Martial arts become gods

Chapter 528 No City

Chapter 528 No City
Originally, he just wanted to go on his way in peace, but he didn't expect that, without knowing it, he would be tricked by someone, and he would be messed up so badly.

He can be sure that as long as he goes to a crowded place and is recognized by others, someone will come to him immediately to grab that damned treasure.

"Damn it!" After a long time, Mo Xian couldn't help cursing.

Yin Qiantong on the side didn't speak, but stretched out his weak and boneless hand, and held Mo Xian's hand.

Although Yin Qiantong's palm was cold, Mo Xian felt a little warmth.

After that, his heart became much quieter.

He held Yin Qiantong's hand tightly without knowing it, and his heart seemed to be filled with strength for a moment.

Perhaps, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

After calming down, Mo Xian felt a little puzzled again.

Did he take the blame this time for the people who snatched those things, or was it simply a smoke bomb deliberately released by those who transported the treasures?
But no matter what the situation is, he will make the other party pay some price!
"Do you think it's strange?" At this time, Xiao En suddenly asked nervously.

Mo Xian was stunned for a moment, and carefully checked the surroundings. At first he thought it was nothing, but after Xiao En reminded him, he really felt something unusual.

In the surrounding darkness, there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes watching them.

This situation seems to have followed after the appearance of Brilliance.

"Can't you communicate with the plants around you? Ask them." Mo Xian said in a deep voice.

"It's very strange. Although the plants here are alive, they are lifeless, as if they have been emptied and only a shell remains." Xiao En said helplessly, it had tried it before.

But the surrounding plants didn't give it feedback at all, and even faintly rejected it.

Hearing this, Mo Xian's complexion suddenly sank. From this point of view, it seemed that they had not escaped, and were still under the control of some people.

He immediately thought of the person named Hua Chen, but he searched with his spiritual sense, but still found nothing.

Except for those lush plants, there is nothing around, not even a bug or ant.

Clean, with some exceptions.

"Qiantong, it seems that we have to go!" Although the surroundings were still dark, Mo Xian still made this decision.


In the darkness, on an inconspicuous hillside, a man in green shirt stood with his hands in his hands.

He just stood there quietly, but it felt like a big mountain.

Not long after, a black figure silently appeared beside him, knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, the thing disappeared."

"I know!" The man in the blue shirt said lightly.

"Next, what shall we do?" Black Shadow asked again.

"Things never disappear, find that boy." The man in the green shirt said.

"But isn't he just a cover, everyone is looking for him, it's impossible for him to have something in his hands!"

"What is that thing, what it looks like, how big it is, do you know these things?"

"The subordinates don't know, please tell the master clearly!"

"Hehe, it's a pity, I don't know either!"

The black shadow froze for a moment, and immediately disappeared into the darkness.

"Hey, it's really a headache. You didn't want him to go through these disputes, but unfortunately, some things are unavoidable after all." After a long time, the man in the green shirt sighed, and then gently pulled the air in front of him with his palm.

It actually tore apart the space, drilled into it and disappeared.


After going on the road for several days, Mo Xian's feeling of being stared at never disappeared, but there was obviously no one else around them.

This feeling made him more uncomfortable than being chased and killed by countless people.

Today, an isolated city appeared in Mo Xian's sight.

Standing tall in the yellow sand, the city is rendered ancient and vicissitudes.

This is a city of warriors, and Mo Xian can clearly feel that there are many powerful auras in it.

Originally, he didn't want to appear in a crowded place, but after thinking about it, perhaps the more dangerous he was, the safer he would be. If he mixed in with the crowd, he would have a greater chance of escaping.

This city is called Wucheng.

Many years ago, this place was uninhabited, but it connected countless cities in all directions, and it was a must-pass.

Later, an inn was added here, and it gradually developed into the current Wucheng.

But the strange thing is that after many years, the inn still only has the original one.

Today's Wucheng is very lively, caught in the crowd, it's easy for Mo Xian and the two to get in.

He faintly heard the people around him discussing the treasure, but no one noticed them who were inconspicuous.

Perhaps in the eyes of everyone, it is impossible for Mo Xian, who is carrying the treasure, to appear in a place like Wucheng where there are many people and a lot of people.

After entering the city, Mo Xian originally wanted to find an inn to hide and inquire about some news by the way.

But after searching many places, there was not even an inn.

This can't help but make him a little strange, the mobility of Wucheng is very large, could it be said that there is no place for pedestrians to live?
He randomly found someone to inquire about, and only then did he know that there was always only one inn in Wucheng.

According to the guide, he found the inn easily.

It was an inconspicuous house located among countless buildings.

As the only inn in Wucheng, it obviously doesn't have the luxury to match it.

In front of the inn, there was an old man in ordinary clothes who was cleaning the dust on the ground. His eyes were cloudy and his figure was a little stooped.

But his cleaning movements are meticulous, and if you look closely, you can find that his movements are exactly the same.

Angle, radian, strength, every time is the same as last time.

Perhaps, even the amount of dust swept was exactly the same as last time.

This old man is not simple.

This was Mo Xian's first reaction. He walked over, bowed respectfully, and said, "Mr., may I ask if there is any space in the inn?"

"If it's someone who should live in it, then there's it. If it's someone who shouldn't live in it, then there's none." The old man didn't raise his head, and continued to float the dust on the ground.

"Then, is it there or not?" Mo Xian was startled.

"Do you know how much dust there is on the ground?" the old man said suddenly.

"This..." Mo Xian was speechless. I'm afraid no one can answer this question.

"My master said that when I sweep away the dust on the ground, I can continue to follow him!" the old man said slowly.

How can the dust on the ground be swept away, so this is a sad story.

Mo Xian shook his head helplessly, the old man obviously had some mental problems.

At this time, the old man raised his head and glanced at Mo Xian lightly.

Then, a hint of doubt appeared in his cloudy eyes.

From Mo Xian, he seemed to see the shadow of a person.

"Young man, you are very similar to a person I know. Many years ago, a boy who was about your size came here, built an inn, and then there is Wucheng." The old man said slowly. Dao, as if telling a story to Mo Xian, in a low and slow tone.

(End of this chapter)

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