but if you dare to provoke me again, then you will never be as lucky as this time." Mo Xian said lightly, while speaking , A terrible breath swept out of his body.

Then, Mo Xian walked into his small shop slowly.

Those who gathered here were completely shocked by the aura that Mo Xian released just now. They all showed panic, and it took a long time for them to come back to their senses, and then fled away one after another.

They originally thought that because of the large number of people, Mo Xian would compromise. After all, Mo Xian seemed more irritating than those of the Li family.

However, they seem to have completely miscalculated.

Mo Xian, who was angry, was more terrifying than those of the Li family.


"Xiyan, it's my brother's fault, please wake up!" In the small shop, the gloomy look on Mo Xian's face had completely disappeared, replaced by a gentleness.

However, Xi Yan still did not respond.

After all, she was a child, and the shadow on her heart this time was too great.

Mo Xian's heart couldn't help but twitched again, but he didn't show it, but comforted Xiyan in different ways.

After about an hour or two, Xi Yan finally fell asleep.

But he didn't sleep well, as if he was having some kind of nightmare.

"Brother Mo Xian, save me!"

Xi Yan kept talking in sleep, Xiao Dao's body trembled violently from time to time, Luo Yu still refused to let go of her hand.

"Xiyan, don't be afraid, brother will always be by your side." Mo Xian held Xiyan's little hand and couldn't help comforting her.


After Xiyan finally slept soundly, Mo Xian slowly walked out of her small shop.

There were obviously many people around who were watching Mo Xian, and after seeing him coming out, those people retreated further away.

Mo Xian didn't pay attention to these people, but just stood there quietly.

Not long after, a man with a longbow appeared.He saluted Mo Xian, and then said, "Master Mo Xian, do you have any orders?"

"Tell Qin Jian, I want to destroy the Li family!" Mo Xian said flatly.

"Yes!" The visitor didn't even ask much, and shot out immediately.Perhaps for the Divine Arrow Sect, it is not difficult to lose a family in the chaotic city.

Mo Xian originally didn't want to use the power of the Li family, but in this case, it seemed impossible for him to keep a low profile.


At the same time, the Li family was in chaos.

Knowing that a sub-helm of the Li family was forcibly eliminated, and that the other party dared to provoke unscrupulously, after admitting that he was the one who killed Li Chengzhi and left, the head of the Li family was furious immediately, but the strength of the other party also made him very jealous .

So, he began to muster all the forces he could muster, and he was bound to kill Mo Xian.


A few days passed quickly, the Li family remained silent, and Mo Xian did not take the initiative to look for them. After all, getting Xiyan back to life is the most important thing now.

However, Xi Yan has always been in that state.


City of Primordial Beginning, in Carlisle Auction House.

"Miss Nora, there is news that body quenching water has appeared in Fang's Auction House in Chaotic City." A warrior from the Karanel family who was in charge of inquiring about the news carefully reported to a woman with a perfect figure and a beautiful appearance.

This woman is none other than Carel Nora.

"Is the news reliable?" Nora was taken aback, and a hint of surprise appeared on her face immediately.

"Absolutely reliable, the news is from Fang's family in Chaos City."

"Okay, prepare for me immediately, I want to reach Chaos City in the shortest possible time."


After the warrior left, a charming smile appeared on Nora's face.

"For so long, everyone thought you were dead. Fortunately, I finally found you."


Chaos City, Li Family.

Today, the whole Li family was very busy, and all the people above the level of martial arts masters were already ready to go.

Among these people, there is no lack of half-step martial arts, or even masters of martial arts level, and one of them even walked against the sky and unexpectedly reached the legendary state of martial king. It is the head of the Li family, Li Batian.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, today is Li's death day!" Li Batian grinned, and immediately waved his hand, and everyone shot towards Mo Xian.


Mo Xian tried all kinds of methods to restore Xi Yan, but the disappearance didn't work.

"Xiyan, after I destroy the Li family, I will take you to buy a street!" Mo Xian was talking, his expression suddenly changed, and he noticed that a large group of people was approaching.

"Xiyan, rest well!" Mo Xian patted Xiyan's head, and then walked out slowly.

Not long after, a large group of people appeared in Mo Xian's sight, and the leader of them was Yu Kongxing.

However, Mo Xian didn't have any scruples and just stood there quietly.

"Boy, you are very good. You have offended our Li family, and you still dare to wait here." Li Batian looked at Mo Xian and shouted.

"Hehe, if I wasn't here, how could you find me so quickly?" Mo Xian said with a faint smile.

"Haha, it's interesting, when death is imminent, you're still stubborn." Li Batian laughed out loud, and under the laugh, there was an indescribable rage.

"If you have the ability, you can kill me." Mo Xian shrugged and said.

"Tsk tsk, you really have courage." Li Batian clicked his tongue, then looked at Mo Xian closely, and said, "My son, did you really kill Li Chengzhi?"

"That's right, not only did I kill him, I also want to kill you today." Mo Xian admitted without hesitation. For him, the Li family has basically disappeared, so there is nothing to be afraid of. .

"Haha, what a big tone." After Dao's affirmative reply, Li Batian laughed wildly, "If you are a newborn calf, you are not afraid, I will let you know that death is sometimes a luxury!"

As a strong Martial King, he could tell at a glance that Mo Xian's strength was only at the level of a great martial artist. Such strength was not worth mentioning to the Li family.

He even regretted a little, why did he have to work so hard.

"Haven't you come yet?" Mo Xian looked around, and a serious look appeared on his face immediately.

With some of the power reserved here by the Divine Arrow Sect, it is obviously not enough to destroy a family. Naturally, it is necessary to recruit people from the sect.

However, because of the distance, Mo Xian's reinforcements have not yet arrived, that is to say, he has to face the entire Li family alone for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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